Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Girls' Just Wanna Have Fun!

It was Julia's last dance class and they got to get all dolled up to dance and sing to Girls' Just Wanna Have Fun. OH MY GOODNESS! This little Cindy Lauper was BORN to do just that! She shook her hips and head and was all over the place looking in the mirror the whole time, just LOVIN life! It was seriously the cutest thing I have seen her do in... well about 2 days. She just has me smiling and laughing all the time!! Her dad and sister too!!! We love you so much Julia and especially love that you are YOU!!! The other girls in her class weren't near as animated and excited as she was. She's like her dad when it comes to being excited about life, but she ads a high pitched scream to the mix!
Speaking of girls having FUN! I had a wonderful birthday! Ryan took a half day at work ( a total surprise to me) and we ate all day long! He made me a WONDERFUL cake and even let me have a nap while he and the girls baked. He's just the best! I felt very very spoiled. At night we had our "clique" over, so excited to have some cool friends finally!! The Jones and the Johnsons, its always a ton of laughs. I had to get a picture of me on my birthday- nice, cheesy, luvs it! 28 is feeling pretty good. It'd feel a lot better with a baby growing inside me, but I got a year right? I fought every temptation to take a test yesterday, I thought, "What a great birthday present that would be." Not so great however, if it was negative, which it surely would be. I only have imaginary signs, so I'll wait and torture myself another day.

1 comment:

Ipuna Black said...

Ryan is so sweet. Julia looks so cute. Happy birthday!