Thursday, January 18, 2007

You asked for it Mark...

I found this exceptionally well informed website (don't laugh if you've know about this forever and I am just THAT Internet lame) it's basically an encyclopedia. But after a challenge from a man that I hold in the highest regards wanted to know WHAT accomplishments Clinton, Obama, or Edwards have had that "qualify" them to be President I went searching and man am I glad I did. I think more than ever I am loving Hillary. She has DONE soooo much!!!! Here are some highlights (in pink) I thought were pretty good qualifications and they don't even touch what she's done as a Senator..
Departing from the traditional role of the First Lady, Clinton was directly involved in policy-making during her husband's presidency. She headed the task force that proposed the Clinton health care plan, which was not enacted by Congress, and initiated the Children's Health Insurance Program and the Adoption and Safe Families Act. Her prominent role has been at times controversial, and generated debate on the changing status of women in America.
In 2000, Clinton was elected into the United States Senate to succeed
Daniel Patrick Moynihan, becoming the only First Lady ever to run for public office and the first female senator to represent New York. She was re-elected in 2006. As senator, she sits on the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Environment and Public Works, the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions and the Special Committee on Aging. Although she has not stated her intentions, Clinton is widely seen as a potential candidate for president in the 2008 presidential election.
As First Lady, Clinton won many admirers for her staunch support for
women's rights around the world and her commitment to children's issues. She initiated the Children's Health Insurance Program in 1997, a federal effort that provided state support for those children whose parents were unable to provide them with health coverage. She also successfully sought to increase the research funding for illnesses such as prostate cancer and childhood asthma at the National Institutes of Health. The First Lady worked to solve the mystery behind the illnesses that were affecting veterans of the Gulf War. She initiated and shepherded the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997, which she regarded as her greatest accomplishment as First Lady.
Clinton hosted numerous White House conferences that related to children's health, including early childhood development and school violence. She fought for nationwide immunization against childhood illnesses and supported an annual drive to encourage older women to seek a mammogram to prevent breast cancer, coverage of the cost being provided by Medicare. With Attorney General Janet Reno, Clinton helped to create the Department of Justice's Violence Against Women office. She was one of the few international figures at the time who spoke out against the treatment of Afghani women by Islamist fundamentalist Taliban that had seized control of Afghanistan. One of the programs she helped create was Vital Voices, a U.S.-sponsored initiative to promote the participation of international women in their nation's political process.
Clinton performed many less-political activities in her role as First Lady. With a lifelong interest in regional American history, she initiated the Save America's Treasures program, a national effort that matched federal funds to private donations to rescue from deterioration and neglect, or completely restore, many iconic historic items and sites, including the flag that inspired the
Star Spangled Banner and the First Ladies Historic Site in Canton, Ohio. Clinton initiated the Millennium Project with monthly lectures that both considered America's past and forecasted its future. One of these lectures became the first live simultaneous webcast from the White House. Clinton also created the first Sculpture Garden, which displayed large contemporary American works of art loaned from museums in the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden on a rotating basis.
Okay, so she totally is amazing!

Now Edwards. First I wanted to see what the law suit thing was about. He made millions in a way that I don't really understand other than he could have given a lot of that money back. I'd be the first to agree that would have been great of him to do, but it was completely legal that he kept it and says he was looking out for his assets, so whatever, I'd probably do the same. Here are some "qualificational accomplishments"....
In Congress, Senator Edwards quickly emerged as a champion for the issues that make a difference to American families: quality health care, better schools, protecting civil liberties, preserving the environment, saving Social Security and Medicare, and reforming the ways campaigns are financed.
As a member of the Select Committee on Intelligence, Senator Edwards worked tirelessly for a strong national defense and to strengthen the security of our homeland. He authored key pieces of legislation on cyber, bio, and port security.

Edwards supported the expansion of the
H-1B visa program to increase legal immigration into the United States. Edwards generally supported expanding legal immigration to the United States while working with Mexico to provide better border security and stop illegal trafficking.
Edwards and law partner David Kirby earned the Association of Trial Lawyers of America's national award for public service.

