Democrats are NOT ALL for abortion!
AM I? Well the obvious answer is NO!
The not so obvious answer is, I don't really care.
I would never ever have one, counsel my daughters, friends, neighbors, girls my brother knocks up, etc. to have one, BUT that's where my vested interest ends. I know only one person who has had one, she was in highschool, not religious, not willing to take care of a child, and not willing to "suffer the consequences" which to me means: yes you're gonna get fat, you're gonna probably want to keep the baby at some point, you're going to deliver the baby, sign the adoption papers, feel horrible, sad, depressed, then LEARN the freaking lesson to not have sex if you're not going to own up to consequences like a responsible dignified person.
Bush has been in office for almost 7 years, abortion is still legal. Whats up with that? I thought he was Mr. Righteous? Then who I think it really comes down to is Congress and The Senate- where are they? Why haven't they done anything to make it illegal? Again I don't really care, but why then am I RANTING???
That's all that matters? Well while she's worrying about the unborn babies that would ultimately turn into some of our country's hungriest, most attention starved, delinquent children how about the living children dieing in Iraq, the living children who have no health care, the living children who's future is not looking so cheery considering this planet is quickly turning into an easy bake oven.
There are issues that politician can actually affect, why must we focus on a moral issue that has very little affect on anyone but the girl and the unborn baby. Will she go to hell? Maybe. Will the Lord have mercy because she was never taught better? Maybe. Will I go to hell because I didn't bomb an abortion clinic? You tell me. I really see it as an issue that the Lord will take up with that person and its none of our business. And just in case I am not clear, NO I DO NOT THINK ABORTION IS RIGHT OR ACCEPTABLE, its just not THE issue to use as your base for choosing a president.
I am now asking you all to do something really important- REALLY look at ALL the candidates and ALL the issues and decide who will do the best job. Decide what you think the president can do, not what the candidate says they want to do. Then decide what is important to you. Abortion may be very important to you, does the president have much say when it comes to that issue? And as far as their stance on that issue saying a whole lot about their character, I think that is very unfair. Maybe then that's because I am just suddenly worried you're now questioning my character.
ANYWAY, I really don't know who I like yet. Clinton, Obama, Edwards, Romney, McCain...we'll just have to see. This is finally a year with a hard choice, on both sides of the party line.
Here are some Romney blogs with links that are useful and entertaining.
Here is an interesting article about Romney, from a nonLDS view point.
Also for the record I am in a very pissy mood, and when I think about all the other blogs I read it makes me even pissyer, why can't I be just as happy, easy going, quilting, creative, picture taking, do it all, pregnant, wanting to be better, funny, women as you? Dang sorry.
Friday, March 23, 2007
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First of all, thanks for the compliment. I'm not sure I really meet all the criterea though of a happy, easy going, quilting, creative, picture taking, do it all, pregnant, wanting to be better, funny,woman. I'm trying though.
Secondly, boldness for boldness. You should email this post to whomever this narrow-minded, unfunny, hard-going, egotistical jerk is. (I know who it is, and some of the things she said to you were, by definition, satanic. I'm not saying she's a devil worshiper, just that she's taking principles which Lucifer once proposed and is trying to apply them to gospel action and missionary work. Wierd.)
Chanel, thanks so much for leaving me a comment on my blog. I love making more "blog friends!" And I have to say that I think we ALL feel like we aren't as "happy, easy going, creative," as other woman. It's the curse of being a woman. We are NEVER good enough for ourselves. We can just keep trying. You ARE very passionate about politics, and that is something that not a lot of people are into.
All right! A political post. These are the best.
Today I think I actually agree with Chanel on one thing, Abortion should not be the #1 issue in a presidential race. I don't think it should be an issue at all. abortion laws should be kept at the state level. If Califronia or massechusets want to have legal abortion, fine. If other states want to ban it , fine. Then if you want to live in a place where abortion is legal. Then you can move there. Seems simple to me.
The problem is left wing groups like the ACLU want to litigate everything in the courts. The Supreme court hands out rulings that are often times against the will of the people. That is the reason we need a good conservative president. They will apoint judges that realize that not everything needs to be controlled by the Federal government. That's why I wont vote for a liberal for pres. They beleive in big government and that the Feds should control everything, health care, education, environment, and yes abortion law. It's crazy. When was the last time the federal government had an effecient cost effective program. Let the people decide how they want to live and keep govt out of our lives as much as possible.
