Sunday, April 15, 2007

Thinking About Converting

Just when I thought there was nothing good to blog.....
We've had a great morning, it feels like spring, we took a walk, thought about planning a cheap trip to Vegas (DING has amazing prices today!) so while in calling every classmate of Julia's to find out when the last day was and NOBODY was home, it hit me...JULIA IS SUPPOSE TO SING AT HER SCHOOL'S CHURCH SERVICE!!!! Ahhhhh! It started at 10:30 and I remembered at 11!!!! SO I ran upstairs, grabbed Julia and while in flight (as she is in complete confusion) explained I had to brush her hair so she could sing at her school. I then ordered Ryan to throw something on, "Catholic style, you don't have to be fancy", said Lauren could just go in her half pj, half dressed, popcorn stuck to her face self (thank goodness she doesn't have hair to worry about!) and I jump into teacher clothes (HAPPY DAY THEY FIT LIKE A GLOVE!) and within in minutes were flying down our street to her school!
We get there and thankfully they haven't had the kids sing yet, we rule!
The irony? Julia is the ONLY little girl NOT in a dress! Wearing a cute spring blouse and jeans and her crumby old Dora sneakers. How is the Mormon girl NOT wearing a dress? Oh well, she at least can say she got to wear jeans to church once.
All in all Ryan and I were marveling at how great it is to not have to dress up for church, seriously 5 minutes and you're good to go!
On the other hand, the passing of the money plate, I don't know about that. I told Ryan I would probably get an envelope and just put an empty envelope in the basket each week, what a poser!

Now I have 32 minutes to get ready and leave for our church, can I do it?


Candace said...

oh, you are making me laugh.

Lauren could just go in her half pj, half dressed, popcorn stuck to her face self

crumby old Dora sneakers

too funny.

Caitlin said...

"Catholic style" is cracking me up! When I was little, I used to love going to visit our grandparents because I didn't have to wear a dress to church.

Nichole said...

Jennifer and I wore pants to Avry's blessing. I couldn't believe that we were the only girls in that entire church not in a skirt. I do not even own a skirt! It didn't help that Jennifer was eating McDonald's during the service!
Glad you made it in time.

Ladybug said...

Dear Chanel,

Ok, that was hilarious! You painted a perfect picture of the chaos that always surrounded our family's trips to church. Most of the time there seemed to be someone with unmatched shoes, missing buttons, etc. So perfect!

Also wanted to apologize if I contributed to your decision to close down your other blog. We just had a talk in church yesterday about not being contentious and I realized I am way too focused on my own opinions. I'm truly sorry to have inundated you with so much of my "I Know Everything" theory. Hope you'll keep responding to my blog if you feel like it. I'm just getting into the whole blogging thing so I like reading other people's stories. It makes my problems smaller to hear about everyone else's day to day struggles. Anyway, my apologies for bringing you down. Hope you are staying warm despite the cold weather I'm hearing about on the news.
Take care!

Michelle said...

That made me laugh too.

I kind of do miss the days of not having to get too ready for church. Yesterday I was telling Spencer how it takes us so long to get ready for church... I put on my nice clothes, make-up, curl my hair to go sit in the back at sacrament and then go straight to nursery for two hours to get cried on and snot on me. I guess that's just the life of a nursery worker.

Amber said...

You are so funny!

Carina said...

This is so something that would happen to me.