Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Soo Many Choices

I hear all the time at church, "...and so we know we are meant to be here in Castle Rock." Yeah let me begin that sentence for OUR family, "The Democratic National Convention will be held in Denver in '08 and so we know we are meant to be here in Colorado". Holla!!! That is so exciting! I LOVED going to the Kerry rally last election season with Michelle, it was soooo thrilling, so the DNC I can only imagine. I BETTER GET TICKETS!!! As much as I hate being thought of as a party line voter, I most definitely fit the bill. I will say however, I foremost want what is best for our country and our world, and would vote Republican if there were ever someone sincere enough from that party to vote for. Saying that, know I seriously would have voted for Ronald McDonald in '04, that red curly head dude has more sincerity in his big left shoe than Bush has in his whole creepy body.
I haven't heard much about Repubs planning to run BESIDES the lovely Senator from CO, Tom Tancredo, PLEASE! That man is the most blatantly racist Senator I have ever heard speak. He actually said he doesn't think CO should allow full day kindergarten to Hispanic children because the cost would be too great and unfair to white children. Yeah dude, I want you running the country.
So here it comes... HILLARY??? OBAMA???? EDWARDS????? So many choices, what is a good old Democrat to do? Could two pair up for a P/VP bid?? That would be ideal. I like Edwards/Clinton best, but could go with a Edwards/Obama. Clinton/Obama sure, but honestly I don't think this country is progressive enough to vote for a female/black combo, one step at a time.
Hillary, lets just acknowledge, can definitely rub you the wrong way, but I have to say I love the idea of a woman President, and lets be honest if we're going to have a female in the White House don't we need a tough broad like her? I believe she wants to make the world a better place. Being involved in politics for so long she has the best idea of what it takes to get things done, but does that also lead to corruption? There is her colorful past, I mean forgiving Billy Bob, that took some strength. But all I can say is I like her, always have, I'd vote for her.
Obama, love his enthusiasm, his "face of change", that he opposed the war from the very first vote. Does he have enough experience to do the best job? I don't put too much weight on experience, I mean Bush did it for 8 years, how hard can it be? KIDDING!
Edwards, he's had my heart since the last primary. I like his down to earth, hardworking, strong values persona. I LOVE his wife. He looks the part and I still remember the debates in 04, he was sooo right on target!

Now I am sure I haven't persuaded any of you, especially the 99% of you Republican readers, I don't think that was my reason for posting, I'm just excited. Excited for a NEW president, I have waited so long. If you must respond, be nice, I get agitated easily. (HOLLY)


Ipuna Black said...

I liked this blog. You really research your politics. K.C. and his family are big time Republicans. I was with the Democratic party, but I felt I didn't understand enough about politics to really declare a party. I am currently nonpartisan, but I have been doing my research before any kind of election lately. I agree, that the individual is more important than the party they are affiliated with.

Michelle said...

I definitely thought of you when I heard where the Democratic Convention is going to be. You'll have to try and get on the news again!
I believe Hillary would make a great President. She is very knowledgeable and like you said a strong women. I need to learn more about Obama. I think America is opened minded enough to vote one of the two through the Primaries.

Dylan Todd said...

Chanel - Great post. you crack me up, girl. Like you, I'm feeling the push right now to start figuring out which horse I'm betting on come '08, mainly because I really don't want to relive the three days of darkness that was my life after the '04 elections. I can't describe how depressed I was. I seemed so obvious who the bad guy was that I just couldn't see how anyone else couldn't see it. Oh man, now I'm depressed again.

Anyway, so... you're really a Hillary gal? I don't know. Count me as one of the ones she rubs the wrong way. She's like a Stepford Wife with that overly happy smile. It's like a mask. Still, she's smart and capable, but I really don't think people (Repubs, Dems or, especially, the In-Betweeners) will vote for her. Too much baggage. And, I'm sorry to say, she's a "she."

I'm reading Obama's The Audacity of Hope and liking it. He seems like a cool, level-headed guy and well, I'd vote for him. I think America's (for the most part) ready for an African-American. As long as he doesn't come across as crazy, he'll do fine. He should bring Al Sharpton along on rallies so he'll look better standing next to him. Sort of like a sort-of-pretty girl standing next to Janet Reno. Who would you take to the ball?