Ronald Reagan said that the eight scariest words in the english language are, "I'm from the government, I'm here to help."
Amen to that.
Im a little afraid of you right now
What are you afraid of??
Are you afraid of my opinion? It's just different than yours that's all.
I remember you saying this same thing when you guys ate at our house and I think it makes a lot of sense, however, even a conservitive president in office doesn't create the utopia you are speaking about. Bush, who I think is VERY conservitive, more so than any about to run for 08, hasn't done anything along the lines you speak of, or has he? I honestly could be wrong (its been known to happen, I think twice). States can not handle what you're talking about, although I think that is a good solution to a lot of problems, its just that dang UNITED states thing and ONE NATION under God, its kind of an all or nothing deal. I think Katrina showed us alot, not only was the state a complete wreck, but the Feds were no help either, which is kind of a great analogy for EVERYTHING governmental. Doesn't it all come down to money? I started thinking this when I was about to pull this post. Abortion doesn't matter b/c there's not big money in it, thats why nothings been done. Bush's pockets haven't been lined, (And I use 'Bush' metophorically). There is definetely not enough money to throw at each state so it would never happen either. The states also just want to be "cool", look how when Mass or Cal does soemthing like every other state jumps on the band wagon, weak, so weak.
Ok this is a whole other post.
Holly DON'T BE SCARED to tell Mark how you really feel! And remember what you said Mark, her opinion is " just different than yours that's all. "
Bush has appointed two good judges to the Supreme Court, Roberts and Alito. They beleive in limited government too. I think that next time a case like Roe v Wade makes it to the Court, it will be ruled the other way. It takes time for the court to influence law.
Bush has been a disappointment to me as far as conservatim is concerned. I support him 100% in Iraq,but a lot of his domestic policies have been big spending items, like the medicaid prescription drug plan.
I disagree about the money though. If we weren't paying so much in taxes to the federal government, the money could be used more efficiently at the state and local level.
Wow, your katrina statements sound just like mine. That was the most of the problem down there. The people relied too much on the government. That's my point. Big government doesn't help the people. Seeing how they handled Katrina, do you really want them in charge of your health care and childrens education? Those are both big liberal positions. National health care and government run schools.
i should have been more clear, but i was commenting on chanel's initial post when i said i was scared. you said you were pissy, so i thought that would be funny. im never funny. i am a disappointment.
you guys are funny.
i don't mark, I think you really have a great idea, but its never going to happen, liberal/conservative, I just don't see either side giving state's that much power, Im not sayign its a bad idea, I actually really like it theoretically, logically HOW?
I mean really to get it started how would it work? I haven't even heard any candidates or Bush for that matter even talking along those lines. Maybe this is the Rush-brain-washing come out???
Lets focus on how governement really works and how to make THAT system work.
And PLEASE don't tell me were payign too much in taxes- there are more tax breaks now than ever. And we have the largest deficit ever, no thanks to the war that is going really well.
And DON'T say that national health care and education are LIBERAL positions- hello Romney was lkike the first governor to institute state health care coverage FORCING everyone to be covered regardless if they can afford it/ want it. AND it's Bush and his lovely completely unrealistic No Child Left Behind plan that have created complete chaos in the public schools.
There is no difference between parties besides the bull S talk that they throw at each other, WE'RE ALL ONTHE SAME SIDE. We all want whats best, there has to be give and take instead of this bullheaded you're wrong Im right attitude.
Compromise and Respect needs to be the reinstitued in politics. No one is going to be 100% right, but that doesn't make them 100% wrong.
He who shall not be named??
Come on out yourself, Im not pissy anymore!
Although the rebels did loose, Ryan's working all day, and its freaking snowing, Im all good. Its just the hormones, and heck Im just glad I got those too! :)
I often think to myself, "Self, I think Chanel really is a conservative."
It may seem idealistic, but limited federal government is what conservatives have always been about. That's what Reagan and a lot of traditional conservatives have always preached. I don't think it will ever happen overnight. (if it happens at all) I think it's the right direction to go towards. Originally the Fed was only for national defense and regulating trade between the states. That's the way the constitution was written. Now it's involved in almost every part of laws and life.
