Sunday, June 24, 2007

The rest of our weekend

Saturday our ward's Girls Camp Fundraiser was held. We had a service auction and Ryan was the auctioneer- if he's looking for school, I think he should look into auctioneer school, he's a natural. He had everyone completely entertained as you can imagine; Ryan + microphone + cowboy hat = funny things. Plus he pinched quite a few pennies out of people! nice!!

This morning I made Caitlin's muffins. Soooooo BERRY good. I used the (organic) raspberry and blackberry combo, they were so delicious, so fresh tasting, nothing artificial and I could really tell. Pure and yummy. It was way fun making them with the girls too. Julia was my super mixer and Lauren my super batter eater.
Tonight Ryan has left for Montana for some dumb work thing. I HATE it when he leaves, especially on a puddle jumper plane!!! All my nervous energy has been spent on reprimanding the children. Here they are in time out, can you tell it was kind of a half butt attempt to punish them? You can't put two kids next to each other in timeout, I know that. But I was also just being cranky. What got them there was Lauren colored marker on Julia and Julia let her, so I figured they both needed severe discipline...whatever. Since they were both butt naked and in timeout I thought I'd take their picture, I just love them!!!

Had such a good day today. I love uplifting Sundays. Our Sunday school lesson was awesome. It was titled Love One Another. I really really needed it after having a bad taste in my mouth with some people over the above mentioned auction. Serving people is easy, but not getting the appreciation is hard. I think I am a very thankful person, so when crap is given in return for honest effort and diligence on the behalf of others I get irked. Anyway HF came through for me on this one and gave me this great lesson, which I took a lot away from it. I love this gospel, I love Christ's teachings, and I really love serving Him, even when its thankless ( I just have to remember its about doing His will.)


Ipuna Black said...

What a cute picture of the girls. That is so funny (time out right next to each other). You just have to laugh when you do things like that.

Good job on your auction! I am sure Ryan was sooo funny!

Candace said...

i would have loved to see ryan as the auctioneer. your husband....he's a funny one.

also, your girls are just too cute....helping you bake & buck naked in time out.

Lauren's face is great in that last shot!

Jess said...

Hi Chanel! Thanks for visiting my blog. Your girls are soooo cute! I LOVE that time out picture and the expressions on the faces of both girls.

ashley said...

nakey time out! classic! so glad you got a picture of it, doesn't look like they were too bummed though!

Michelle said...

I dont think I could of put the girls in time out with a straight face. Too cute.

I can see what you mean about the lack of appreciation at church. Sometimes I wonder if the people who do so much get any thank yous. That was my biggest complaint as a teacher. Some parents were so good while others could care less about al the extra stuff I did. Just a thank you would of been nice.

Dylan Todd said...

"Ryan + microphone + cowboy hat = funny things." This is the most true statement ever typed/spoken/imagined. Even better is "Ryan + 13 pound Halibut + Chicken Wire + Quarter-Stick Of Dynamite + Grand Funk Railroad Cassette = One Good Time."

Nichole said...

Why do these girls think that it is okay to color on their sisters? Oh yeah, it is all of the laughing from mom while being put into time out. We went through it for weeks over here!

Caitlin said...

I LOVE that time out picture! It's so funny. I love those muffins, too. I've already made them again!

Me said...

did I miss why the kids were naked when they went to time out?

your ward sounds so weird. good thing you have Becca & Kristin