Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Preschool Birthday Party

Let the celebrating begin!!! Julia will be FOUR on the 29th, but that is Spring Break so we were able to bring treats to her class today. YAY!! I LOVE being at home so I can drop everything and make this happen. (See I forgot I told the teacher I would bring treat s in TODAY, I thought Thursday-woops! A quick trip to the store for rice krispies and marshmallows and disaster avoided.) She got to wear this funny hat and everyone sang to her, it was cute.

Lauren got to come and it was so funny to see her at the table with the big kids. She even insisted on holding the cup herself and drink, I swear this baby gets bigger and bigger in the things she can do! Luckily she's still bald so she's helping me hold on to her babiness.

Watching Jules on the playground was really cool. She so little still, so full of that innocence of childhood, so full of wonder and energy, and excitement, I LOVE her!
This picture rocks! I love that she's the leader, I love her pigtails, I love that look on her face, and I love her little midgit body.


Me said...

Chanel to the rescue! You are so good to throw together a treat so fast. Isnt that great that you area an at home mom & could do that?

ashley said...

i love that you call Jules body a midgit body. seriously, kids-little humans- are so funny how they are just bite sized versions of us.

Heather said...

I love four...it's a good age. They can be reasoned with and they are still so little and cute. Not that they aren't cute when they get older. She will remember you bringing in the birthday treats. That is still a good memory of mine. You are a great mom!

Candace said...

CUTE! Yes, I remember my mom bringing in treats too. Such good, happy memories.

Amber said...

Happy Birthday Julia!