Tuesday, November 28, 2006

You know you live in Denver when...

You understand the full impact of the following statement, "Jay Cutler will be replacing Jake Plummer".
You get excited that Friday will be back up to 32 degrees.
You know that Cherry Creek is not a creek.
Not only do you know what DIA and DTC are, but you can get there.
All those things struck me this morning and made me sooooo happy I live here!!!!

Check out my little girly girl- looking in the mirror. I love how her little fingers made it in the picture- gripping the counter. She also likes to put on Julia's "lipsticks" & its so cute!!!!

She blew us all away the last couple days when she started interlocking her fingers when we would say, "time to say a prayer". She's 11months old and gets ready for prayer!!!! It's little blessings like these that make you feel like you're doing something right!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

In Humilty

MOM: Julia what are you going to ask Santa for when you sit on his lap?
JULIA: Everything I don't have.
Now isn't that the smartest thing you ever heard? She's so cute!!!!

We've decorated the house and it is so fun! The girls really enjoyed getting into all my tubs. We've been watching our Christmas movies and are determined to get through my favorite It's A Wonderful Life. Last year with a newborn it didn't happen. Today we watched Joy To The World, the church's DVD. I was in tears watching Mary hold her babe, how incredible that must have been, to hold HER miracle baby, to have the Savior of the world in your arms and just love him as a baby as only a mother can. Julia was completely enthralled by it. When I came down from laying Lauren down for her nap Julia was "resting" and when I asked her if she wanted a nap she explained she was Mary and she just had her baby, he was laying over there. A snowman was wrapped in a blanket as baby Jesus and all her animals were surrounding him being the people and animals that came to see Jesus. This girl is something else!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

What's Been Gobbleing On...

It was a nice Thanksgiving, very very thankful Lauren is FINALLY better. Just yesterday at our THIRD trip to the doctor he said if she threw up one more time after the anti-nausea pill he gave her, we would have to go straight to the ER to get her an IV with fluids. I was soooo sad and scared. THANKFULLY the little magic pill worked and today all signs of recovery were visible. She even got messy with mashed potatoes! :) She's such a FUNNY baby! Loves making us all laugh. So taking care of a sick baby all week is pretty much what I have been doing. My aunt and uncle came from Illinois for the week. That was nice. They adore my girls. Julia and Uncle Bill made these cupcake cookie turkeys- super cute! Also super cute is her wavy hair that she got when we took her braids out- she LOVED it!!! Ryan hung the last of the lights and now we're looking forward to a 1st Birthday and Christmas! What an exciting time of year!

Sunday, November 19, 2006


So the big Castle Rock event took place Saturday night, the rock for which this great town is named after has a big star atop it, for the past 71 years they have been lighting the star the Saturday before Thanksgiving and this year we witnessed it and reveled in it! The festivities begun in the late afternoon, you know the typical CHRISTMAS CAROLERS ON EVERY CORNER, FREE CHRISTMAS COOKIES AND HOT CHOCOLATE, A LIVE NATIVITY SCENE, HORSE DRAWN CARRIAGE RIDES! It was so fun and so amazing! Do we really live here? The street lights are all decorated with greenery and wreaths, the shops and banks, and restaurants all have decorations, lights, holly, all the seasonal decorations! I LOVE IT! Its like living on Disney's main street at Christmas time! So I'm very sorry there are no pictures, we forgot the camera- UGH!

The star was lit with a big count down and then there was a big fireworks display. Julia really liked it all, Lauren slept. We then went to Pizza Hut for dinner and Ryan proclaimed this our new tradition and made Julia promise that even when she's a teenager she'll come to the star lighting and Pizza Hut with her family.

We bought a new ornament that will represent our 1st Colorado Christmas, bought it at a cute little antique shop and now have the memory of our 1st star lighting ceremony attached to it! YAY!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Happy Feet

Took Julia to see Happy Feet last night and left the movie feeling soooo good! It has this underlying message about the over fishing that goes on in the Arctic and how the penguins' and other animals' food chains are being disrupted. When you see what is happening through the eyes of a penguin you feel infinitely powerful in making a difference. In the movie they look towards humans as being able to do something whereas the poor penguins are pretty much helpless. I usually feel like, "what can I do?", but now I have that spark I use to have when I believed I could make a difference when it comes to the environment. And may I just add, I can't stop thinking about those dang penguins!!!! I have to remind myself they weren't real, but then myself says, "But there are REAL penguins out there, somewhere." "oh yeah."

