Friday, November 03, 2006

A Colorado Halloween

There has been a lot of Halloween fun going on here. On Sunday Ryan and the girls "degutted" our pumpkin. The girls had so much fun squishing the seeds in their hands. Ryan would say "ewwww" and they would both repeat him, it was soooo cute! I just love watching Lauren explore new things.
On Monday Grandma came! She babysat the girls so Ryan and I could go to a Halloween party where we carved our pumpkin. We had a lot of fun! Of course we just went as M&Ms. We seriously need to get a little more creative! Ryan wanted us to go as Kit and Night Rider or Oliva Newton John and her missing boyfriend. I hope I am not the only one that sees the potential difficulties in these ideas. I will admit he's pretty funny.
Halloween Day was kicked off at Julia's Preschool with a party. Grandma was happy to be there! We sang songs and played games, made goodie bags and had some yummy food.
Halloween night was a completely new experience- can you say freezing-butt cold? We bundled up and braved the elements, it turned out fine. Ryan and Lauren stayed home to hand out candy. We still dressed her up, it was her First Halloween afterall. They looked really cute! I love that Julia wasn't a princess, it's cool to be original. I also don't mind bragging for a quick second, that I LOVE making their costumes!!!!! lauren is so funny, she doesn't have a clue about why she's in that costume, she just goes right along. When Julia got home with her candy she dumped it out and was just amazed. Lauren crawled right over and helped her dig threw it, such a character. Last night the whole famliy sat down to watch The Office and Deal or No Deal and ate a bunch of the candy. Julia is sooo great about sharing! I love that she really isn't that interested in candy, not one time has she asked for it, I'm always reminding her about it so we can get rid of it before I eat it all!!!!


Anonymous said...

Everybody looks so cute in their costumes!!!! You guys look like you're having a blast out there. Whee! We miss you all, of course, but it's nice to catch up online. The girls are adorable and growing so fast! I love seeing their pics. Maybe we will venture up to CO next summer--we've really been wanting to get back to the parks--and we'll have to include "Stop by Ryan & Chanel's house" in the plans... I'd love to meet your little ones and for you to see the twins! It means so much more knowing what we all went through together for out little families. Crap, the babies are rolling away--gotta go grab them! Miss you guys!
Susan, Rob, Peyton & Kailey (and Socks!)

Ryan said...

woo woo. woo woo.

Michelle said...

The girls look so cute! I can't believe that Julia doesn't love candy. My child is a candy junkie but we know whose fault that was.

Candace said...

I can't believe I haven't commented on this post yet! I thought I did. LOVE the costumes. You did a great job. Glad your mom could be there & you guys could have a fun holiday.