Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I am so excited about our upcoming trip to Vegas. We leave next Wednesday and I already have the girls' suitcase packed, am I anal? I am really excited to see Lauren in some spring clothes, Im tired of pants and long sleeves!! I love being prepared. I still have to ask someone to drive our van to the airport then pick us up..yes Kristen and Rebecca we've narrowed it down to you two..who loves me more???? I love you two so much that we are NOT going to ask you to take care of Moby, now that's friendship.
Candace got her surprise so I can post a couple pictures. I had a lot of fun making this, it was a great challenge to make this "good enough" for such a creative person, but she called with joy, so I succeeded, not that she would ever say anything less, she's too nice, but I do think it turned out mighty fine. It's a book for her to fill out about the new baby and how Sadie is going to be a Big Sister. I bought one for Julia, but the one I made is way better, homemade things always are, especially when filled with love. And just so you know, I am not a great photographer of these things.

Can you read it?

Sunday, February 25, 2007

My 100 List

1. I am the happiest I have ever been in my whole life right now.
2. I thank Ryan for that.
3. Being a mom is my greatest achievement, blessing, joy....
4. I am so thankful I have TWO girls
5. I want another one,
6. but I'll gladly take a boy!
7. My greatest pet ever was my dog Snickers!!!
8. Snickers wore a tuxedo to my wedding reception!
9. I like scrapbooking but think its dumb to get overly artsy with it
10. I love to journal, so I think that's why I love to blog
11. I am naturally pessimistic
12. I worry I will get cancer
13. I worry about dying all the time
14. I NEVER want any of my family to die
15. I try to control everything and everyone
16. I like being in control
17. I always drive our family, Ryan doesn't mind
18. I have to sing Old MacDonald every time I get in the car to keep Lauren happy,
19. I don't mind.
20. I love really hot showers
21. I am the oldest of three, I have two brothers.
22. My parents divorced when I was in 8th grade
23. I have always taken care of my family
24. I joined The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints when I was 2 months shy of my 18th birthday.
25. I have a strong testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel.
26. Turning to the Lord is easy for me.
27. I turn to the Lord A LOT
28. I fall asleep praying all the time.
29. I get so much out of the scriptures, but hardly read them.
30. I was a 4th grade teacher for 2 years.
31. I loved my first year!
32. I just wanted to be a mom my second year (and was).
33. I moved from Illinois to Las Vegas when I was 9.
34. I moved from Las Vegas to Castle Rock when I was 27.
35. I am so glad I moved (both times).
36. I lived in Brighton, England for 3 months.
37. The best thing about my England trip was going to Paris!
38. Ryan and I dated 6 years before we got married.
39. We never had sex before marriage!
40. I know you were wondering!
41. I was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure (early menopause) when I was 26.
42. Menopause SUCKS!!!
43. I have started working out twice a week
44. so I don't get OSTEOPOROSIS!!!
45. Have I mentioned menopause SUCKS!
46. I can run a mile in 8minutes and 34seconds!!!! And that's at high altitude!
47. I am very honest
48. I hate my hair
49. I would rather not wear make-up
50. I don't mind not being thin,
51. I just wish others wouldn't be happy they look better than me.
52. My mother-in-law drives me crazy
53. My mother drives me crazy
54. I don't want to drive my girls crazy
55. I like Pottery Barn things
56. I think its appalling how expensive Pottery Barn things are
57. I hate the disparity of wealth in the world
58. I want to change the world
59. Have I mentioned I like being in control?
60. I am a democrat
61. That doesn't mean I am for abortion or gay marriage
62. however gay marriage really doesn't bother me,
63. but I follow the prophet.
64. Global warming saddens and scares me.
65. Asteroids smashing into the earth scares me too.
66. I want to sleep on a big plantation in the south- Forrest Gump style.
67. I want a vacation spot where me and my girlfriends and our families go- YaYa Sisterhood style.
68. I have never been to the south.
69. My grandma was my idol, Julia's middle name is Barbara, after my grandma.
70. I love tickling my girls and Ryan.
71. I detest being tickled.
72. I love scaring Ryan in shower.
73. I could eat sweets all day long..wait I DO eat sweets all day long.
74. I wonder if I quit sugar again if I could get pregnant?
75. I love cooking and baking!
76. I love decorating for holidays!
77. I don't celebrate St. Patrick's Day.
78. I do celebrate Ground Hog's Day.
79. I hate dishes, I like laundry.
80. I really like ironing and dusting and vacuuming
81. I don't do those things nearly enough
82. Who cares?
83. I like sewing, wish I knew more about it.
84. Ive never been scared to give birth, I find it very exciting!
85. I cherish breastfeeding
86. I have pictures of me breastfeeding-weird? I don't care!
87. I have always wanted and now LOVE my minivan
88. I am not one to catch on to "cool things"
89. I DO NOT enjoy music
90. The Beatles are all I can stand on a consistent basis.
91. I LOATH poetry
92. I love reading!
93. I can not stand hearing people chew when they are eating.
94. Hyacinths are my favorite flower
95. I really want to learn to garden
96. I always tell Ryan not to waste money on flowers because they die, but I absolutely love getting them when he does get me some!
97. Seeing fresh flowers for sale on the corners in NY is so romantic to me.
98. I have the best time eating out with Ryan and the girls!
99. I am a terrible speller!
100. Typing for a long time gives me a crick in the neck

