Friday, April 20, 2007

Getting Ready For Earth Day

I remember Sunset Park use to do a great Earth Day Fest. Do they still?
I loved the hippies, the Birkenstocks, the pampered dogs that got to go with, the hippie babies in only their diapers and sunglasses in a stroller, the handmade stuff for sale, the hemp jewelry, need I go on?

So I am working harder and being more aware of what I can do. Unplugging all things not in use (Candace's idea). Getting paper bags at the grocery store so I can recycle them. Can't wait to be able to walk to the store instead of drive (that's more b/c I can't afford gas then being ecominded). Reusing more (plastic containers), not doing so many baggies.

I love Chocolate Soy Milk and SILK is doing a promotion right now to encourage their sales, but there is a huge perk. Plus you can win a "green" house makeover- I WANT THAT! (I want solar panels!) They also have a lot of tips.

This Blog rules. Found it like I find all my goodies, click, click, click. The addiction is not near being kicked. She has some great ideas.

Happy Earth Day from your favorite environmentalist!


Candace said...

I have been thinking about Earth Day too, but my thoughts keep getting interrupted with thoughts of the new baby.

Anyway, great link! The CFL light bulbs are on sale at Albertson's this week, 2 for $6, I think.

I need to get paper bags at the grovery store too. I was going to buy the Albertson's reusable canvas bags that are only $1.00 a piece, but we won't be shopping at Albertson's in Cleveland.

I'm also trying to turn my mind towards reusing. Trying to repurpose things instead of just going out & buying something new.

When we move to Cleveland, Dylan & I will be looking for a new dining room table & chairs at yard sales & a rocking chair as well. They may need work to look nice, but it feels better than giving in to the consumerism craze.

Anyway....always stuff bouncing around in my head of ways to better live my life in an earth-friendly way. We can all do better.

Way to go with all of your changes. You're doing a great job.

{Erica} said... I'm the person who's blog said "rules" and it made me way happy to see...found you by my stat tracker and saw a lot of people coming from your site....anyway, your blog is super cute and it's funny to see how just a few clicks away we have mutual friends. I hope you don't mind me frequenting your blog now...and feel free to frequent mine :).

Michelle said...

I'm so dumb... I thought the link was for your new Blog Rules.

I'm really into this whole being green thing too. A lot more than I thought I would be. Todays Oprah was all about this. There were lots of good ideas. The lady talking about it on Oprah was a little annoying. Sara Snow would of been a much better choice.
Anyway... I was wondering if those Melaluca products are any good?

Ryan said...

i loved the melaluca stuff candace gave me! she would be able to tell you a lot more.
I missed Oprah, but saw this special last night on ABC, 7 Things to Save the Earth, or ssomething. It was cool- I want a George Clooney car now.

Nichole said...

Thanks for the inspiration Chanel. My goal for this year has to be more green too. I even finally started recycling. Better late than never, I guess.
20/20 had a great special on last night too. Made me want to use recycled paper towels only.
We have been taking the plastic grocery bags to Jaylin and Avry's school, we get paid by Wal-Mart by the pound to recycle them. Is that still earth friendly? Or are the brown bags better?
I heard that the ethanol cars are not as green as originally thought, does anyone know about that?
Oh yeah...I am not sure about Sunset's earth fair, all of the talk is about Summerlin.

Heather said...

I saw that ABC special last night too. I also went to and they had some cute earth day activities and projects for kids. They also had a test called "what's your carbon footprint." and it said that I needed to plant 20 trees this year to make up for what my family puts out. Yikes! I guess I need to start planting some trees and think of some more ways to be good.

Anonymous said...

Dude, you were so wasted, you thought the Grateful Dead concert was Earth Day. Far out.

tabo said...

It's great to hear real people talking about their views on conservation and the environment. Up to now I've had to rely on Hollywood to gently lead me down the righteous road of eco-economy. Thankfully, they are always careful to take a non-biased and objective approach in pushing their agenda.

The Best and the Worst

Pocahontas: mega stinker.
Ferngully: BEST MOVIE EVER!!

Nichole said...

I love Fern Gully too! I want to buy it for my kids.
I got an email today about an enviro friendly clothing line. Cute stuff, not very economical prices, but worth looking at.