Friday, August 18, 2006

Whadda ya know?

I wish I understood science enough to explain how a rainbow appeared IN OUR KITCHEN! I'm taking it as a very good omen!!!! Isn't it so pretty? Julia first spotted it, and she too just couldn't understand what was going on, she kept wanting to go outside to see the rainbow. I told her over and over that the rainbow was on our ceiling, not outside, but it took a trip out the front door before she would believe me. Must have something to do with all the dishes that were sitting in the sink, but heck what a great reward for NOT doing dishes!


Michelle said...

That's amazing! The colors are so vivid. Isn't there a spritual refernce to rainbows?

Candace said...

so cool!

Ipuna Black said...

Wow. That is neat! You shouldn't do the dishes more often. :)