Friday, February 23, 2007

bubble gum bubble gum

in a dish, how many pieces do you wish? REMEMBER THAT??? Julia has been asking for bubble gum, and can I just say it is so cute to hear her say it. Anyway I gave her some original trident and she said, "its yucky, like your toothpaste", so she got some crazy mango orange trident which she LOVES! My mom gave her her first piece of gum this winter and she's been askign for it ever since. She's in heaven and for some reason it is so fun for me to chew it with her.
Now a little blurb on the little one:
Lauren has this new thing where she gives the biggest bear hugs, it is seriously the greatest thing in the whole world to get a huge squeeze around the neck with her resting her head on your shoulder. I LOVE THAT BABY SOOOOO MUCH!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Zoo Day!

It is BeeeeUtiful here so I packed up the kiddies (and sandwiches this time) and spent the afternoon at the zoo! Lauren had so much funn, her favorite animals were the giraffes and reindeer. The best thing though was watching her toddle around! Oh it was just the cutest thing ever! I hope I will always remember how sweet she was, happily trying to keep her balance and keep up with her big sister. She would hold on to the basket of the stroller and help me push too. She also kept squatting down and wanting to touch the ground (which grossed me out), but she definitely keeps me laughing! Julia loves getting a map and showing us where to go. I love how excited she is about the zoo. She really wanted to see the "dolphins", yeah that would be a sea lion Jules. :) Cute kid!

I even remembered money for a merry-go-round ride- Im such a nice mom!

So Candace inspired me to make bread sticks last night- they were very disappointing. I threw the other half of the dough back in the bowl and just forgot about it. Then this morning it was perfect, it has risen basically. So I thought about what I could do with it and settled on cinnamon sticks for breakfast- oh holy-moly! Goodness sake and sake's alive they were amazing! Took a picture for Ryan because the ten phone calls I made telling him how good they are just wasn't enough!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Presidents' Day? Really?

Is the mail such an exciting event in my day that this made up holiday is totally spoiling my fun? YES! I went to the mailbox TWICE today. After the initial, "that's odd, not even some junk?" thought, it dawned on me- Presidents' Day. Stinkin Presidents (except you o' Kennedy legend among legends whose name shall never be defiled, even after your numerous mistresses come forth. And of course you Mr. President Jefferson, even with your slave lineage, and of course our current leader and my best friend Dubya, who needs a day dedicated to him like I need birth control pills).
Soooooo, no mail, but Ellen was funny naming the faces of Mt. Rushmore as follows.... George Washington, His wife, Tom Selleck, and the penny. HA! Love her! Okay I just went to find a picture of Mt. Rushmore and these people's vacation pictures showed up- HILARIOUS!!! I think this is soooo funny, Im dieing right now! This is Penny, Norm, and Thelma- their real names. Awww, thanks guys for the memories!

Spring is on its way!!! My daffodils are sprouting!!!! And I use the term, "mine" in the most liberal sense due the fact that I am now the proprietor of this home and had nothing to do with their planting, surviving, and growing.

Since our ward is completely missionary obsessed, which I love, don't get me wrong, but these little sprouts made me appreciate the idea that just "planting a seed" is very important, because one day, someone, somewhere will reap the benefits. I love the gospel and I love how I can be an instrument in God's hands and plant seeds- seeds that will actually bring forth "good fruit".