Anyway, like I said, it may never happen, but I try to vote for people who think that Government is not the answer to every problem. A politicians principles and philosophy is much more important than their party affiliation. There are plenty of Republicans that fold to pressure and act like liberals. And there are some Democrats who act conservative.
I think most americans want what they think is best for the country. We just disagree on the right way to do it. I don't think compromise is always best. If you beleive that something is going to take us in the wrong direction, you should fight for it.
Of course, my way is the right way. :)
Mark, I am getting such a great insight to your thinking. YES compromise is always, ALWAYS, good. And maybe I am conservative, I am glad you see it that way, because there are such thing as conservative democrats, there is such thing as a gray area, not all politics are black and white, and Im not talking Obama Clinton here. haha.
MARK:A politicians principles and philosophy is much more important than their party affiliation. CHANEL:TRUE.
But a politicians abilities and accomplishments are more important than their philosophies. Wishing, hoping, and voting for the philosophy of smaller fed govt doesn't make any difference. You have to go with what is an actuality. Don't be a fool and vote for the dude OR DUDETTE, who blows philosophical smoke at ya, vote for the person who can and will make a positive difference in this country and WORLD.
Regan's preachings are as dead as him, get over it. Big government is here to stay, so lets get it right! This whole system is so corrupt the only thing to hope and wish for is some honest upstanding leaders (conservative or liberal) that will do the right thing...the Mark thing???? I guess, whatever makes you happy and keeps you from banning your wife to be my friend.
I vote for people who agree with my postions. Compromise is good on issues that don't matter like where to got out for dinner and what color rug to buy. Important, society and life changing matters should not be compromised on. Stand up for what you beleive in. People compromise on important matters because it's the popular thing to do, not because it's the right thing to do. I mean, isn't that what the church teaches too?
Chanel - "vote for the person who can and will make a positive difference in this country and WORLD."
You can't say that and then say that their ideas and philosphies don't matter.
For example, Hillary beleives that Governement run health care is the right thing to do. I think she is wrong. (the government can't do everything, remember the USSR.)
I think she would not make a positive change in the country, but would run it faster down the course to socialism.
Chanel-"voting for the philosophy of smaller fed govt doesn't make any difference."
I thought you were more of a " stand up and fight for what you beleive in" type of person, but you sound like we shouldn't bother because it's already been decided.
Conservative ideals are not dead. Look at the popularity of Fox News and Talk Radio. Republicans lost the majority because they passed too many big spending bills, and they wouldn't stand up for the war in Iraq. They let the Dems say that we are wrong to be there and it's all a big Bush screw up. They never fought back. They lost because they moved away from the very ideals that got them elected in the first place.
I think it makes Holly nervous that I keep posting. Maybe she think things will get nasty and I'll tell her never to talk to you. I respect that you can talk about your opinions. I think it's great. So many people our age seem to not even care about this kind of stuff. They're so caught up in their own little world that they don't even think about what's going on around them.
Well hopefully I can convince to agree with me. If not, you'll never hear from your little friend again. So sad.
They let the Dems say that we are wrong to be there and it's all a big Bush screw up.
I think that's fairly obvious to everyone....including Mr. Bush, himself. I think it's funny you say "LET the Dems say". I don't keep up too much with politics & I don't have a TV or get the newspaper so I'm not the best to say....but I've seen Bush get a little slipped up & defensive about this. Yeah, he's made some mistakes. Major ones & you better believe he knows it. He's just not man enough to admit it fully.
Yes, I voted for bush in '00 because I truly believed that I needed to vote for a "conservative" canidate. One that agreed with me on all the moral issues. I DID NOT vote for that jerk in '04 & was actually quite depressed that he won again. I honestly feel like I live in a country full of stupid people that they would actully re-elect this dude.
Just yourself. Think of the issues, but ask yourself if you want a liar (which I totally believe Mr. "goody-goody Christian" Bush is) or somebody that's in it to truly make change. Someone that truly cares about the people.
Anyway, I don't want to get too involved in this one. I don't want anybody telling me I'm stupid again.
Back to the original issue here. I agree with you Chanel. I don't agree with abortion or gay marriage, but voting only on those kind of issues is idiotic. We're never going to be able to completely stop people from taking part in those activities, so why let it consume us so much that that's all we worry about when choing a leader? Not cool. Not cool.
