Saturday, January 20, 2007

Fat, Fluffy, Flurries

Our 5th straight weekend with snow, but this kind was different, very fluffy and light. I was excited to go out in it and thought Lauren would enjoy it too (Julia was napping). She was sooo cute!! She really liked walking around in it and wanted so much to touch it, but her little hands would have frozen off! I taught her to stick her tongue out to catch the flakes, it was really adorable!

I'm completely obsessed with making my little hats, they're so fun and cute!!! I was supposed to reupholster the window treatments in our front and living room, but got side tracked- next weekend I suppose. Right now they're UGLY horse pattern, I got a solid navy blue fabric on mega sale- hope it works. I want to find the star wallpaper I had in Vegas for this kitchen too and complete the whole Americana look in this house. Guess all these politically heated blogs got me feeling all patriotic, a little psychotic, but mostly patriotic. hahaha!

Oh and check out the First Presidency's Message in January's Ensign if you haven't yet, it's really good. I have had a lot of good spiritual "happening" lately, little moments of learning, like tomorrow I am teaching another ward's primary b/c of Ward Conferences, so I will have the eight year olds and the lesson is all about John the Baptist and being foreordained. I learned that means you have been chosen to do a great work for the Lord, but you don't have to do it once you're here because you have your agency. That blew me away, I never knew the later part of that, make so much more sense now. I LOVE THE GOSPEL!!


Candace said...

Okay, I don't think Lauren could get any cuter! That hat is so adorable! Love it & love her in it. And there's so much snow in your hair! Crazy. We ended up getting lots of snow like that today. I think it's still coming down actually.

I'll have to check out my Ensign. So cool about teaching the 8 yr. olds. I love doing sharing time with the older kids. Such a good age group. One time I asked Dylan to do a FHE for us on John the Baptist because I wanted to know more about him. Very interesting guy & very interesting about the foreordination. Good luck with your lesson.

OH! I was going to tell you. Heather told me about this website: They have so much cool stuff for primary. There's a whole section on the Nursery program w/ tons of info. I think your sunbeam lessons are the same as the nursery. You may want to check it out.

This is long. okay, the end.p

ashley said...

i can't compete with 5 weekends of snow but it is snowing right now and sticking for the first time this year!!! i love looking out and seeing white!
those hats are really cute- do you have a trick for getting lauren to stay in hers? v won't wear a hat if her life depends on it!

Me said...

that's the hat you made? It turned out so cute! Looks like you got it at target.

Michelle said...

It's weird Chanel... today at church I was thinking about how I was predestined to join the church, that it's definitely where I'm suppose to be. I don't really know if it's like being preordained. Even though you and I (Ipuna too) weren't born into LDS families it's just so part of us to be LDS. Do you know what I'm trying to say? I just thought it went a long with what you were saying a little.

Ipuna Black said...

I agree Michelle.
Candace, thanks for the website. I teach the 11 year old girls. I love new ideas. The website looks cool!

I love that hat you made! You will have to show me how to make one. I have all these projects I want to try, but I first need to learn how to thread my sewing machine and turn it on. Baby steps.

The lesson in primary was in being preordained for things. It talked about how we are preordained to spread the word of God, but we have free agency to choose if we want to follow this. I thought that was cool.

Evan and Rebecca Jones said...

Okay Chanel, I'm FINALLY leaving a comment ... I was too nervous to do it during the political talk. :) So you are so good to take your kids out in the snow. Yesterday Evan took Colton out and I watched from the warmth of the house. Pathetic I know - next time I SWEAR I'll go out too. They're too cute in it huh?