Sunday, February 18, 2007


watching Cinderella III. I love how they're best friends!!!

Lauren likes to wear Julia's Princess t-shirt, which cracks me up, how does she know "princesses"? Well, how could she NOT in this house? Anyway the other day she wore it to the library and a lady said, "look at your two princesses." Lauren immediately pointed to her shirt, what a smarty!
I also love how Lauren is addicted to holding balloons right now (like in these picts). Ever since Vday she has to be holding balloons, its very cute, especially when she walks around the kitchen holding them like she's in her own little parade. She's such a crack up!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Quarterly Fertility Blaaaaaaahg

So I have been obsessed since last weekend with reading blogs of women who can't get pregnant and honestly it is not healthy for me. I get so panicky and down, it really throws me off. There are a few who got pregnant out of nowhere, the old fashion way, and as happy as I am for them, it makes me wonder if it could happen to me again. They seem to place no value on God, or it being miraculous, which just amazes me. Can you really have that happen and not totally know it is a blessing from God, a true miracle? Anyway its on my mind constantly and in prayers always, but the desperation that I had before Lauren just isn't there, which then gets me all worked up like I don't want it bad enough to be helped. Or I'm not doing this or that so the blessing will be withheld. I drive myself INSANE! I try hard not to talk about it all the time, but seriously if I don't release some of this right now my head may explode.
My body seems to be in tip top condition, no hot flashes, no well any menopause symptoms, so I told my doctor and he agreed I shouldn't take the estrogen, I don't want to be stuck on pills when in some crazy way my body is compensating, even though blood tests show its not. Which completely makes me think back to a blessing Ryan gave me and said I was healed. Sooooo, see this is why I have to get this stuff out because it helps me remember things....could I be healed and it not show in the medical world? Am I just on the Lord's time table?
I did get blood drawn yesterday though to see where my progesterone levels are, because I have no monthly cycles, weird little thing there.
But I have two names picked out, a girl and a boy, I feel like they are my kids. I want to meet them, I hope I get them. Otherwise "Hey Jules I got great names for my grandkids"...yeah she'll love that!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

