Saturday, August 26, 2006


the furniture! YAY! I love doing this! I haven't done it for a long time, there weren't many options in our last house, but here I found a new shwang to things and we all love it! Makes the house feel way bigger! I started yesterday, turned on Dean Martin All Time Greatest Hits and gave the girls rides on the couches as I moved them from one corner to the next; one room to the next. Ryan came home and was so surprised. He helped bring up the recliner from the basement today and all feels really really right. I remember my mom doing this a lot when we were little, I always loved how it gave our house a whole new feeling. Still lovin it!!!!
Im excited to watch the Emmy's tomorrow- what a way to ruin the Sabbath I know, but it is a total guilty pleasure. Back in the day I hated that the first day of school was always the Monday after the Emmy's, I always tried to go to bed early so I would end up missing the end of the show. SOOOO glad Im not in school anymore!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're cool too!
cute blog :)
and i love the kitchen rainbow.