Thursday, March 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Jules Bean

Baby Girl is FOUR today!
Wow, four years ago! Sooo many amazing memories. The birth of your first child is just like nothing else, so much anticipation, so much you don't know what to expect that you're just excited, nervous to find out how it all works out, wondering if those unconditional love feelings will kick in, and especially hardly being able to wait another second to see what she looks like!

Now that its all locked in memory land it is all wonderful. I guess the fact that I slept due to the lovely Demerol helps alot. What was I thinking? I just trusted the nurse who honestly probably just wanted to not deal with me and tricked me into taking something that would "take the edge off". Yeah the edge and the whole side of Mt. Conscious was knocked off. Anyway, I woke up enough to push Jules out and I will never forget the moment her body left mine, so incredible. In that one moment I became "Mom", and have lived my greatest dream ever since.

She is pumped today, a scooter and playdough have kept her entertained. Her party is tomorrow and she just can't wait to have Avry here. She cried over her Chocolate Chip pancakes when I explained (over and over) why Sleeping Beauty couldn't come to her birthday party. My very unconvincing answer you ask? She's got to work at Disneyland. Yeah, Julia thought that was lame too. I have to really get quicker and more creative, I have a FOUR year old on my hands now! They got matching swimsuits (clearance from last summer) Ahhhhh sooo cute! So despite the SNOW we're getting today, its warm and sunshine around here today! YAY!

P.S. Yes Holly that really is the size of my kitchen! SO sad huh?

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Why we feed missionaries

I told Julia this morning that we're having the missionaries over for dinner. She looked at me and said, "Why?" Before I could think of a way to explain it to her, she said, "because they don't have any moms?"
Sooo funny the way they think!
It made me feel good to know she associates being fed well with mom.
Love that girl!

And just so you, who love the politics that have gone on here, know, I started a new political blog. Now if you don't want to be subjected to such craziness you don't have to be, but if you want to stop by and get a little info, its there.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam

Julia gave her talk and it was the cutest, sweetest, more darling thing EVER! When I heard her little sweet voice come through that microphone, I got a little choked up. I pulled it together, didn't want to be the freak mom, but oh I was soooooo proud and in love with her!
We had practiced all week, and she was so confident. She even had some parts memorized. My favorite was when she said, "I know Him loves me". I am so grateful she has a little testimony growing and that she will always know her Savior.

We also saw the Easter Bunny Saturday. I was so proud of Lauren for not freaking out, like with Santa. Julia was so cute, she sang him a song!

We then had a fashion show (becasue we're so into fashion inthis house? whatever!) But it was a snowy! day so what else could I do?

Hello Mother Nature? I know you're sick and all, but please don't kill my daffodils!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Lets get a few things straight (yes this is political)

Democrats are NOT ALL for abortion!
AM I? Well the obvious answer is NO!
The not so obvious answer is, I don't really care.
I would never ever have one, counsel my daughters, friends, neighbors, girls my brother knocks up, etc. to have one, BUT that's where my vested interest ends. I know only one person who has had one, she was in highschool, not religious, not willing to take care of a child, and not willing to "suffer the consequences" which to me means: yes you're gonna get fat, you're gonna probably want to keep the baby at some point, you're going to deliver the baby, sign the adoption papers, feel horrible, sad, depressed, then LEARN the freaking lesson to not have sex if you're not going to own up to consequences like a responsible dignified person.

Bush has been in office for almost 7 years, abortion is still legal. Whats up with that? I thought he was Mr. Righteous? Then who I think it really comes down to is Congress and The Senate- where are they? Why haven't they done anything to make it illegal? Again I don't really care, but why then am I RANTING???
That's all that matters? Well while she's worrying about the unborn babies that would ultimately turn into some of our country's hungriest, most attention starved, delinquent children how about the living children dieing in Iraq, the living children who have no health care, the living children who's future is not looking so cheery considering this planet is quickly turning into an easy bake oven.
There are issues that politician can actually affect, why must we focus on a moral issue that has very little affect on anyone but the girl and the unborn baby. Will she go to hell? Maybe. Will the Lord have mercy because she was never taught better? Maybe. Will I go to hell because I didn't bomb an abortion clinic? You tell me. I really see it as an issue that the Lord will take up with that person and its none of our business. And just in case I am not clear, NO I DO NOT THINK ABORTION IS RIGHT OR ACCEPTABLE, its just not THE issue to use as your base for choosing a president.

I am now asking you all to do something really important- REALLY look at ALL the candidates and ALL the issues and decide who will do the best job. Decide what you think the president can do, not what the candidate says they want to do. Then decide what is important to you. Abortion may be very important to you, does the president have much say when it comes to that issue? And as far as their stance on that issue saying a whole lot about their character, I think that is very unfair. Maybe then that's because I am just suddenly worried you're now questioning my character.

ANYWAY, I really don't know who I like yet. Clinton, Obama, Edwards, Romney, McCain...we'll just have to see. This is finally a year with a hard choice, on both sides of the party line.

Here are some Romney blogs with links that are useful and entertaining.
Here is an interesting article about Romney, from a nonLDS view point.