And what an idiotic person to just say something like that. Obviously that woman is uneducated about politcis & just stuck in her little world.
"I DID NOT vote for that jerk"
"a country full of stupid people that they would actually re-elect this dude"
" if you want a liar (which I totally believe Mr. "goody-goody Christian" Bush is"
I was hoping we could just stick to the issues and try to leave the name calling and generaliztions out of it. I think we're having a reasonable discussion here.
"They let the Dems say that we are wrong to be there and it's all a big Bush screw up."
Well since that statement obviously rubbed you the wrong way, let me explain what I meant by that.
Republicans, Bush included, have let democrats blame them for the whole Iraq situation. Like it was only Bush's idea to do it. We were a couple of years after 9-11 and all of the intelligence agencies were saying that Saddam was a threat that he was working with terrorists and had weapons of mass destruction. It wasn't just US intelligence saying this. It was also the british, the russians, the french, and more. The president was doing what he beleived was the right thing to do to protect this country. Almost every national leader agreed at the time. even Hillary gave speeches saying how we needed to handle the threat that Iraq posed to the world. Congress authorized military force and the pres did what he thought was best for the country.
Now that things have not gone as quickly and easily as people would like, Democrats have turned to blaming Bush. you're falling for it. Does anyone call Hillary a liar regarding the war, or John kerry, or John Edwards, or anyone else that voted for the war. They saw the same intelligence and came to the same conclusion. Now, Bush is the only one being called a liar. It's crazy. It's not even rational.
If you tell me your neighbor's house is on fire, and I call the fire department. Then they get they're and it's not really on fire. Does that make me a liar?
Maybe I don't understand because I am one of the "stupid" people who re-elected Bush.
I appreciate your vote in 2000.
I tend not to try and get involved in political debates and discussions,but I will. I guess I don't why understand why so many LDS people debate these two topics when as far as I know, these are the only two (gay rights and abortion) topics in which we have been counceled to vote on and even directed on how we should vote.
As far as Iraq and all the other stuff that was brought up...I have no comment
Okay Mark....Chill. Don't get mad at me. I just thought the way you phrased it was funny.
I was just sharing my personal feelings after voting ONLY on the "I want a conservative" point of view. I obviously have been VERY disappointed with Bush. You may think what you will. I'm NOT saying you are wrong....not at all. I do have times where I just don't understand the support for Bush. I just don't understand it.
But I'm sure there are those that don't understand people who would want something different than what Bush has given us.
As far as the LDS church telling us how to vote on these moral issues...yes, they have told us...but that is as far as state laws.....they have NEVER told us WHO to vote for. I believe that if we simply choose a canidate based on party line, we are not doing our duty of fully studying out the best choice.
And, I do not know at this point which way I will vote, Rep or Dem. Obviously I want a lot of change & so I'm leaning towards Dem, but we'll have to see who the canidates are.
Not at all trying to get everybody heated up & mad at me. Just sharing how I felt.....which basically was...betrayed & lied to.
AND....not saying I'm right & you're wrong. It's personal. That's why everybody jumps on the defense.
Wow! I missed a good one! Michelle told me I should check out this blog. I believe that abortion is something that we should all agree to disagree about. No matter what the law books read, they are going to happen.
The part that scared me the worst about all of this was the Reagen quote! Someone liked him!!
I'm not mad. I'm enjoying this whole discussion a lot. I like to talking to people who disagree with me. I said we should avoid the name calling because that doesn't really help anyone understand the other point of view. I guess that's part of the problem I have with most liberals (or people with liberal viewpoints on issues). They don't seem to be able to explain their position. They just resort to attacking mine, while giving no alternative.
The reagan quote being scary , for instance. If you disagree with it, just say why.
As far as supporting Bush, I support him in the war and all of the other politicians who voted for it. I thought it was the right thing to do at the time too.
I don't support him on everything. as I said earlier, I think he has been a let down on a lot of his domestic programs. He ran as a conservative but almost everything he's done domestically has not been very conservative. That being said, I disagree in principle with the Democratic party agenda so if you give me the choice between Bush and a liberal Democrat, I'll vote for Bush everytime.
It's not a matter of not being able to explain ones position. And that's a little judgmental to say only liberals are like that. By the way....just exactly who are the liberals here?
It's just a matter of casually commenting on a friends blog.
