Monday, January 08, 2007

Vail, Sunbeams, NonGoals

Saturday we headed up to Vail, CO to visit friends that have a home up there. I was really excited to see them, see Vail, and see what a home in Vail would be like. All our good intentions flew out the window once we hit mega traffic. We were going 10mph FOREVER! It took at least an extra hour and a half to get up there and with two little ones it was challenging!!! The scenery all the way there was breathtaking though so that helped. Pine trees all along the mountains, so close together and dusted with snow, it was incredible. Ryan and I only had one scuffle where I attempted to lock him out of the car and drive away, lucky for him he runs faster than I can climb over seats. Ahh, I love that man.
SO Vail was everything I expected. It is soooo charming, like a Swiss Alps village. Skiers everywhere, neat shops, little places to eat. I really would like to come up in the summer, since I NEVER want to ski EVER again. Ryan on the other hand is DIEING TO GO SNOWBOARDING! He's never been, but I am sure he'd pick it up in a heart beat, that skater kid of my youth. He wants to take Julia for her birthday- WE'LL SEE!!!!
Our friend's house was...HUGE...GORGEOUS...INVITING to name a few. I don't want to be too over the top about it because they certainly are not. They're such nice down to earth people, but seriously this house was right out of Life Styles of the Rich and Famous. We felt like it was such a neat experience to stay there. Julia was loving the high life- you know a plasma t.v. in her bunk bed was quite the treat. It was a fabulous time, besides trying to get Lauren to sleep in a strange bed and with a mega diaper rash, I think the altitude dehydrated her and she couldn't stop pooping. Poor babe.
Sunday we came home from the mountains and went right to church. Julia's first day of Sunbeams! We are so excited she's in Primary! Finally this year we'll enjoy the Primary Program (is that terrible to say?). She did great, I am one of her teachers, which I love getting to see her, but I don't like teaching her because I don't want to always pick her but she thinks, "hello, you're my mom PICK ME!". We had to leave early b/c of Lauren's rash, she'd gone through her last diaper, Julia was very very disappointed. She loves her other teacher Sister Walker and didn't want to miss getting a drink of water, but we had to go.
So the New Year has started out pretty amazingly! I am inspired by my fellow bloggers to make goals. Yet there is a part of me that is so resistant to doing it this year. Certainly I am still sure my main resolution will be to focus on the environment- RECYCLING, REUSING, using the new light bulbs ALL over our house ( we have some already and I love them), bringing my own bags to the grocery store even though I reuse the stores, it would be better to bring my own, take shorter showers (that will be hard, but since I take one like every other day [or more- gross I know!] shouldn't I be able to indulge when I do get one???) There are other things that need attention- praying ON MY KNEES, scripture reading and family scripture reading, SAVING money, cutting out sugar (AGAIN), being more active (I'm not even going to say workout, frequent blog readers know my track record).
There I did it, I wrote goals. Now I am marching upstairs and reading the scriptures!!!


Candace said...

You guys made it over to Vail! Cool! All good goals, good luck with them.

Amber said...

I love your goal to be more active. I like how that sounds! That is one of my new goals now! Thanks!

Ipuna Black said...

You are so funny. I laugh almost every time I read your blog. Sounds like some good goals! I could add some of yours to my list, but I don't think I can cut back on the time it takes to shower. :) It is often my moment of peace.

Me said...

Praying on your knees is a good one. I thought I was the only heathen who prayed in bed. haha You would think that was easier than it actually is!