Saturday, November 18, 2006

Happy Feet

Took Julia to see Happy Feet last night and left the movie feeling soooo good! It has this underlying message about the over fishing that goes on in the Arctic and how the penguins' and other animals' food chains are being disrupted. When you see what is happening through the eyes of a penguin you feel infinitely powerful in making a difference. In the movie they look towards humans as being able to do something whereas the poor penguins are pretty much helpless. I usually feel like, "what can I do?", but now I have that spark I use to have when I believed I could make a difference when it comes to the environment. And may I just add, I can't stop thinking about those dang penguins!!!! I have to remind myself they weren't real, but then myself says, "But there are REAL penguins out there, somewhere." "oh yeah."

So Julia loved it but was a bit confused on the whole story line. Way way way over her head. And there was a scene with a sea lion trying to eat the penguin which totally freaked her out, I had to make her turn away and not watch, that sucked. It was seriously scary! When we left though we used our happy feet and danced to the car, that was cute! And we had to get popcorn, she would not stop talking about it! Funny kid! On the way home she said she wanted to go to Toys R Us and get a penguin costume so she could be a penguin- where does she think of these things????


Anonymous said...

Silly Chanel, there are no penguins. What's next, a "factual" documentary on global warming, narrated by a prominent political figure? Pashah!


Candace said...

so cute! glad you were feeling well enough to get out.