Friday, August 04, 2006

Bad Bad Week

So to top off this week I got a speeding ticket yesterday- luckily my girls were both asleep so I could avoid the "WHY?" question a hundred times from Julia. The answer would be I was going 35 in a 25 construction zone! BUGGAR! Are you kidding me? Let me at least EARN a ticket! I went berserk at home and destroyed a cantaloupe. I had it from top to bottom, kitchen to living room, it felt sooooo great afterwards! Cleaning it up wasn't so much fun. Ummm, does this rage remind you of a time gone by? Say last time the POF was in full force? My hormones make me CRAZY! Luckily again the girls were still asleep in the car so I did this and cleaned it up all before they awoke. Lovely!

Anyway here are some pictures from my last blog- I don't know why they wouldn't go on that one. This thing is funny sometimes!

Lauren and her new friend! SOOOO CUTE!

Julia at ballet


Michelle said...

As soon as I saw this picture I knew what it was. Sorry you had such a bad day. Hopefully coming to Vegas will cheer you up. We're looking forward tows seeing you!

Ipuna Black said...

I had to laugh a little at the picture. We are human. I love what you did to that cantaloupe. I am sorry you had a bad week as well.