Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Last Days of Summer

This is the last week our pool is open so we have to go everyday! It is hard for me, when it is only 83 degrees for the high, that isn't swimming weather to me, so we freeze a little, but I'm sure when there is snow outside these memories will seem very warm! Thankfully the pools are heated so when we're in the water it is actually very nice! Lauren is just adorable in the pool! She splashes and kicks and then laughs her little baby laugh. I adore holding her in the water, I keep thinking next year she'll be so big! Julia is our little fish, as long as her floaty is around her waist. She had a blast jumping in the big pool, and mastered plugging her nose. She likes it when I splash her and do motorboat.

I've been scrapbooking and sewing. Attempted a pumpkin pillow and it turned out butt-ugly! Julia loves it though, so all's well that ends well. Went to Enrichment last night, it was on preparedness. I feel like we're doing well in that area. We got 2 big water barrels for water, just need to put water in them, don't know how we'll ever move them once they're full. Sunday was stake conference, which we lasted 90 minutes, yay us! The first speaker was just incredible! He addressed what makes one successful, he said you find success inspite of fame and fortune, not because of it. The greatest choices in life are between good and evil, not fame and obscurity, wealth and poverty. Satan's tool is distraction. I get distracted ALL THE TIME! Every change of season has me wanting new clothes, wanting to put Julia in classes, wanting to do home improvement projects, it is never ending. Also I hear everything through "wanting to be able to have another baby" ears, so what I have taken away from that talk is that I need to do more good, more scripture study, prayers, better FHE. I need to stop worrying about the worldly things that come and go, stop wondering about the unknowns in life, and really really focus on faith, charity, and humility. Another talk I heard recently had a good quote, " Satan doesn't care if you think highly of yourself or if you think little of yourself, he just wants you thinking about YOURSELF". Time to do less thinking about myself, trust the Lord and DO some good. Maybe I can be accountable here, that will give me some incentive to report what good I've done. Better start with the scriptures! Now I'm kind of excited. Oh, and we're feeding the missionaries tonight, so that's good right?
So with this change of season will come a change of attitude. YAY!


Michelle said...

Reading your blog was a nice reminder for me to get going with scripture study again and to not be so distracted by everything!

You're such a good Mom taking your girls swimming everyday! We haven't been swimming much lately even though it's still 100 here.

Candace said...

Are you guys the only ones at the pool?

Isn't it great to feel that excitement about changing & bettering ourselves. Loved your words today....very motivating.