And...I think that your trying to make everything too simple (like with the war explination....neighbor's house on fire). It's not simple! And that's part of the problem with people hearing each other.
I don't feel the need to get into it in the comments of a blog post. I have enjoyed reading the back and forth. Makes me realize even more how much I love Chanel. And I love to comment on Chanel's blog posts. BUT you will not hear from me anymore on this one.
Now if you'll excuse me, there is a bowl of cereal calling my name.
I think a political discussion IS all about explaining your position and why you think the way you do.
I only said liberals don't explain their position because I've never once met a liberal who could articulate why they think the way they do without an emotional response. I can only go by my personal experience.
On one hand you say you are casually commenting on your friends blog. Then you slam me with the next comment. I dont think Im being rude or judgemental Im just trying to have a discussion too.
This is obviously casual for everyone here. You shouldn't use that as an excuse to minimize my beleifs or try to make me look like I'm being overly aggressive or rude. It's not fair to engage me in a political discussion and then say I'm overreacting when I only respond politely.
I don't feel personally attacked by Chanel or anyone else here. I think its good we can discuss this stuff. It makes us all think about why we beleive the things we do.
Ok sorry to have been absent, I was worshipping the Lord. JUST KIDDING! Well I was, but thats not why I wasn't commenting.
Thank you for the compliment that I am willing to discuss these issues, it is important.
FIRST- I don't think you understand the meaning of compromise. It is NOT GIVING IN TO "the other side". It is finding a middle ground. It is voting for a person who may be prochoice, if that person has a plan to leave Iraq in a productive manner. Which for "ANONYMOUS" obviously needs to understand as well. It means not "cutting and running" in Iraq, but setting some clear deadlines on leaving.
It will be a mess whenever we leave, hence we should never have gone in LIKE WE DID. Im not saying positive things haven't come from this disaster, but it was such a wild west beginning, that it really had no chance of being a success. There are cultural things going on there that I don't think Bush took into consideration.
So back to your comments-
Important, society and life changing matters should not be compromised on. Stand up for what you beleive in. People compromise on important matters because it's the popular thing to do, not because it's the right thing to do. I mean, isn't that what the church teaches too?
I do stand up for what I believe in, I also recognize MY WAY is not the only way. We are a country of billions, MY WAY/ YOUR WAY, is NEVER productive. Think about your children, when they disagree, don't you try to find a compromise? Not because its POPULAR (duh!), but becasue you try to find a ground that will work for both, even though both will think you're unfair and "this sucks", its the best you can do.
Seriously don't bring the church into this. I am standing up for what I believe in, I think Bush is completely hypocritical, I think this war and so many other of his doings are unethical, I think he has NOT stood up for what he believes in, but I don't think he ever knew what he believed in, besides, "Im The Boss Now", so ignorant!
You can't say that and then say that their ideas and philosphies don't matter.
For example, Hillary beleives that Governement run health care is the right thing to do. I think she is wrong. (the government can't do everything, remember the USSR.)
I think she would not make a positive change in the country, but would run it faster down the course to socialism.
I support him in the war and all of the other politicians who voted for it.
Well I am glad to hear you support Hillary in some way- ha! JUST KIDDING!!!
Well your example proves your point here. Governement run health care would not be the best, but there in lies compromise again. First, I don't think blanket GRH would EVER happen, no matter what Hillary says. See the President doesn't call the shots 100%, although I would understand your confusion on that since we have been under Bush's dictatorship for so long. :) I think some government health care coverage is much needed, but again it won't be perfect, but it would be helpful to so many people. WHich I KNOW leads us to another point that we will NEVER find common goround on, and that is the poor, the purposley won't work poor, and the borninto the cycle poor, and the just dumb luck poor. I know you think if they work hard enough they can make their life better, and I don't. There will always be poor people and it is our duty to take care of them, even though that is unfair to us "hardworkers". There is a level of poverty I don't think you and I can even imagine, and those poeple still need to be helped, even if they don't do anything to change their lives; compasion is a virtue I believe in.
Chanel-"voting for the philosophy of smaller fed govt doesn't make any difference."
I thought you were more of a " stand up and fight for what you beleive in" type of person, but you sound like we shouldn't bother because it's already been decided.
