Thursday, March 01, 2007

Its A Miracle

I got a call from my Doctor's office with GOOD NEWS.
My FSH which as of December was 64 (postmenopausal level) has dropped to 10.6 (practically normal)!!!! It is so exciting for me! I have the greatest hope now, no holding back, complete FAITH in the Lord's time. Yesterday I read the New Testament where Jesus was healing, and it reminded me of the blessing Ryan gave me in September, which said I was healed. After reading the many stories of healings I prayed and asked for a little physical confirmation when I got my test results that the blessing was still valid , but this, WOW! I was not expecting this! THANK YOU HEAVENLY FATHER!!!!! I feel such a huge obligation to the Lord to testify of Him and His power and continual working of miracles. It is all Him that makes these things possible. How am I so blessed to be able to witness this? I don't know, but I do know I mustn't be embarrassed or worried what others think, this is my way, my opportunity to share the reality of God and how His priesthood works. I am so grateful, so humbled, so full of JOY.

Just so you know this is what levels mean:
FSH is often used as a gauge of ovarian reserve. In general, under 6 is excellent, 6-9 is good, 9-10 fair, 10-13 diminished reserve, 13+ very hard to stimulate. I was 64!!!!! This is just unbelievable! YAY!


Me said...

truly a miracle. there is no other explanation. I was in shock the levels dropped SO much! you have the faith to bring upon a miracle like this...again!

Ipuna Black said...

I am so happy for you!

Michelle said...

I am so excited and happy for you! What a great blessing!

Nichole said...

Congratulations, Chanel. Some things are just meant to be!

Candace said...

Yippie skippy!!!!

Jamie said...
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Jamie said...
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Jamie said...

I am sooooooo happy for you! Miracles do happen to people we know!

Heather said...

That's great news!

Me said...
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