1. I am the happiest I have ever been in my whole life right now.
2. I thank Ryan for that.
3. Being a mom is my greatest achievement, blessing, joy....
4. I am so thankful I have TWO girls
5. I want another one,
6. but I'll gladly take a boy!
7. My greatest pet ever was my dog Snickers!!!
8. Snickers wore a tuxedo to my wedding reception!
9. I like
scrapbooking but think its dumb to get overly artsy with it
10. I love to journal, so I think that's why I love to blog
11. I am naturally pessimistic
12. I worry I will get cancer
13. I worry about dying all the time
14. I NEVER want any of my family to die
15. I try to control everything and everyone
16. I like being in control
17. I always drive our family, Ryan doesn't mind
18. I have to sing Old MacDonald every time I get in the car to keep Lauren happy,
19. I don't mind.
20. I love really hot showers
21. I am the oldest of three, I have two brothers.
22. My parents divorced when I was in 8
th grade
23. I have always taken care of my family
24. I joined The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints when I was 2 months shy of my 18
th birthday.
25. I have a strong testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel.
26. Turning to the Lord is easy for me.
27. I turn to the Lord A LOT
28. I fall asleep praying all the time.
29. I get so much out of the scriptures, but hardly read them.
30. I was a 4
th grade teacher for 2 years.
31. I loved my first year!
32. I just wanted to be a mom my second year (and was).
33. I moved from Illinois to
Las Vegas when I was 9.
34. I moved from
Las Vegas to Castle Rock when I was 27.
35. I am so glad I moved (both times).
36. I lived in Brighton, England for 3 months.
37. The best thing about my England trip was going to Paris!
38. Ryan and I dated 6 years before we got married.
39. We never had sex before marriage!
40. I know you were wondering!
41. I was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure (early menopause) when I was 26.
42. Menopause SUCKS!!!
43. I have started working out twice a week
44. so I don't get OSTEOPOROSIS!!!
45. Have I mentioned menopause SUCKS!
46. I can run a mile in 8minutes and 34seconds!!!! And that's at high altitude!
47. I am very honest
48. I hate my hair
49. I would rather not wear make-up
50. I don't mind not being thin,
51. I just wish others wouldn't be happy they look better than me.
52. My mother-in-law drives me crazy
53. My mother drives me crazy
54. I don't want to drive my girls crazy
55. I like Pottery Barn things
56. I think its appalling how expensive Pottery Barn things are
57. I hate the disparity of wealth in the world
58. I want to change the world
59. Have I mentioned I like being in control?
60. I am a democrat
61. That doesn't mean I am for abortion or gay marriage
62. however gay marriage really doesn't bother me,
63. but I follow the prophet.
64. Global warming saddens and scares me.
65. Asteroids smashing into the earth scares me too.
66. I want to sleep on a big plantation in the south- Forrest
Gump style.
67. I want a vacation spot where me and my girlfriends and our families go-
YaYa Sisterhood style.
68. I have never been to the south.
69. My grandma was my idol, Julia's middle name is Barbara, after my grandma.
70. I love tickling my girls and Ryan.
71. I detest being tickled.
72. I love scaring Ryan in shower.
73. I could eat sweets all day long..wait I DO eat sweets all day long.
74. I wonder if I quit sugar again if I could get pregnant?
75. I love cooking and baking!
76. I love decorating for holidays!
77. I don't celebrate St. Patrick's Day.
78. I do celebrate Ground Hog's Day.
79. I hate dishes, I like laundry.
80. I really like ironing and dusting and vacuuming
81. I don't do those things nearly enough
82. Who cares?
83. I like sewing, wish I knew more about it.
84. Ive never been scared to give birth, I find it very exciting!
85. I cherish breastfeeding
86. I have pictures of me breastfeeding-weird? I don't care!
87. I have always wanted and now LOVE my minivan
88. I am not one to catch on to "cool things"
89. I DO NOT enjoy music
90. The Beatles are all I can stand on a consistent basis.
91. I LOATH poetry
92. I love reading!
93. I can not stand hearing people chew when they are eating.
94. Hyacinths are my favorite flower
95. I really want to learn to garden
96. I always tell Ryan not to waste money on flowers because they die, but I absolutely love getting them when he does get me some!
97. Seeing fresh flowers for sale on the corners in NY is so
romantic to me.
98. I have the best time eating out with Ryan and the girls!
99. I am a terrible speller!
100. Typing for a long time gives me a crick in the neck