An End To a LOVEly Day

Best Friends lunch was soooo fun! It is officially a tradition, started last year with Holly, ah the memories. This year was celebrated with Kristen and Rebecca, I love these women! The picture is crap, but its all we got. What I missed out on with having sisters the Lord has exponentially blessed me with girlfriends!! I'm a choosy girl, not one to be in the popular crowd, not one to have energy befriending ladies, so when they fall into my lap I know they are special. I have contemplated for awhile now doing a friend blog and I find it overly compelling to do right now..here goes... (but first look at my little love bug! another yucky picture but you get the idea! She's soooo adorable!)
My first Best friend ever was Kari Hubert. She holds a special place in my heart, I couldn't have survived my childhood without her.
Renee, another childhood friend who holds a place in my heart. We stayed friends even after I moved from Illinois at such a young age. Her daughter was in my wedding and I in hers. We have that special kind of friendship that no matter how long it is between seeing each other, it is always like no time has passed when we're together. She is an incredible person, and wonderful friend.
My high school friends- Lisa, Natalie,Naomi, Nicole, Joy. Fun times. I could have never survived adolescence without them. Lisa particularly was my link to sanity, someone who always encouraged me and inspired me and lifted me up. I worshipped her!
Cindy was also pivotal to me in high school. She was always soooo much fun. The girlfriend that showed me how to be "cool". The one who shared my first kiss experience. The one who taught me what it really means to be a friend. To this day I love talking to her, love her wit, love her determination, love her vulnerability and strength.
College- yeah no friends there, pretty much just obsessed with Ryan. Although, that is when Michelle popped into my life, in jolly ole' England. Truly God's working. Michelle has been such an important person in my life. I have loved watching her grow in the gospel and grow as a wife and mother. Her strength and calmness in the midst of a storm ALWAYS impresses me. Her faith and desire to always do what is right is inspiring. I love how she is willing to do anything for me and my family, she is one of the most generous people I know. It was so very very special to have our first born girls so close together, to watch a friendship develop between them from infancy was darling. I miss her dearly!
Candace Kay Todd, my angel. A sister in so many way. She got Ryan and I to the temple on our wedding day, by letting us be a part of her day, that has always meant a lot to me. We hardly knew each other when one night we hung out (I guess for my birthday) and she brought me a basket of scrapbook supplies as a gift and then i knew I'd love her forever. We actually lived down the street from each other which now seems too good to be true, what a great time of our lives that was. Being in the RS Presidency together was incredible as well. My favorite memories of her are our walks when I was pregnant with Julia, she walking Maddy, it was so fun- wonderful mom-in-law talks :). She is my go to woman when I need a spiritual lift, or someone to cry to, or someone that will laugh really hard. She is so creative as most of you know, a true inspiration. She's gentle and firey, passionate and compassionate, the sister I have always longed for.
Holly. Holly Holly Holly. Holly came into my life next. Candace had moved to Idaho, I moved across town hoping to be closer to Michelle, and there out of nowhere came Holly. This friendship developed into a love affair. I don't think I have connected with someone this quick, this completely since well, Ryan. Holly is me, no really, we are sooo much alike it scares us sometimes. When the POF diagnosis came Holly was my light in the darkness. She made me believe I would have another baby. Her hugs, her open door, her listening ear (for hours) got me through those horrible days. She can make me laugh like no other, she gets me talking like no other, she makes me smile just thinking of her. She is my go-to-girl with everything, especially when I am having my freak out moments, she totally centers me and helps me see clearly and hopefully again. The one thing I miss about Vegas is being able to go sit at Holly's house, it is always so comfortable, so much like home. She is real. She is strong. She is SMART. There is something deep about our friendship, it transcends the here and now. She is the sister I have always needed.
After leaving Vegas I was content to call my friends, be alone in Castle Rock and be fine with that. I mean did anyone have a chance after these women embedded my heart?
Yet I was blessed again. Rebecca. Someone who really wanted to hang out, to talk, to be real with. Someone to laugh with and seriously dig dirt with! I love it! I love how down to earth she is, how open and honest she is. Her convictions and ability to share them are refreshing. Her love for life and how we always have fun together is something so invigorating. She's my salvation in a land that was otherwise inhospitable.
Finally Kristen. I first got a look at her from the pulpit at church, she gave a riveting talk on shall we say, the sanctity of marriage. I was instantly impressed and intrigued by this obviously gutsy woman. Turns out she's freaking incredible. One of the most humble people I know, and yet so deserving of praise. An angle to me constantly, like just last week bringing me dinner when Ryan was gone and Lauren was sick. She makes me want to be around her just by being her. She's genuine, she's giving, she's hilarious. I love her to death and look forward to growing and being friends the rest of our lives!
SO my only thing that reserves me from doing this is I know how women are- we compare. Please please please my friends do not compare. You are all so very special to me, women I could not live without and there really is no way a paragraph in a blog could possibly express all that you are to me. The Lord has put you all in my life for a very special purpose and reason, and I am sooo grateful for each of you! Happy Valentine's Day!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!
And fianlly, Heart pancakes (and chicken nuggets not pictured) and punch for dinner! whoohoo! I love holidays!


Vday morning is the bests- like Christmas!!! I have the house all decorated and there are always surprises! YAY! Ryan had a book for me, a total surprise because we VERY SERIOUSLY talked about NO GIFTS (and when I say plural gifts I mean more than one for me) hahahaha! Vday is a total girls day in case you didn't know. He did get a mushy card from me and one from the girls, what a lucky guy.
So his card to me, I just have to share a line he wrote, soooooo sweet and funny- "Seriously, you can't find a couple under 75 that loves each other as much as us. ....I can't wait for the day when I can buy your love." I LOVE HIM SOOOO MUCH!!!! I am looking forward to that day too hun, but right now two girls chasing balloons REALLY is the greatest gift you've ever given me!!

So here is the house this morning. My favorite is the fireplace and all the tiny hearts sprinkled all over the stairs- fun!!!! Julia saw two hearts over lapped on the stove and said, "aw, they're hugging", so cute!! Looking forward to a "best friend" lunch, and wishing ALL my best friends were here to eat with me!!! Until later!!! LOVE YOU ALL ALWAYS,
PS We got a little snow yesterday (not so springy anymore) and look how BEAUTIFUL the tree in our front yard is!! I LOVE THAT tree!!!!! I love snow on Valentines!!! Happy Happy Day!!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Valentine's PARTY!!!

Here are some shots from Julia's party! First off, her and HER VALENTINE- Ryan! awwwww!

