Thursday, March 01, 2007

My Little Sunbeam's 1st Church Bag

Whew! This was the hardest thing I think I have ever made! The juice bags are not nearly as forgiving as fabric. I did however have a DELICIOUS TIME acquiring the bags.

During family scripture the other night I was explaing the scripture to Julia by telling her it meant that when she has a problem she can trust Heavenly Father to help her. To make sure she understood I asked her who will help her when she has a problem and she said, "Mommy!". I said yes, but what if Mommy isn't there, she said, "Why because you died and go to Heaven?" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I kind of freaked out, that's a sad thing to even contemplate. But, yes dear Julia pretty much dieing is the only thing that would keep me from helping you, but actually there may be things in life, even Mom can't fix. We're so lucky to have the scriptures!


Michelle said...

Cute bag! You have skills.

Julia's prayer story reminds me of something Avry said during FHE. We were playing a game and you had to tell a story about whatever you landed on. She landed on lie. She said, "One day I was walking down the street and there was a LION and a tiger...." You probably had to be there but we thought it was hilarious.

Be Individual said...

Hi, I'm Linda, Erica's friend. I was wondering if you had the directions or pattern on how to make the juice purse. Would be a great Easter present for my daughter.