Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I love controversy***

Just kidding, take a deep breath...
Yesterday was filled with quite a few thought provoking issues
1) Oprah's topic: Stay At Home Moms VS Working Moms
2)The State Of The Union
3) Keep the island in the kitchen table or remove it and have more dinning space

So lets start with Miss O. I think the thing that defined it all for me was when the working mom said she felt guilty, but.... Uh yeah! The guilt is your natural intuition "something" is not right. Which I thought the "Dr." on the show had great insight to..."Guilt and having remorse, regret, is really in our lives to teach us not to torture us," she says. "You want to learn, 'What did I need to do that I didn't do? How did I neglect my needs or neglect my child?' … You can experience deprivation as a mother and thinking, 'Oh, my gosh, I'm ruining my child.' When your child, if you are attuned and connected to them, feels full and empowered." I mentioned mom guilt in another blog, and I have that when I know I have cleaned more than played, talked on the phone more than read books, blogged more than played games. I do learn from that guilt and try harder to be better the next day. In the VT message there is a quote by Sister Parkin about becoming an instrument in the hands of God, she says "show by your attitude that you are finding joy in the journey". The mom who works because "it fulfills her in away that staying at home never could" needs to FIND JOY in the journey. Not everyday is going to to be easy, fun, and fulfilling, BUT the whole of the staying home experience is something you can not get anywhere else, for any amount of money, or at any other time in your life. Now moms that have to work, I feel for them, the statistics Oprah showed that something like 91% of the working moms wished they didn't have to is sad. Of course that lends to what does "have to work" mean. We sacrifice around here, but NO cell phone, cable, bigger house, nicer clothes is so worth watching Lauren toddle around chasing Julia, picking Julia up from school and scooping her in my arms, swaying back and forth with Lauren in my arms to get her to take her nap, convincing Julia eating the crust of the bread will make her strong, watching Lauren "talk" to her baby when she's in her crib and then checking on her little angel face sleeping curled up like a bunny. I love this time of my life, but have plans for when the girls are grown. My world will not collapse when my kids are off to college, I want to do something for the world then ... politics ... mission ... who knows whats in store.

That leads us to The State of the Union. First I have to say I LOVE NANCY PILOSE. She has such class (or maybe its just perfected political to announce it was her highest pleasure and great honor to introduce President Bush. I really admire her earnest effort in being bipartisan and wanting to work with Bush. So anyway I was so very very confused as I listened to the dear President talk about promoting ideas of alternate fuels to reduce "global climate change" (can he really just not say the words 'global warming'?), coming up with a health care coverage idea (although I did not understand it b/c it involves all the tax deferments which makes me wonder if it really would help people who have no insurance because they can't afford it.), and an immigration effort that would allow immigrants to come and work on a temporary basis (although the rest of his immigration ideas pertaining to the illegal immigrants in the country now were vague) he sounded like he KNEW what the country needs, so what the heck has he been doing for the last 7 years??? Oh yeah being cocky b/c he had a Republican majority and "spending his political equity" (or whatever that ridiculous comment was) , destroying the middle east, and executing a psycho, good job Bush Man. And as far as his Iraq surge plan, come on, NOBODY but McCain is excited about that, especially military FAMILIES. Would it absolutely kill him to be diplomatic about this? So maybe Bush isn't a complete moron, but as I heard on some show, " there are two kinds of ignorance- simple and willful, Bush exhibits willful", and that folks is why I do not trust him.
Now the last straw that will probably keep you from being my blog friend- Do I keep the island in my kitchen table??? I mean we bought that table b/c it was a square and it is soo cool. If we take the island out it becomes a smallish rectangle that doesn't even command a second glance. There really isn't a lot of room in our "dinning" area. I pushed it up against the wall to make more room and it works for now, but man I think we should just buy another house, and there you have it, the real controversy in our home.

***blame this all on my digital camera that won't upload my cute pictures and give me a reason to do simple craft and kid blogs.


ashley said...

this is a great post, velzy is crying in her crib and i am not going to pick her up until i have written to tell you that! i love that Sister Parkin quote, honestly what i needed to hear today, i am going to wo write it on my fridge so i can see it all week. life is not about the destination but about the journey, and if we don't enjoy it what is is worth! thanks!

tabo said...

1. Did Oprah air this show as an apology for her independent woman rant she had with Cameron Diaz a couple years ago?

A littl late, Oprah, but we'll forgive.

2. ...I just can't right now. ;-)

3. I really like your table. It looks great either way in the house you live in now. Don't you dare buy a new house somewhere far away.

Ryan said...

By the by, I just took Michelle's test a was dubbed "Conservative Democrat" and here's what it said, pretty good huh?
Based on your answers to the questionnaire, you most closely resemble survey respondents within the Conservative Democrat typology group.

Conservative Democrats represent 14 percent of the American public, and 15 percent of registered voters.

Basic Description
Conservative Democrats’ religious orientation and conservative views on many social and political issues set this group apart from the other Democratic-leaning groups, Liberals and Disadvantaged Democrats. Conservative Democrats’ views are moderate with respect to key policy issues such as foreign policy, regulation of the environment and the role of government in providing a social safety net. Their neutrality on assistance to the poor is linked, at least in part, to their belief in personal responsibility.

Defining Values
Less extreme on moral beliefs than core Republican groups, but most oppose gay marriage and the acceptance of homosexuality, and support a more active role for government in protecting morality. No more conservative than the national average on other social issues such as abortion and stem-cell research. Most oppose the war in Iraq, but views of America’s overall foreign policy are mixed and they are less opposed to Bush’s assertive stance than are other Democratic groups.

tabo said...

I like the new look of your blog.

I'd be interested in seeing the political leaning test you're talking about.

Candace said...

What would this world be like without controversy or without our right to be able to express our views on stuff!

okay so....yeah, working moms. I agree with the mention of what does "have to work" mean? I think many fall into this trap. Even though your husband doesn't make tons....does it mean you have to work too just to make that car payment, or do you get an older, used but still dependable car. (just an example...not bagging on anybody's car purchasing choice. please, nobody get offended with me).

state of the union. I totally missed this one. Since we don't have cable tv & don't even have an antena that will get us any sort of reception. Now you know why I love the internet so. I don't think that I could have even sat through it anyway. I have a very low tolerance for Mr. Bush. Glad you could summarize a bit of it for me. AND...I don't believe anything he says about helping with global warming or health coverage. My feelings are he just doesn't give a rats a** about any of us living in the US, except to feed us whatever crap he needs to to keep us supporting him. HIM caring about the environment....BULL!

Now, the most important issue of them all...your dining room table. Take that leaf out. Try it for a little while. You may find that you love it & I'm sure it will still look just as lovely. If you don't like...put it back.

I should go take that political test. Sounds like I would be a Conservative Democrat as well.

Ryan said...

the test is at

tabo said...

I'm an I'll try to contribute better to the controversy in the future.

Basic Description
Upbeats express positive views about the economy, government and society. Satisfied with their own financial situation and the direction the nation is heading, these voters support George W. Bush’s leadership in economic matters more than on social or foreign policy issues. Combining highly favorable views of government with equally positive views of business and the marketplace, Upbeats believe that success is in people’s own hands, and that businesses make a positive contribution to society. This group also has a very favorable view of immigrants.

Evan and Rebecca Jones said...

about oprah - you said it all for me so i'll just tell people to refer to your blog for my opinion on the subject. :) oh and ps - i was in SUCH a better mood after you left visiting teaching. thank you for that.