She is so little miss social! I love it!

Monday, February 12, 2007


Yesterday I got a little taste of spring, here in crazy CO country, and oh it was glorious!!! I am so excited for nice weather. I keep remembering how we have our windows open all day, and in the evenings during summer. The flowers, lots of tulips, all over the neighborhood. THE PARK! Its going to be so much fun! Julia's been practicing her bike and Lauren is loving the wagon, albeit she wants to be STANDING. She walked down the street Saturday and I realized it was her first time walking outside, since she learned during all the snowstorms. It was so cute, she practically ran. She really likes outside, always has.
I want to have LOTS of BBQs this spring and summer- hear that Jones/Johnsons/(anybody who will visit us!!) What I really want is a new deck too, but since we spent this years tax return last September hello? ( new carpet), I guess the deck will be a while.
Looking forward to Valentine's Day. I put out a few decorations this year, I was so excited, but saved the real fun for V-Day morning. Tomorrow Julia's class has their party, hopefully it will be fun, although it is Lauren's nap time.
Yesterday on the way home from church Julia says, "I'm in love." I say, "You are? With who?" "With Ryan" she says. I laugh. "He's so handsome" she continues. "You are right Boo, he's a handsome boy. And smart and nice" I say. "Him is" she agrees. What am I going to do with this girl?

Friday, February 09, 2007


My love, my main squeeze, my hunk, my BEST FRIEND! Today is the greatest day- YOU WERE BORN!!!!

I am so thankful for this day! I am really thankful this year because you're back home to pump me up and get me excited about another day with a sick baby, just because YOU'LL BE HERE!! :) I love you so much! I love how you make me laugh, I love that you were genuinely into the Anna Nicole Smith death when I called you, I love that you brought me home Trader Joe Mac N Cheese, I love that you wanted to reward ME when you got your ski trip, I love that you don't freak when I tell you the balance of our check book, I love that you fought a guy for the window seat, I love that you like watching Ellen on Friday with me, Days on your days off, Medium if I weren't such a chicken, and of course The Office, I love that you help me work out by being so willing to watch the girls, I love that you take so much pride in wearing your scouting outfit ( I mean uniform?), I love that you eat chips and salsa EVERY night when you get home, I love how much you love us and always want to hang with us (WE SO LOVE HAVING YOU AROUND!!), I love your mega colon (well not really but I love the humor in the story), I love your obsession with sports, I love your enthusiasm for life. YOU, Mr. Adams, are THE BEST!!! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

Julia wants to add- I love tackle and being tickled.
Lauren says- Dada, Dada, Dada.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

How Quickly Things Change

Yeah Lauren is so sick AGAIN! Unknown virus as usual. No quick fix medicine. Poor babe! She barfed all over me and her at the Dr. So I went to the store covered and stinkin with vomit all over me, her with no pants on, and Julia in tow to get Gatorade and Tylenol. RYAN I MISS YOU!!!!!!! Love these "first time" mom experiences.
On the bright side, I am not sick even though I ate an entire bag of Valentine candy in 24 hours, that would be 28 pieces, a mixture of Twix, Snickers, and M&Ms. Ok well not the whole bag, Julia had three pieces. NICE.


I shouldn't wait so long to blog, then I don't know what to say first...the moon was incredible Monday night...did you see it? Ryan is on his way to LV for his grandma's funeral...I will survive. I have been working on a special surprise for Candace and that is why I have been "away", Im really really excited about it though!
But alas I have settled on my neighbor Glen, as a topic for this blog. Glen, Glen, Glen. Hippy -at-heart, skinny, stride instead of walk, long (usually greasy) ponytail, father of one bright (yet obnoxiously know-it-all-ish) 3/4? year old girl, Home Owner's Association President, literally wears a parrot on his shoulder, works????? from home????, that's our Glen. Well I was out trying to shovel the ICE from my sidewalk when here comes Glen and Jr. Glen (his daughter) to "help". He was a huge help since he had this ice pick device, but man I had to hang out with Glen, that is UNTIL Jr. Glen had to poop. (Sorry this is the second consecutive blog with the word poop in it). He looks at me and says, "Can she just use your bathroom?" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
Back story to this: Jr Glen was at our house (UNINVITED as usual!) playing in our first snow fall with Julia, you know the one I was so excited to get out there and play in with her (and only her). Well she looks at me and says as only Jr Glen can, "I have to poo". Yeah great kid, I thought, and shooed her little clenched butt home. As she gets almost to her house she yells out her predicament to her dad and he replies with, "Just go at Julia's house." HUH???? ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? Did he just invite his uninvited daughter over to "poo" at my house???? Well luckily she went to her house anyway.
Now today there was no avoiding it, she stated her need and since her dad was there helping me, what else could I say, but "sure". YUCK!
So she finishes and I've had about all I can take of being neighborly, and say "well thanks, I'm going in now". That will not deter The Glen, he keeps plugging away at my ice while Julia and Jr Glen play and I freaking go in the house and make a turkey sandwich. Which by the way Oscar Meyer now has "Natural" meat- minimally processed and NO nitrates or nitrites! YAHOO!!!! Now I really need to get knocked up so I can eat a lunch meat sandwich and be pregnant, something I gave up with both girls. I'm hoping!!! Well I am obviously getting carried away now, I just love blogging!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Out on a Date

