Monday, March 26, 2007

Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam

Julia gave her talk and it was the cutest, sweetest, more darling thing EVER! When I heard her little sweet voice come through that microphone, I got a little choked up. I pulled it together, didn't want to be the freak mom, but oh I was soooooo proud and in love with her!
We had practiced all week, and she was so confident. She even had some parts memorized. My favorite was when she said, "I know Him loves me". I am so grateful she has a little testimony growing and that she will always know her Savior.

We also saw the Easter Bunny Saturday. I was so proud of Lauren for not freaking out, like with Santa. Julia was so cute, she sang him a song!

We then had a fashion show (becasue we're so into fashion inthis house? whatever!) But it was a snowy! day so what else could I do?

Hello Mother Nature? I know you're sick and all, but please don't kill my daffodils!


Candace said...

Oooh. That Easter Bunny kinda freaks me out. Way to go Lauren. And Julia looks so adorable. Can't believe how big she's getting. Giving talks already! Crazy!

Caitlin said...

Aw, "I know Him loves me" is so dang cute! When I taught Sunbeams, our Primary president used to do Sharing Time and she would cry every time. Those poor Sunbeams used to get so confused - they would look around and try to figure out what was going on. It cracked me up.

Michelle said...

I was thinkin that the Easter Bunny looked kind of friendly and cuddly but probably freaky to little kids.

Cute fashion show outfits.

I'm sure her talk was the cutest thing ever! Sometimes I wish we could take pictures/camcord at church to remember moments like that.

I can't believe we'll be there Friday. I need to call you and set up a plan.

Nichole said...

Your girls look so cute!! Good luck with the flowers!

Candace said...

Michelle! I forgot you're going to be at Chanel's soon. Lucky!!!

Hope you all have fun & Julia has a good birthday.

By the way Chanel....where the heck was that Easter Bunny at? I don't think I've ever seen one like Santa....where you can get a photo & everything.

Anonymous said...

I love this picture of Julia with Lauren in a headlock. Their loves are so cute.
And a fashion show? Fun!

Sarah said...

That first picture is so stinking adorable! She's an angel - I would have been weeping back there with you :)

ashley said...

wait a minute- it snowed again??? hope the warmth finds you guys soon!
that is so cute about lauren's talk...can't wait to have mine do the same!

Ipuna Black said...

I love the pictures of your girls. They are getting so big. That was a huge bunny.

Heather said...

Primary talks are the best. The littler they are the sweeter it is. Glad you got to enjoy that.

dalene said...

Sweet photos of your cute kids!