So Julia loved it but was a bit confused on the whole story line. Way way way over her head. And there was a scene with a sea lion trying to eat the penguin which totally freaked her out, I had to make her turn away and not watch, that sucked. It was seriously scary! When we left though we used our happy feet and danced to the car, that was cute! And we had to get popcorn, she would not stop talking about it! Funny kid! On the way home she said she wanted to go to Toys R Us and get a penguin costume so she could be a penguin- where does she think of these things????

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Leave me where I am, I'm only...

In this house, you get sleep where, and when, you can.

It's 9:45 p.m., and Lauren just went to sleep. That means Chanel's got about 45 minutes of free time. Walking upstairs, putting Julia in her bed, and then walking to our bed is a waste of precious time, so Chanel's catching a snooze with Julia on the couch.

See you in a few minutes, sweetheart.


YES THAT IS THE STATE OF OUR HOME RIGHT NOW. The girls have "something", Julia is puking and constipated, Lauren the exact opposite- about 30 diapers a day! I laid my sweet head down at 10pm last night only to get up at 10:05, 11, 1,3 (couldn't sleep for an hour then), 5, and finally had it at 6 and got us up. So what? I have had 4 1/2 hours of choppy sleep? And Ryan is right there along side me, poor guy. This is the third night like this and its taking a toll, I promise you that. Lauren has a fever and needs to be held while she whines, even now...bye

Monday, November 13, 2006

Its Beginning To Look A Lot Like

CHRISTMAS! Well only for a few moments at a time when we check to see how much progress we've made hanging lights on our front yard tree. I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW, its not even Thanksgiving yet, I promise we're not turning the lights on yet, we just thought we better get a head start in case it snows and we can't get lights up! Gotta plan ahead here in crazy weatherville! Actually I am just soooo excited! Our neighborhood went all out for Halloween so I can only imagine what Christmas will be like. We're NOT going to be lameoids, I have always wanted to do steller lights and this is the year! I told Ryan I want Temple Square in my front yard. So he's in charge of the house b/c I'm too chicken to get up on the roof, but I was in charge of the tree because I can't completely relinquish control. Ryan thought it'd be a good pict.. I must say it does capture the moment. Amazingly enough SEVEN strands of lights barely does our tree justice! We'll have to accumulate lights through the years b/c we've spent a small fortune already this year. And I don't understand the rule you can only plug three strands together at a time? How is that suppose to work? We have all seven connected together-yikes? Plus there was a warning I have never seen before to wash your hands after stringing the lights because the wires have lead which can lead to birth defects and fertility problems- JUST what I need!

So I also brought my camera to church yesterday and thought I'd do a wee blog about church in CO. Mainly b/c of this picture-there is also a bucket of salt. Is that so cool? No, I know its not, but I love it anyway. A shovel to clear the walk at church, I just find that to be so fun! There are also coat racks along the walls. These are just things you don't see in NV chapels and I think they are the bomb! SO I then got a little carried away with picture taking at church and got this shot in Sunday school- yeah I forgot to turn the flash off and Ryan and I about died when it red-eye blinked like a million times in the middle of the lesson!!! DUH!

But here's a picture of Lauren at church- what would my blog be without a picture of at least one of my children???
Church was exceptionally great yesterday, all three hours seemed to be speaking to me- Faithfully Endure Trials. With hoping another baby could be made this month that message both calms me and makes me cringe. I know it will work out the way it is suppose to, I'm just praying to accept the Lord's time frame and will.
In the mean time- CHRISTMAS IS AROUND THE BEND! YAY! And before that is December 5! The big ONE! Woo-Hoo!!!!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

1st Mommy Daughter Date

Last night Julia and I went to see DCHS production of Beauty and The Beast. She was so excited all week and especially all day. She believed it was the REAL Belle and Beast we would see. Ahhh, to be 3! I asked her earlier in the day if she thought they were on the airplane right now, (you know cause they live in Disneyland). I asked if she thought the people on the plane would be scared to have a Beast on the plane with them. She assured, "No they will not!"

We had to start our date off right with a stop at Cold Stone. Oh how I love cake batter ice cream! Julia had her first like it- chocolate ice cream with gummy bears! I suggested sprinkles, marshmallows, M&Ms. But she saw the jar of gummy bears and said, "what bout dese?", it was soo cute! So we had fun, eating ice cream and discussing what Santa might be bringing this year.

The show was fantastic!!! We have some very talented students in this town! Chaparral never came close to such an amazing production! The best part of the night was watching Julia clap after each scene. Ohhhh, melted my heart to see her clap so fervently and happily. She'd look at me with eyes filled with amazement at what she had just seen. It was priceless.

