Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Vacation That Rocked

We're back! It was such a great time, I realized we haven't taken a vacation in forever! We've taken trips, but this was a vacation- sooo nice! First my Disneyland Tribute: Disneyland was simply magical- as always. Both girls had a fabulous time! There wasn't one tantrum, or freak out, it was heaven! The lines were minimal and the weather- oh mama- the weather was GORGEOUS!

These little loves are PRECIOUS!! And yes I LOVE DRESSING THEM THE SAME!!!!

Lauren's first DUMBO ride! Love that tradition.
Julia went with Dad and loved making it go high to scare him.

Julia also went on her first roller coaster with her dad and LOVED IT! It was the he Roger Rabbit ride in ToonTown. I was very proud of her. This is her "I DID IT" pose.

Seeing the Fairy Godmother was very sweet. Both girls really took to her.
We drove home by the grace of God since our eyes couldn't hardly focus on the road after about 8 hours sleep in 48 hours, but heck it was an amazing trip.
Vegas seemed to welcome us home with open arms, and a cigarette on her mouth. Seriously that town is so smokey! But I love it, I really really love it, its in my veins, wait maybe that's just nicotine, whatever, I LOVE IT! It helps a lot that I was there when it was FREAKING GORGEOUS!!!! 80's everyday, the warm sun kissing my WHITE Colorado skin, every street leading me EXACTLY where I want to go (such a nice feeling to know where you're at and where everything around you is), the homes all squished together with desert landscape like little oasises all over town (oh how I longed to be able to go "home" in one of the many neighborhoods we drove by), and best of all the people I LOVE.
Thats what it all comes down to, the people I really love and need in my life are there. My mom, brother(s), Holly, Michelle/Avry, and Candace. That's right folks Candace made a guest appearance while I was there, making me feel like truly EVERYONE is there. It is sooo hard for me to leave you all. But I just really know we're suppose to be here and I am happier living here. So seriously, one of you better move out here!
One thing I do miss is fitting in with the crazy people so much. I was in line at the bank and seriously felt like the most sane person in the entire place, including the employees! You can wear ANYTHING in Vegas, which I think may be a side affect that is hard for me to shake. I have no problem leaving the house in just about anything- yes I am the woman who wore sweatshirts to teach in so I wouldn't have to wear a bra to work, BUT I was pregnant, you understand right? What is boils down to is I just love the "whatever goes" attitude of Vegas, and may start enforcing it more wholeheartedly here in good old hometown USA.


Candace said...

Oh Disneyland....how I long for you. Looks like a lot of fun was had by all.

So good to see you too...all of you....but especially you & to hear your wonderful laugh in person.

Me said...

Glad you are home safe. of course, I wish you were HERE & safe, but that's beside the point. It was so wonderful having you here! I love just being in your presence. and funny Ryan & the sweet girls! the best!! we gotta come see you guys soon.

Jamie said...

Don't you just LOVE LOVE LOVE Disneyland? That is seriously the funnest place on the planet! I totally understand about the Vegas thing. It will always be "home" and everyone we love is there too, but I also LOVE my new home! I'm glad you had a fun vacation..I'm always jealous when people go to Disneyland without me!!! :)

Ipuna Black said...

I love the picture of the girls dressed alike.