Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Happiness is..

1)Fitting in to jeans that I bought before I was pregnant with JULIA. I have never been able to wear them and now they fit like a glove- yahoo! I have never been one to make too much of a big deal about my "shape" especially in the past 3 years; bearing children takes its toll, but I must admit I am super excited to be fitting into these jeans. And to be able to do it WITHOUT exercise is a huge plus! I know changing my eating habits have made a big difference, plus the nursing. I over heard a woman at church who obviously just found out she's pregnant, complaining about BEING fat, not going to be fat, but being. Mind you she's can't even be a size 2, and I'm not exaggerating. I wanted to strangle her!!!! Umm, yeah it must be soooo stressful to be able to get pregnant and then have to worry about being fat!!! I would give up these new jeans in a heart beat to be able to get pregnant. It's all perspective though, I know.
2) Getting answers to prayers. I met a lady at the park yesterday who is looking for someone to babysit her little girl one day a week. I have been stressing about how I can bring a little extra moolah into this household, and this is perfect. I told the lady this would be an answer to my prayer and she said it was meant to be because she never stops at the park. I can see the Lord's hand so clearly in this and it makes me so grateful. He blesses so abundantly when we keep our covenants.
3) Teaching Julia to ride her bike. There are a lot of moments of frustration, but when she peddles for more than 5 seconds, we both get so happy and excited. She has a lot of determination in her, after freaking out she always calms down and tries again, Im so proud of her. She teaches me how to calm down, she so so so very sweet, I love her with all m y heart! Too bad its so hard for her to push the peddles forward, she always wants to go backwards, then her foot slips off the peddle, man its rough. But it was way nice to to go to the park and have Lauren in her walker too, I thought that was such a great idea. When its beautiful here the whole world feels right.

4) Little Miss Lauren CRAWLING and standing. It is just so cute cute cute! She has been expressing a very sweet personality too. I love this new squinchy smile she gives, she totally has a sense of humor and laughs all the time. She is tough & a bit jealous though, she wants EVERYTHING her sister has- even me and my attention. If I didn't feel so bad for her with this marathon teething she's got going on I might be more inclined to let her cry; on the other hand I love this baby girl so much sometimes I feel like I could implode and there isn't a chance on earth I'm not going to indulge this sweetheart!
5) The Heffalump soundtrack. I've always hated Winnie the Pooh, but that movie and music have totally won me over, the girls love it too (of course). Julia especially likes it when I sing "Little Mr. Roo" to her. She is my little mr. roo and I don't want her to grow up too soon. This stage of make believe cooking, drawings and colorings delivered hourly with such pride, and singing "Weggie Tales" in her microphone to everyone that has a ticket is just precious and I LOVE it!!!
So that's my happiness right now!


Ipuna Black said...

I liked this. Thanks! Puts lots of things into perspective.

Ryan said...

I really love your blogs. When I read them I remember what it is about you that I love so much. That picture of the girls is absolutely priceless. Keep up the good blogs!

Candace said...

good idea taking the walker to the park!

Michelle said...

What a happy blog! I enjoy all your spirtual stories. You're park experience reminded me to remember to turn to Heavenly Father. He does answer our prayers. You always inspire me.