We got this shirt special for her first day; what says "Want to be friends?" more than a Cinderella shirt?

She has a wonderful teacher and it is a nice school. They start their day with prayer and say a prayer before their snacks and then end the day with a prayer, I liked that.
They have a kitchen area set up as one center and that was her FAVORITE! She had all the food, dishes, and dolls out in no time at all. She got along great with the other kids and I think she'll make some good friends there. YAY!
She cried when it was time to go home. I assured her we'd be back and it helped that the teacher sang a good-bye song with all the kids. I am really excited to see how she grows in the coming months!

Now this little cutie pie cracks me up!!! This is her "I am soooo excited I can hardly breathe face". USUALLY it is reserved for when she sees me, however on this day Elmo got it. She seriously loves Elmo! This was the first time she's watched him on t.v., but our car has a mirror with him attached that she looks at all the time, so that must be where the love affair started. It amazes me how much both my girls love that furry red monster, and while they're still so little! I love how excited she gets, this big mouth is always followed by the biggest smile. She holds her breath, twirls her feet, and shakes a little when she opens her mouth like that, so funny!!!
On Julia's first day of school Lauren got babysat for the first time. Luckily my RS President was willing to watch her, it worked out so great and I wasn't worried for a second. I thought she would cry when I left but she didn't, guess I better simmer down my ego, huh? I am so happy my girls seem to be such well adjusted kids, they are my pride and joy!
So you got to stay for the first day of preschool? That's so nice because now you know what she does when she's there and you know that she's in good hands. I hope I'm scheduled to work the first day of school for Avry. It's so fun.
I was thinking the same thing about your girls both loving Elmo even before I read what you said! So cute.
How fun. I love when the kids get so excited! School is fun too. I love being actively involved in their schooling. Your a great Mom!
Thanks for the comments on my blog. It was appreciated!
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