Also for the record I am in a very pissy mood, and when I think about all the other blogs I read it makes me even pissyer, why can't I be just as happy, easy going, quilting, creative, picture taking, do it all, pregnant, wanting to be better, funny, women as you? Dang sorry.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Putting out an APB

YOU- yes YOU (my loyal blog commenters) may have a vested interest in the castle rocker's blog, apparently he has been thinking about you. Since I give him the updates on everything blog everyday, what choice does he really have?

Little Joys

Lauren's first toe polish!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Preschool Birthday Party

Let the celebrating begin!!! Julia will be FOUR on the 29th, but that is Spring Break so we were able to bring treats to her class today. YAY!! I LOVE being at home so I can drop everything and make this happen. (See I forgot I told the teacher I would bring treat s in TODAY, I thought Thursday-woops! A quick trip to the store for rice krispies and marshmallows and disaster avoided.) She got to wear this funny hat and everyone sang to her, it was cute.

Lauren got to come and it was so funny to see her at the table with the big kids. She even insisted on holding the cup herself and drink, I swear this baby gets bigger and bigger in the things she can do! Luckily she's still bald so she's helping me hold on to her babiness.

Watching Jules on the playground was really cool. She so little still, so full of that innocence of childhood, so full of wonder and energy, and excitement, I LOVE her!
This picture rocks! I love that she's the leader, I love her pigtails, I love that look on her face, and I love her little midgit body.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Simple Weekend

Yes! The Rebels did it! AND AGAIN TODAY!!! SWEET SIXTEEN BABY!!!!!
So in real life, we had a good weekend. Julia went to a birthday party, Lauren went to Gymboree, and then we all went to a Scout Banquet where Ryan got the Outstanding Scouter Award. Lets pause a minute and just LAUGH at this picture....

He is cracking me up! We were dying after taking this picture, he's so funny. Me being the great wife that I am said in response to his uncertainty over getting this award was, "well goes to show how little the other leaders must do." Woops, didn't mean that the way it came out.

The daffodils finally bloomed today! We took our first walk of the season this morning, family walks are the BEST! The girls rode in the wagon, a HUGE source of joy for me, since when I didn't think we'd ever even have two kids that double seater wagon made me very sad, now we fill it up! FUN!

Church was good. Next week Julia gets to give her first Primary talk and WE ARE SOOO EXCITED!!! Me to hear her and her because she gets to use the microphone.

The Ensign is super great this month. I loved the article called "My Burden Is Light", very uplifting! And if you get it out, check out the picture on page 44, Julia wanted to know why that man was dead. She makes me laugh!

Friday, March 16, 2007

For My Husband


Its T-minus 30 minutes before Rebels hit the court in their first game in the BIG DANCE since 2000, and this house has RUNNIN REBEL FEVER BURNIN UP OUR MINDS. (that would be a song from the glory days of 1990 when they WON the tournament!!) Just like this is a picture of Larry Johnson, for you Ryan Dogg!

"I'm sweating bullets", Ryan said today when I talked to him at work and he instructed me to watch the game and call him with updates.

They're playing Georgia Tech and we have good history there, so lets hope history repeats itself-

Jerry Tarkanian-coached UNLV defeated Georgia Tech 90-81 in the semifinals of the 1990 NCAA tournament en route to its only national championship.
Don't you just want to put a towel in your mouth???
GOOOOO REBELS WE KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!!! (even though they got punked with a 7 seed!) "Now we got something to prove" says Ryan.
And on a personal note, I have really loved March Madness ever since Julia was born in the midst of it, yes seeing the games always remind me of being in labor while Ryan watched the games...ahhh memories.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I may not be a farmer

but I freaking LOVE daylight savings!!!

I am so much more productive and energetic. WHOA! Feels good.

We did sidewalk chalk today, lovin it!

Went to the library, lovin it!

Picked up eight weeks of buried in snow dog poop- not lovin it! Ryan's weekend project is going to be putting in a doggie door so we can keep Moby off the grass- its soooo disgusting!

I have dinner made and can't wait to eat! Thats another perk with spring I sooo want to eat better. Fruit and Vegs are so much more appealing.

The daffodils are almost blooming! I LOVE SPRING!
Last night was our ward's RS Bday Enrichment...
So I go with Kristen and Rebecca and we're all in weird moods which just brings on the laughs. So we tame it down enough to hear the nice speaker and then settle in for the musical number. Now from previous experiences I have learned Kristen and Rebeca DON'T CRY when they hear these songs, and if you do cry they're gonna make fun of you.... well I choked up, b/c I am a HUGE cry baby...even though the song was a tad goofy. But I held the tears in my eye sockets and thought all was fine. Then the third verse started out with "Let me clear the air, I don't blame you" and it just got weirder, which was good for me b/c I was able to reabsorb the moisture and not let the tears fall. However, I KNEW what was coming; you can't let that song go without some major analyzation and I think I almost peed my pants when we got to talking about it. I love hanging with them! I love laughing until I have a head ache. We talked in the car for 2 hours afterwards, much to husbands dismay (sorry guys, it was DESPERATELY needed girl time!).

