Monday, February 12, 2007


Yesterday I got a little taste of spring, here in crazy CO country, and oh it was glorious!!! I am so excited for nice weather. I keep remembering how we have our windows open all day, and in the evenings during summer. The flowers, lots of tulips, all over the neighborhood. THE PARK! Its going to be so much fun! Julia's been practicing her bike and Lauren is loving the wagon, albeit she wants to be STANDING. She walked down the street Saturday and I realized it was her first time walking outside, since she learned during all the snowstorms. It was so cute, she practically ran. She really likes outside, always has.
I want to have LOTS of BBQs this spring and summer- hear that Jones/Johnsons/(anybody who will visit us!!) What I really want is a new deck too, but since we spent this years tax return last September hello? ( new carpet), I guess the deck will be a while.
Looking forward to Valentine's Day. I put out a few decorations this year, I was so excited, but saved the real fun for V-Day morning. Tomorrow Julia's class has their party, hopefully it will be fun, although it is Lauren's nap time.
Yesterday on the way home from church Julia says, "I'm in love." I say, "You are? With who?" "With Ryan" she says. I laugh. "He's so handsome" she continues. "You are right Boo, he's a handsome boy. And smart and nice" I say. "Him is" she agrees. What am I going to do with this girl?


tabo said...

We're all over the bbq scene.
Ya boy!

Me said...

that is so cute that she is in love & not even 4 years old. adorable.

ashley said...

i want to come to a bbq at your house... isn't it so nice to come outside after the cold! it's snowing here today, and i am just dreaming about running around in the sunshine on the grass barefoot!