It was so great to take her to this, a very inexpensive first taste of theatre. I love the theatre. My first taste was Les Miserable in London- nice first taste huh? But I was 20 years old. I am so glad to be opening the world up to Julia at such a young age. I want her possibilities to be endless. I want her to know what theatre is and possibly want to be involved when she's older. If she has any of her dad's genes she'd be excellent! She's got a lot of drama and directing ability already naturally in her that's for sure. It was a truly enchanting night, a life long memory.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I think I hear that 95 million times a day!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! "I don't know" doesn't cut it either. Sometimes I swear she knows she's being ridiculous and sometimes when I blow my top she is just heartbroken because she's only trying to figure out this crazy world, and who else is she suppose to ask, GEEZ CHANEL! I hate it when I have bad mom moments/days, which have been frequent since Ryan has worked 5-9 all week. Jules and I repented in our family prayer last night and promised to do better today, and it has been a much better day!
Here are some of my WHYs for the universe....
Why did gas suddenly jump 10 cents today (election day????) when we are just finally beginning to afford it again?
Why can't I ever do it all (clean, play, pray, blog, scrap, eat right, and relax) in a day?
Why don't we ever have extra money?
Why does Julia like M&M chapstick the best when it is the one that smells the worst and leaves a brown ring around her lips?
Why am I so blessed and Why do I forget my blessings so quickly?

This was started Tuesday and revamped today, hence the gas price comment. But YAY!!! Democrats are back baby! Can't wait for '08!!!!
I've been reading a lot of other blogs lately and I am so impressed with the creative women out there! At first I was bummed that I don't have that kind of creativity , but I'm all good, I'm me. I really like what I do and how I do things, even when its nothing, but talk to my friends and connect. That's my skill I think, its not something I can take a picture of and post here, but its about having that human connection and just being. Being with my family. Being with my friends. Love that. But holla to all you creative genius out there, you do inspire me!

Monday, November 06, 2006

A view from Julia

My little photographer- documenting our life. She can take pretty dang good pictures. I love this one of Lauren and me. Pretty typical, me inthe kitchen HOLDING Lauren. I love the picture table one too. I love the pictures of our family! It is one of my most favorite things, to look back on when these girls were so tiny, it amazes me how fast they grow. I guess this is a corners of my house blog with the purse hanging on the front door and the pots & pans cupboard.

Here Julia had the camera while I was driving. It's so cool to get a glimpse of what its like to be back there in her car seat. Her sister always looking at her, I'm sure soaking in her every move.

Here is a picture of the car next to us- so funny!

Then there I am.
A shot of looking out her window. Beautiful Colorado Blue SKy!

And Lauren one more time!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Dash Movie

Just got this forward and thought it would be very appropriate on this blog, since this blog is documenting "my dash". Check it out, let me know what you think. I loved the scenery, the music, and the message. I love everyone who shares in my dash and couldn't imagine life without a single one of you!

Friday, November 03, 2006

A Colorado Halloween

There has been a lot of Halloween fun going on here. On Sunday Ryan and the girls "degutted" our pumpkin. The girls had so much fun squishing the seeds in their hands. Ryan would say "ewwww" and they would both repeat him, it was soooo cute! I just love watching Lauren explore new things.
On Monday Grandma came! She babysat the girls so Ryan and I could go to a Halloween party where we carved our pumpkin. We had a lot of fun! Of course we just went as M&Ms. We seriously need to get a little more creative! Ryan wanted us to go as Kit and Night Rider or Oliva Newton John and her missing boyfriend. I hope I am not the only one that sees the potential difficulties in these ideas. I will admit he's pretty funny.
Halloween Day was kicked off at Julia's Preschool with a party. Grandma was happy to be there! We sang songs and played games, made goodie bags and had some yummy food.
Halloween night was a completely new experience- can you say freezing-butt cold? We bundled up and braved the elements, it turned out fine. Ryan and Lauren stayed home to hand out candy. We still dressed her up, it was her First Halloween afterall. They looked really cute! I love that Julia wasn't a princess, it's cool to be original. I also don't mind bragging for a quick second, that I LOVE making their costumes!!!!! lauren is so funny, she doesn't have a clue about why she's in that costume, she just goes right along. When Julia got home with her candy she dumped it out and was just amazed. Lauren crawled right over and helped her dig threw it, such a character. Last night the whole famliy sat down to watch The Office and Deal or No Deal and ate a bunch of the candy. Julia is sooo great about sharing! I love that she really isn't that interested in candy, not one time has she asked for it, I'm always reminding her about it so we can get rid of it before I eat it all!!!!