Conservative ideals are not dead. Look at the popularity of Fox News and Talk Radio. Republicans lost the majority because they passed too many big spending bills, and they wouldn't stand up for the war in Iraq. They let the Dems say that we are wrong to be there and it's all a big Bush screw up. They never fought back. They lost because they moved away from the very ideals that got them elected in the first place.
I still say "voting for the philosophy of smaller fed govt doesn't make any difference."
IT HAS BEEN DECIDED! I think since like FDR its been decided that small federal govt isn't what this country is anymore. Perhaps when the pilgrims were here and when the 12 colonies created the constitution, but since then we have since grown to oh a few billion people, BIG GOVT is all there is. You can stand up and fight what you believe in (poor attack there Mark, disapointing, you know I stand up for what I believe) all you want, but you're fighting for soemthing that will never happen. Not even your candidates are talkign that way.
Talk radio is popular b/c CRAZY people don't have anything better to do with their time. hahahhaahaha I am soooo funny!
Repubs didn't stand up for the war, letting you down, becasue THEY KNOW IT IS NOT what the PEOPLE WANT. Hello government working. If they did stand up for the war they were not reeleceted! Simple as that, ans no they did not "let the Dems say that we are wrong to be there" The Dems can say anything they want. And IT IS A big Bush screw up. When fighting for your job you better respect they put blame where blame is due. He totally scammed us all with his weapons of mass distruction smoke screen. And if I say your house is on fire and Candace calls is it in, who would you blame more, me or her? I WOULD BE THE LIAR! She would just be the scared person tryign to do the right thing and save your house. Bush acts like he knows everything, congress & senate try to COMPROMISE and support him and then he blows it and won't own up to it. He's sickening! ANd that is completely rational. HE LIED! Youhave to know that. And its not liek Hillary isnt getting any crap for going along with him.
"They lost because they moved away from the very ideals that got them elected in the first place."
What ideals are those? I didn't see any Repubs staying with any ideals the whole 4/6 years they were there. WHat was accomplished Bush's first 4 years? A war? A war e said we won like 2 years ago? He's such a doofus! Repubs/conservatives I don't mind liek I do him. BUT I don't think they care like Dems so. I think they're very capitalistic and uncaring about everyone, except their "own" in this country.
I'll be back!
In conclusion , I think "liberals" won't/ don't explain their position for a couple reasons. One I think we're a lot more calm and easy goign about it all. We don't feel the need to "covert" you to our side, maybe becasue it seems so obvious to us. Second I do believe most of us are more touchy feely, which may not be the most logical characteristic to have in politics, but it alsoallows us to care about people and not just the bottom line. I think if Bush cared more about people and not about his legacy this war would be continuing in the way it is.
This blog is taking so much out of me, I typically wouldn't have kept it going, but I want Mark to know we can explain our beliefs, but then I think it doesn't really matter becasue Mark doesn't really care about the other side, you're heel bent on provign yourself right and the ironic thing is there is no right. Your way, my way, there is no right way, there just is a way. We'll stand up for our way, the way we think is best, but it really isn't changing anything is it? I think the big lesson in all this just to understand there are other viewpoints out there, and don't pick a candidate b/c they are not for abortion.
NOW I am posting something cute so bug off! :)
Sorry to comment after it officially stopped taking comments, but that one got to me. Mark was making valid arguments to your post & to all the subsequent comments. He never resorted to being mean or argumentative, which I cannot say for others. I thought you were having a nice little back & forth with each other, but for you to say he doesn't care about the other side, & is just hell bent on proving himself right is so wrong. It is, however, a typical liberal way of making the "other side" look radical, and yourself like you are taking the high road & not talking about it anymore after having your say.
Having a bad day? Calling me a liberal was below the belt, man!
I didn't end the comments b/c I was taking the high road, I ended it for the afore mentioned reasons that you didn't like, that I don't think I was getting anywhere with Mark and it was exhausting me. He doesn't care about the other side's view, other than to point out why they're wrong, and my point was there is no right way, there are just different ways.
Something I have to accept as well, which he just helped me get to that point.
And yeah I can end it after having my say, its MY blog!
