Sunday, February 25, 2007

My 100 List

1. I am the happiest I have ever been in my whole life right now.
2. I thank Ryan for that.
3. Being a mom is my greatest achievement, blessing, joy....
4. I am so thankful I have TWO girls
5. I want another one,
6. but I'll gladly take a boy!
7. My greatest pet ever was my dog Snickers!!!
8. Snickers wore a tuxedo to my wedding reception!
9. I like scrapbooking but think its dumb to get overly artsy with it
10. I love to journal, so I think that's why I love to blog
11. I am naturally pessimistic
12. I worry I will get cancer
13. I worry about dying all the time
14. I NEVER want any of my family to die
15. I try to control everything and everyone
16. I like being in control
17. I always drive our family, Ryan doesn't mind
18. I have to sing Old MacDonald every time I get in the car to keep Lauren happy,
19. I don't mind.
20. I love really hot showers
21. I am the oldest of three, I have two brothers.
22. My parents divorced when I was in 8th grade
23. I have always taken care of my family
24. I joined The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints when I was 2 months shy of my 18th birthday.
25. I have a strong testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel.
26. Turning to the Lord is easy for me.
27. I turn to the Lord A LOT
28. I fall asleep praying all the time.
29. I get so much out of the scriptures, but hardly read them.
30. I was a 4th grade teacher for 2 years.
31. I loved my first year!
32. I just wanted to be a mom my second year (and was).
33. I moved from Illinois to Las Vegas when I was 9.
34. I moved from Las Vegas to Castle Rock when I was 27.
35. I am so glad I moved (both times).
36. I lived in Brighton, England for 3 months.
37. The best thing about my England trip was going to Paris!
38. Ryan and I dated 6 years before we got married.
39. We never had sex before marriage!
40. I know you were wondering!
41. I was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure (early menopause) when I was 26.
42. Menopause SUCKS!!!
43. I have started working out twice a week
44. so I don't get OSTEOPOROSIS!!!
45. Have I mentioned menopause SUCKS!
46. I can run a mile in 8minutes and 34seconds!!!! And that's at high altitude!
47. I am very honest
48. I hate my hair
49. I would rather not wear make-up
50. I don't mind not being thin,
51. I just wish others wouldn't be happy they look better than me.
52. My mother-in-law drives me crazy
53. My mother drives me crazy
54. I don't want to drive my girls crazy
55. I like Pottery Barn things
56. I think its appalling how expensive Pottery Barn things are
57. I hate the disparity of wealth in the world
58. I want to change the world
59. Have I mentioned I like being in control?
60. I am a democrat
61. That doesn't mean I am for abortion or gay marriage
62. however gay marriage really doesn't bother me,
63. but I follow the prophet.
64. Global warming saddens and scares me.
65. Asteroids smashing into the earth scares me too.
66. I want to sleep on a big plantation in the south- Forrest Gump style.
67. I want a vacation spot where me and my girlfriends and our families go- YaYa Sisterhood style.
68. I have never been to the south.
69. My grandma was my idol, Julia's middle name is Barbara, after my grandma.
70. I love tickling my girls and Ryan.
71. I detest being tickled.
72. I love scaring Ryan in shower.
73. I could eat sweets all day long..wait I DO eat sweets all day long.
74. I wonder if I quit sugar again if I could get pregnant?
75. I love cooking and baking!
76. I love decorating for holidays!
77. I don't celebrate St. Patrick's Day.
78. I do celebrate Ground Hog's Day.
79. I hate dishes, I like laundry.
80. I really like ironing and dusting and vacuuming
81. I don't do those things nearly enough
82. Who cares?
83. I like sewing, wish I knew more about it.
84. Ive never been scared to give birth, I find it very exciting!
85. I cherish breastfeeding
86. I have pictures of me breastfeeding-weird? I don't care!
87. I have always wanted and now LOVE my minivan
88. I am not one to catch on to "cool things"
89. I DO NOT enjoy music
90. The Beatles are all I can stand on a consistent basis.
91. I LOATH poetry
92. I love reading!
93. I can not stand hearing people chew when they are eating.
94. Hyacinths are my favorite flower
95. I really want to learn to garden
96. I always tell Ryan not to waste money on flowers because they die, but I absolutely love getting them when he does get me some!
97. Seeing fresh flowers for sale on the corners in NY is so romantic to me.
98. I have the best time eating out with Ryan and the girls!
99. I am a terrible speller!
100. Typing for a long time gives me a crick in the neck


Anonymous said...

Love it!!!!!!!!

Me said...

This is the BEST blog Ive ever read! I always love to see what you have to say, and this time I loved it even more than usual.I saw myself in so many of the things you said, and realized some of our differences, too. I love finding out more about you, and reminding myself of what I already knew & love about you. You are so insightful, thoughtful, wonderful!!

Anonymous said...

Whoops. I signed my comment as "holly,", but meant to sign it as "Ryan." My fault.

Candace said...

You make me laugh.

I knew you weren't the biggest music fan, but you really don't like it that much?!

We're so different. But the same too. Glad we're firends. Isn't it crazy how quickly we all jumped on this list thiing?!

tabo said...

I totally get the not liking music thing. I can't listen to the radio. When NPR does its fund drive I find more amusement in systematically flipping from station to station than actually listening. That may have something to do with the DJs though. If there's one thing I hate more than listening to the latest Cold Play wannabe, it's listening to the clown banter between radio personalities--if you can even call them that. We should call them radio all-the-sames or something along those lines.

Ipuna Black said...

I loved getting to learn more about you. I will have to be honest, I wondered about the extra curricular activity between you and Ryan before marriage. 6 years and no Se....! You guys were in love! I am proud of you guys.

Nichole said...

We have two things in common, both bad spellers and we both love hot showers. Hope you don't mind me adding my thoughts too!

Amber said...

I love your list!