Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Lot To Think About

I got a book in the mail from a friend, it touched me that she thought of ME when she read this, she thought I'd really be moved and oh have I been. I had to read the whole book right away. I get like that about reading, but because of the intensity of the book I just really had to get it this one over with. The book is called Left To Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust. It is this incredible woman's unfathomable experience of survival and faith. It was inspiring, and spiritually educational. God lives, and she has proven it.
Previously to reading this book I saw Hotel Rwanda, when it was in theatres and I walked out of it a wet sobbing mess. WHAT??? How did I not know what was happening? How did the good old USA not prevent it? I felt ashamed, knowing I was 15 at the time and so self absorbed that when I heard what little news there was, I paid little attention and laughed that there were people who called themselves Tutsi (in my naive spoiled American mind all I could think of was tootsie rolls).
This book puts so many questions in my mind. The next few days are going to have to be spent in serious reflection. How she has moved on after experiencing such tragedy is unbelievable, but I understand it is her faith and relationship with God that has made it possible. I feel a little blown over, like I have just experienced the horrible acts that took place and need time to heal myself.
Not that I just gave a very positive review, you're probably scared to read it if anything; but seriously consider it. I think as humans we need to connect like this, begin to understand how we are all children of God and not so different.
Here is a link to find the book.



Candace said...

Thanks for sharing. The movie Hotel Rowanda shocked me too. Love that reminder that we are all children of God even though we lead such different lives.

Ipuna Black said...

I am interested in reading the book. I watched that movie with K.C. as well. I thought to myself, "How come I never heard about this". I don't believe it was televised very well. I don't watch the news much either, and I should. It was very sad, and it's amazing how many people died over not being exactly the same.

tabo said...

Boy am I ignorant about Rwanda. Thanks for your insight. I'll have to rent Hotel Rwanda sometime when I'm feeling particularly ashamed of my ignorance.

Me said...

you realize how blessed we are to have been born in this country. what a sad life so many people have because of their differences.