Edwards is a cool guy, too. Smart, young and approachable. He announced his '04 candidacy on the Daily Show, fergoodnesssake. His "aw shucks," personality will have to harden up a bit before people start seeing him as a serious candidate, though. Still, his performance at the '04 debates was quite impressive, especially his backhanded outing of Darth Vader... er, I mean Dick Cheney's daughter. I'd really be interested in a Obama/Edwards pairing (especially in that P/VP order).

Seriously though, my sneaking suspicion is that if Hillary takes the primaries, us Dems are out and it's four more years of darkness.

It will be interesting once it gets closer. The '04 elections were so weird to call mainly because of the whole gay marriage debacle mere months before. The Repubs had a solid stance on the issue and left the Dems looking like backpedaling doublespeakers (which, let's be honest, they were. Take a stance and stick to it, people.).

Anyway, this is a humongous comment. Peace.

Anonymous said...

All right you've been getting a lot of love on your political post, so I think it's OK to leave a little comment from the other side. You know, to be "fair and balanced."

All I'm reading about any of these people is emotional arguments.

Obama- He seems 'like a cool,level headed guy' enthusiastic. 'opposed the war from the beiginning' he's only been a Senator for two years.

Clinton- 'knowledgable, strong woman', 'tough broad', 'I love th e idea of a woman president'

Edwards- 'down to earth, hardworking, strong values, love his wife, looks the part' ' approachable, aw shucks personality, young.'

These are all great qualities. I could use most of them to describe my 5th grade teacher too. She was one tough broad. I don't think it qualifies anyone to be president. Bush was at least the governor of one of the largest states in the country.

I don't want to turn your blog into a political debate but if anyone can cite an actual accomplishment that would qualify any of these people to be president, I would love to hear it.

Me said...

CHANEL!!! (when people write in all caps, remember that they are YELLING!!!!) My blood pressure has risen 10 points since reading this post! Then the comments?! What is going on?! Hilary, Obama, & Edwards?! They will make for great photo ops- the black guy, the woman, the guy with southern charm-but in the words of one great black woman (janet jackson) "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR ME LATELY?, oohh, oooh, ooooooohh, yeah." I know Jon Edwards, with all that great charm, has made it next to impossible for working doctors in South Carolina to run a successful practice because of all the lawsuits he filed against some other doctors, using an "expert" on the stand who used junk science in his testimony. Did this sweet southern gentleman give back the moeny he had won as the attorney when he found out about this junk? No, but maybe he can share it with Al Sharpton & get a refreshing lemonade after doing all those great speeches together on the campain trail.

Candace said...

Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness.

How can ANYONE in the whole world be okay with Bush and all his crap. Who cares if he's been governor of the largest state. He's a liar & in my opinion a moron.

I am SO ready for a change. So ready for a Democrat in the white house. I don't understand why the whole nation isn't. I don't understand AT ALL people's loyalty to Bush. Cause guess what people...he doesn't care a lick about you!

AND....I agree with you Chanel & not Mark...emotional qualities are a great thing to look at as well as the people's performance. Emotional qualites make up a person & make them who they are. Perhaps if Bush had more positive emotional qualities he wouldn't have invaded & bombed the heck out of Iraq.....because he sure didn't have a very valid reason for doing it & he sure didn't have the support of the UN. Ego....not a positive emotional quality & that's all I see there.

Anyway, you are making me laugh Chanel....Holla!!! I hope you can go to the convention. I would love to hear all the details about your experience there. You are an amazing girl. I absolutely LOVE that you stand up for what you believe.

Ryan said...

aww, you guys rock. Poor Mark adn Holly, I KNOW how you're feeling! It sucks when your party just ain't going to cut it, its ok, I survived 8 years with the WORST, you can handle at minimum 4 years with an "emotianally equipped" President.

Nichole said...

Hi Chanel,
I called Michelle to tell her the good news about Hillary this morning and she told me to read your blog. I am with you. I can't wait to see how this all plays out. All I can hope for is that people will educate themselves before they vote and that woman will continue to be the voting majority!