Not answering your phopne though? We've always been able to put politics aside, BECAUSE IT DOESN'T MATTER! I love Mark, I know he's intelligent, moral, wonderful, I have NEVER thought anything less. I would hate for people to judge me upon this blog, I would never do that to anyone else. When I think of Mark reading this or listening to you relay this I can imagine him just laughing, this is not personal. I was pissy and got ahead of myself in that last comment, I am sorry, I don't mean anything by it. And the BUG OFF was suppose to be funny. I honestly didn't think he'd really stop commenting, he's a persistant that one.
you know one little, or huge as the case may be, blog about politics isnt going to make me stop answering my phone! I think these things add another layer to our friendship. kind of like an onion. ha! Im not afraid to talk to you, although I am a bit exhausted, too. call me!
I need to apologize for saying you were a typical liberal, you are much more rational & thoughtful about your arguments than those I consider typicals. what I said was emotional, & that is exactly what I hate about typical libs. No real argument, just emotions. that isnt you...usually. hahahahaha
do you still like me? Im afraid to see Candace in a dark alley anytime soon, but will you still be my friend???
OK Final post.
I do care about the poor. We just disagree on the right way to take care of them. I don't think Government is the answer. Government makes the people who pay resent it and the people who receive feel entitled to get more.
I think your whole Bush lied argument is off base. You're leaving out the fact that all of the intelligence agencies in the world were telling him about these threats. He didn't make it up in some back room because he thought a war would be fun. I beleive that he and others honestly thought we were in danger and were trying to do the right thing. If Bush lied so did all the other politicians. They all saw the same intel.
I'm not going to vote for something I think is wrong just because I think my views may not win. However, sometimes we do have to choose the lesser of two evils.
Anyway, I didn't mean to cause such big waves. I really thought we were haing a civil back and forth but I guess not everyone agreed. Next time there's a political post, I'll just take a jog around the block.
And, oh yeah, I agree it is wrong to vote for someone just for their position on abortion.
yay, we made nice.
Im voting for Perot.
Im a NADER girl
you now have 36 comments
I could not agree with you more, Chanel!
Hate to interrupt this excruciatingly long comment thread but...thanks for linking to my blog. You're a gem!
BTW, just kidding about the comment thread being long just playing along.
Lug Nutmegger
I thought this blog was over too. But, I have been checking back and reading all of the comments, mostly have stayed out of it. I too believe that it was all in good fun and unfortunate that anyone was upset by it.
I guess I am the one "liberal" here and am willing to explain myself if needed. But, I believe that we all have our own very strong political beliefs and nothing that anybody says or does is going to change any of it!
My comment about Reagan was also intended to be funny, guess that didn't work out for me.
Thanks Chanel for feeling strong enough to take the time to express your view points. Regardless of voting preference, it is always great to see people care so much about our country!
Perot? Wow!
Wow!! I really missed out.
Chanel said-
And PLEASE don't tell me were payign too much in taxes- there are more tax breaks now than ever. And we have the largest deficit ever, no thanks to the war that is going really well.
I just wanted to share some tax information with you. The government taxes 6.2% of your paycheck for social security and taxes the company you work for an additional 6.2%. The government taxes you 1.45% for medicare on your paycheck and the company you work for an additional 1.45%. That is a total of 15.3%.
Income tax is even more ridiculous.
up to $10,120...10% tax rate....
$10,120 to $33,520....$747.00 plus 15% on income above $10,120
$33,520 to $77,075....$4,257.00 plus 25% on income above $33,520
$77,075 to $162,800....$15,145.75 plus 28% on income above $77,075
$162,800 to $351,650...$39,148.75 plus 33% on income above $162,800
$351,650 and above $101,469 plus 35% on income above 35%
Even in the bottom tax brackets the government taxes 25% of the income that should be yours. In the higher tax brackets the government takes almost 50% of your income. You are right though, people in lower tax brackets do get most if not all of their money back and don't pay that much in taxes but the government stores the money for you and then keeps the interest that they earn on your money. People in higher tax brackets end up working 6 months of the year so the government can steal their income.
Now, we still haven't counted sales tax, property tax, corporate tax, etc. etc.
We have a national debt because government is not held accountable by the people for their spending. The ND keeps growing, taxes keep inflating, and still people are calling for more governmental control, more programs, more money to "save the world".
How about we learn to save our own money, donate to charities, and support programs and causes that we believe in. Or we can let government take full control, change nothing and spend everything. Hey socialism is what made this country great...Right??
I thought this was over- you Hutching boys just know how to get me going....
I will continue this at
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