Greetings, loyal ColoradoCoolCats readers. Today's post is written by a special guest editor, Ryan.

Hello everyone. Last night Julia dragged me out on a date. I was looking forward to spending a quiet evening in the basement, watching Denise Austin on VHS, perhaps listening to my Peter Cetera CD. However, Julia had something else in mind. She desperately wanted to take the train to the Pepsi Center and watch the Nuggets take on the Trail Blazers.

"Well, I guess Julia. If it'd make you happy."
"Happy?! Dad! Melo's back! Blake's on fire! Nene's starting to turn his game around! Come on, let's go!"

Those of you that know me well know that my daughter's happiness is paramount in my life. I gladly accepted her offer, knowing that sacrificing those few hours now would pay off later in life when I want her to do something special with me, like attend the Nutcracker or go to a craft convention.

We caught the train at the Lincoln station. It was very, very, very cold outside, so we sat in the car and ate sandwiches and listened to a Disney tape while we waited for the E Line.

A few stops down the line two older ladies boarded the train. One of the two sat by us. The other didn't want to because we were too close to the door. No offense, older readers, but older people make me laugh sometimes.

It turned out that the two ladies were going to the game, too. Being the kind and courteous person that I am, the first thing I thought was, "How can I exploit the cuteness of my daughter to get something from this woman, such as an exchange of tickets that would certainly get us closer to the floor, or perhaps 20 bucks to buy Julia a Nuggets hat?" Then she pulled out a plastic ticket holder that you wear like a necklace. You know, the kind that Justin Timberlake wears to get backstage at all of the hippest parties? Yes, I thought. We're sitting by a big shot. Maybe she's the team owner's mother, or a player's au pair. Then she pulled out her ticket, and I James Bondishly looked at the seat's location.

Section 380? What? Those seats are worse than ours! Well, forget this person!

Even though she was in the nose bleed section, and not an NBA heiress, she was still really cool. She goes to Nuggets, Broncos, and Rockies games on a regular basis. She even buys the $99 girls night out season tickets for Rockies games, which gets you in to quite a few Wednesday night games and free drinks. I imagine I'll see her again in my sports attending future.

We arrived at the Pepsi Center and hopped on the escalator Robert Plant made famous on the pivotal album Led Zeppelin IV. It just kept going up. And up. And up. Past the Tom Tancredo for President satellite. Past the Big Dipper. Past Fluton, the yet-to-be-discovered planet. We got to our level just in time to do something very important before tip off: buy a giant tub of vanilla frozen custard. It cost $4, but if you saw the amount of frozen delight we were given, you'd be willing to pay twice as much. Seriously, dude must have been new, because corporate America doesn't like to exchange so much product for so little cash.

Our seats, though requiring oxygen to prevent fainting, actually provided a nice view. We were around some nice, non-drunk people too, which isn't a given at any sporting event.

The Nuggets stunk up the floor the first quarter. They were literally booed off the court. AI wasn't playing, either, which was a mild disappointment for me. Julia wasn't taking either of these lightly, though. Lack of a solid effort and lack of AI forced Julia to blurt out, "I want popcorn!" Her additional $4 concession request was my command.

The second quarter was a little better. Some sweet plays by the home team made the game much closer at half time. Julia and I bought a $4.25 lemonade. You know, the kind that would cost you $1 at an overpriced convenient store. Julia ran around the concourse looking for the Nuggets logo on all of the posters and signs. It was a fun half time.