Now Obama. He is a go-getter! And check out all the Republicans he works WITH.
Obama sponsored 152 bills and resolutions brought before the 109th Congress in 2005 and 2006, and cosponsored another 427. His first bill was the "Higher Education Opportunity through Pell Grant Expansion Act." Entered in fulfillment of a campaign promise, the bill proposed increasing the maximum amount of Pell Grant awards to help needy students pay their college tuitions. The bill did not progress beyond committee and was never voted on by the Senate.
Obama took an active role in the Senate's drive for improved
border security and immigration reform. Beginning in 2005, he co-sponsored the "Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act" introduced by Sen. John McCain (R-AZ). Obama later added three amendments to S. 2611, the "Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act," sponsored by Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA). S. 2611 passed the Senate in May 2006, but failed to gain majority support in the U.S. House of Representatives.In September 2006, Obama supported a related bill, the Secure Fence Act, authorizing construction of fencing and other security improvements along the United States–Mexico border. President Bush signed the Secure Fence Act into law in October 2006, calling it "an important step toward immigration reform."
Partnering first with Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN), and then with Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK), Obama successfully introduced two initiatives bearing his name. "Lugar–Obama" expands the Nunn–Lugar cooperative threat reduction concept to conventional weapons, including shoulder-fired missile and anti-personnel mines. The "Coburn-Obama Transparency Act" provides for a website, managed by the Office of Management and Budget, listing all organizations receiving Federal funds from 2007 onward, and providing breakdowns by the agency allocating the funds, the dollar amount given, and the purpose of the grant or contract. On December 22, 2006, President Bush signed into law the "Democratic Republic of the Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act," marking the first federal legislation to be enacted with Obama as its primary sponsor.

So go read about these individuals yourself and see if you don't find them worthy to be considered. A good friend of mine here is CO said the other day, "they're all crooks. And they must all be crazy to WANT to be President", truer words were never spoken. We will not find a perfect President, there are no perfect people, but this country has deviated so far from where we were 8 years ago, I want to see a person who can get us back on track become President. We owe it to the world to make up for has been done, we owe it to ourselves to protect our own country, we owe it to our future to take care of what is being neglected now. And I promise to consider the Republicans running, I haven't closed myself to that possibility, I just haven't heard about any fore runners yet.


Candace said...

You've started a lot of thought & discussion in our house....well that or Mark's angry comment from yesterday. Well that's how I read it, perhaps he's not angry. People get a little cuckoo when you start talking politics.

I'm really, really hopeful with these canidates. Curious to see who the Dems will decide to put on the bill.

I hope more people in this nation are ready for a change. I hope people will vote wisely & not be so staunch with what they were brought up with. I don't even know if I'm a democrat. Not sure what I am. Just sure that I'm more than a little ticked with the crap we've been fed for the last 7 yrs.

Who is Mark, by the way?

Me said...

HOLY FREAKIN CRAP!!! (again, all caps) You know to get a discussion started. Thanks for the mother load of information on your faves. Im sure at least one of those bills did something good for someone. haha, that is a joke you crazy dems. hahaha That was another one.
Maybe it's because I know him & love him, but I didnt find Mark's comment to be the least bit angry. He just wanted to hear if anyone could inform us of these guys'/gal's actual qualifications. And Candace, Texas isnt the biggest state, it is the second biggest. (Alaska is the biggest)

Dylan Todd said...

I was going to post something here, but... I'm spent, really. This isn't debate class. We're all friends here, right? Right?

Candace said...

Oh my hell!

That was all I was going to say.

But, Thanks so very much Holly for informing me of what a huge idiot I am. Appreciate it.

Apparently there are people here that don't know me. Don't know my tone. And don't know that I really never mean to offend anyone. I really would never want to be a snot to you Holly or Mark, whom I don't even know. Hopefully that's not what you're trying to be to me.

Anyway....people getting cuckoo....yeah.

By the way, I never knew about wikipedia either Chanel.

Me said...

I can see how the Alaska comment sounded a bit confrontational, and that is not how I meant it. I was trying to be funny & lighten this thing up, but clearly failed. It's been on my mind all night that I probably sounded like a snot, and that is/was not my intention. I have to remember that nobody here knows my tone either. So, in my head things sound one way & can be read a totally different way I guess.
Good thing we are all the same religion or we would be in some real trouble!!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha! This have been great for me Chanel! Thank you for the hours of laughter. Isn't it great that we all live in such a wonderful country and are able to have such differing polictical views! I think everyone needs to lighten up a bit when it comes to letting people have opposing views. In the end I am glad everyone kissed and made up because I can't handle people being mean to Holly, she was the reason I got into most of my fights in school was to hurt the people picking on her....oh and I had serious anger issues...but that is besides the point! :)
You can't sister steal from me! 13 years ago and even 9 years ago you could have had her, but you can' suffer with it!

Michelle said...

Interesting to read all the comments!
In case some of you were wondering where your views fall... Democrat or Republican you can take this
I took it and I'm considered a Conservative Democrat but I will vote Republican if I feel they're the better candidate.

Nichole said...

Hope you don't mind that I am speaking up on your blog too...thanks for the info. Chanel. I read Hillary's book, but didn't know much about the other two. I know that I don't need to take the test Michelle suggested, I took a similar one before and I was considered a very liberal Democrat, big shock!
Candace made a good point about researching and not sticking to what they were taught by their parents. When I was teaching (11th, U.S. History) I asked my students to tell me what party they considered themselves to side with. Then I asked them what their parents were, 99% sided with their folks.
Being a non-Mormon it is reassuring to see that there really are Mormon Democrats!!
Thanks for inspiring me to learn more about which Dem. will get my vote in the primary's.