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Vacation That Rocked

We're back! It was such a great time, I realized we haven't taken a vacation in forever! We've taken trips, but this was a vacation- sooo nice! First my Disneyland Tribute: Disneyland was simply magical- as always. Both girls had a fabulous time! There wasn't one tantrum, or freak out, it was heaven! The lines were minimal and the weather- oh mama- the weather was GORGEOUS!

These little loves are PRECIOUS!! And yes I LOVE DRESSING THEM THE SAME!!!!

Lauren's first DUMBO ride! Love that tradition.
Julia went with Dad and loved making it go high to scare him.

Julia also went on her first roller coaster with her dad and LOVED IT! It was the he Roger Rabbit ride in ToonTown. I was very proud of her. This is her "I DID IT" pose.

Seeing the Fairy Godmother was very sweet. Both girls really took to her.
We drove home by the grace of God since our eyes couldn't hardly focus on the road after about 8 hours sleep in 48 hours, but heck it was an amazing trip.
Vegas seemed to welcome us home with open arms, and a cigarette on her mouth. Seriously that town is so smokey! But I love it, I really really love it, its in my veins, wait maybe that's just nicotine, whatever, I LOVE IT! It helps a lot that I was there when it was FREAKING GORGEOUS!!!! 80's everyday, the warm sun kissing my WHITE Colorado skin, every street leading me EXACTLY where I want to go (such a nice feeling to know where you're at and where everything around you is), the homes all squished together with desert landscape like little oasises all over town (oh how I longed to be able to go "home" in one of the many neighborhoods we drove by), and best of all the people I LOVE.
Thats what it all comes down to, the people I really love and need in my life are there. My mom, brother(s), Holly, Michelle/Avry, and Candace. That's right folks Candace made a guest appearance while I was there, making me feel like truly EVERYONE is there. It is sooo hard for me to leave you all. But I just really know we're suppose to be here and I am happier living here. So seriously, one of you better move out here!
One thing I do miss is fitting in with the crazy people so much. I was in line at the bank and seriously felt like the most sane person in the entire place, including the employees! You can wear ANYTHING in Vegas, which I think may be a side affect that is hard for me to shake. I have no problem leaving the house in just about anything- yes I am the woman who wore sweatshirts to teach in so I wouldn't have to wear a bra to work, BUT I was pregnant, you understand right? What is boils down to is I just love the "whatever goes" attitude of Vegas, and may start enforcing it more wholeheartedly here in good old hometown USA.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

"Mom will you teach me to sew?"


And this quote from the VT message this month- had me in tears! LOVE IT!

President Boyd K. Packer, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles:

“Put difficult questions in the back of your minds and go about your lives. Ponder and pray quietly and persistently about them. The answer may not come as a lightning bolt. It may come as a little inspiration here and a little there, ‘line upon line, precept upon precept’ (D&C 98:12). Some answers will come from reading the scriptures, some from hearing speakers. And, occasionally, when it is important, some will come by very direct and powerful inspiration” (“Prayers and Answers,” Ensign, Nov. 1979, 21).
I told Lauren to SMILE......

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Its A Miracle

I got a call from my Doctor's office with GOOD NEWS.
My FSH which as of December was 64 (postmenopausal level) has dropped to 10.6 (practically normal)!!!! It is so exciting for me! I have the greatest hope now, no holding back, complete FAITH in the Lord's time. Yesterday I read the New Testament where Jesus was healing, and it reminded me of the blessing Ryan gave me in September, which said I was healed. After reading the many stories of healings I prayed and asked for a little physical confirmation when I got my test results that the blessing was still valid , but this, WOW! I was not expecting this! THANK YOU HEAVENLY FATHER!!!!! I feel such a huge obligation to the Lord to testify of Him and His power and continual working of miracles. It is all Him that makes these things possible. How am I so blessed to be able to witness this? I don't know, but I do know I mustn't be embarrassed or worried what others think, this is my way, my opportunity to share the reality of God and how His priesthood works. I am so grateful, so humbled, so full of JOY.

Just so you know this is what levels mean:
FSH is often used as a gauge of ovarian reserve. In general, under 6 is excellent, 6-9 is good, 9-10 fair, 10-13 diminished reserve, 13+ very hard to stimulate. I was 64!!!!! This is just unbelievable! YAY!

My Little Sunbeam's 1st Church Bag

Whew! This was the hardest thing I think I have ever made! The juice bags are not nearly as forgiving as fabric. I did however have a DELICIOUS TIME acquiring the bags.

During family scripture the other night I was explaing the scripture to Julia by telling her it meant that when she has a problem she can trust Heavenly Father to help her. To make sure she understood I asked her who will help her when she has a problem and she said, "Mommy!". I said yes, but what if Mommy isn't there, she said, "Why because you died and go to Heaven?" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I kind of freaked out, that's a sad thing to even contemplate. But, yes dear Julia pretty much dieing is the only thing that would keep me from helping you, but actually there may be things in life, even Mom can't fix. We're so lucky to have the scriptures!