Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Santa Doesn't Come

To Messy Houses!
Yeah, you didn't know that? Well not even Julia is buying that threat. So Santa will most likely come to a messy Adams' household. Here's a picture to prove it- our basement...does it even look like these children NEED any more toys????
So yes, the sun has come up on a new day and I am doing much better. I think I needed at least 12 hours to pity myself, then all my blessings hit me in the head and I realize what a sap I was being. Perhaps nursing Lauren last night helped clear my mind too. My philosophy this morning, is take care of the babes I do have and let the Lord send another IF HE WILLS. Hopefully by January Lauren will be completely weaned and then I can try the estrogen, but I can't make this traumatic for either of us, just not my style.
So thanks for putting up with yet another "whaaa whaaa" blog.
Now back to Christmas....


Anonymous said...

If I so much as stumble on one tiny puzzle piece while making my delivery, by golly I'm going to call my elf attorney and sue you for every dime you have.

Anonymous said...

I love that basement.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of my childhood in St. Paul, Switzerland, home of the world's most active fault line.

Anonymous said...

Do you think Stridex will clear this up?

Ipuna Black said...

You are so silly. I love the house :). It makes me feel better...sometimes just forget about cleaning the house and have fun with the babies! :) I have to remember that. Sometimes, I feel like the more you stay home the cleaner the house should be. Completely false. It is the opposite. You are at home all day, so the house gets messier, but that is OK. I have realized that a neat house is NOT the most important thing.
I am glad you are feeling better. It is normal to have good and bad days. Don't be so hard on yourself. You are a wonderful Mom!
Ipuna (I had trouble loggin in under my user ID)

Anonymous said...

oh joy- i love it when your blog will let me comment- which is not too often these days!
first off- way to have a good attitude and go back to "whipping out our boob" you are so funny!
also, that basement looks like so much fun! a mess made with happy playing is alright by me- i have to remind my husband that when he walks in the living room and looks at it like a bomb went off!

Anonymous said...

Santa Claus threats are great, arent they? Santa himself doesnt sound all that great in that comment...what a money grubbin grinch! Sounds like Rudolph could use some Accutane.

Candace said...

It took me a little bit to realize that there are children in that picture. So funny. We all have times when our house looks like that.