The play in the third quarter was significantly improved. But alas, Julia had to poop, so we left with about 2 minutes in the quarter. Then, miraculously, though I asked her 75 times while we were in our seats, Julia decided once we were in the concourse that she could hold it until we got home.

We jumped on the escalator. Julia bit it. I picked her up real quick, but she still cried for her mother. Funny, but I did, too. I decided to get her mind off of the pain by taking her to the team store. She loved the stuffed animals and soon forgot all about her near-death experience.

The train ride home was nice. Since the game eventually went into overtime, there was hardly anyone on the train with us. We drove home from the station, Julia serenading me from the backseat with her chomping on popcorn that I no way in heck was going to pitch until every kernel was fully digested. It was $4!

So there you have it. My first daddy/daughter date. It was better than I imagined. I love Julia, I love Chanel for giving me an opportunity to take Julia out on a date, and I love Lauren because she is unbelievably cute.

One more thing. To save you a trip to espn.com, the Nuggets did pull off the win. However, they have to work on their discipline and intensity if they want to get anywhere in the playoffs. The Trail Blazers, though young, are a very disciplined, patient team. I was impressed.

Friday, February 02, 2007

serious problems

are your clothes ever so cold in the dryer that you can't tell if they are still wet? i hate that, and i really hate it when i guess wrong and they are still wet.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Strong Spirits

Lauren insists on eating here instead of here

Today I am much more able to appreciate my girls' persistent, determined, strong willed, "know-what-I-want" personalities. They are going to be so well equipped to handle this world.

Yesterday was a MamaMeltDown Marathon. The Rwanda book had way more of a devastating impact on me psychologically than I realized. Being that close, even through the pages of a book, to pure evil was spiritually harming. It had a great message of faith, hope, and forgiveness, and I think it is important to KNOW what is happening in the world, I just was not prepared to "witness" such evil. Holly saved me though, as only she can. She explained I can't save the world, and as hard as that is to hear, I guess she's right. I can be the Best Mom my girls deserve though, and they did not get anything close to that yesterday. I tried very hard to make it up to them today, so many hugs, kisses and praising words. When the Lord puts something in my path, that I know He wants me to do,I will be willing. Right now He's put Jules and Lauren in front of me and they are sooo sooo sooo important, they are my life's work, my greatest accomplishments, my sacred duty, I will not let them or Heavenly Father down again.

On a lighter note- we're coming to Vegas BABY! We're so pumped! Since it is snowing again and only going to be 8 degrees tomorrow, Vegas thoughts are keeping me warm. We're taking the girls to Disneyland!!!! Our excuse is to celebrate Julia's birthday, but seriously get me a few hours drive from that place and Im there!!! Then it's Friends/Family, Trader Joes, and Fuji- all that matters to me in that town. Maybe if SOMEONE wants to watch our girls we can do a temple session, I so miss the LV temple!!!!


This summer baby! July 21!
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

A series of posts, beginning with: Report: Shampoo Scents Make 3 Boys Grow Breasts

(Ryan recieved this "breaking news" email today and I had to share!)

BOSTON -- Researchers think scented oils that are found in some shampoos, soaps and lotions can cause temporary breast growth in young boys, but only in rare cases. A preliminary study released Wednesday said the oils appeared to disrupt the boys' hormonal balance.

The federally funded study comes from the University of Colorado and the National Institutes of Health and is reported in the latest edition of the New England Journal of Medicine.

Three boys, ages 4, 7 and 10, developed the condition while using products containing lavender and tea tree oils. All three were normal again when they stopped using the product with the natural oils. Hormone experts advised parents to consider the possible risk. But because the condition appears to be rare and temporary, they're not suggesting a ban on sales.

ok ok ok, that is too funny and I highly suggest we stop treating it as anything but, are you kidding me??? these BOYS grew breasts??? What the heck kind of funky monkey science lab were these parents sending their children too??? Wait wait wait, I just reread this article and this little pervert study was FEDERALLY FUNDED???? Just one more reason to love the Bush government. Julia and Lauren will not be attending the University of Colorado either, maybe a school with something better to do than grow breasts on boys by using shampoo will be more productive. However, I really could have used this information about 15 years ago and had a lot of fun with my brothers!!!