Sunday, September 10, 2006

Weekend Update

We got our family picture taken- STRESS! They turned out good, but it took a lot of effort. Here is what Lauren was doing while I was taking a shower. For some reason it is so much harder to take a shower with two kids instead of one. She's such a cutie!! Everything she plays with she puts up over her head and behind her back, hence the tp around her neck like a boa. Back to the pictures- It was hard to get both girls smiling, plus Lauren's teething seemed to kick into high gear while we were there. ( I forgot to give her tylenol before we left. ugh!) Oh well. Our M&M picture is adorable! Lauren is crying in it, but even that looks cute. I just love our little family!!!!
Saturday I was so excited because it was full of possible fall festivals, well I think we must not have gone to the good ones, because they were kind of lame. First was the Gingerbread Shoppe, doesn't that sound cute?? It was advertised as Christmas craft fair, what it really was was an old lady jewelry convention with some random smelly decorations, custom cutting boards, and painted lightbulbs that looked like penguins with Santa hats and scarves on. Hmmm, I don't know what people in Colorado think of when it comes to Christmas, but that was not mine! We then hit an elementary school's fair. The best thing I say is Ryan LOVED the DJ. He was playing David Bowe when we got there, Jack Johnson while we were there, and Rolling Stones when we left. Julia got a rockin tattoo that says PRINCESS, so all was not lost. I warned her the tattoo would come off in the bath, well that night as Ryan was getting her ready she brought in a bottle of glue and a thing of tape and told him it was for her tattoo so it wouldn't come off. She's so funny!!
It's so beautiful here. The trees are starting to turn color, I put my fall decorations up, there is a crispness in the air. Coming out of church today was so nice, a cool September afternoon- HEAVENLY! I want to make pumpkin bread today, really I just want to eat it. Strangely the caramel apples in the stores are not appealing to me this year, maybe I o.d. on them last year- a pregnancy craving! :) Can't wait to go to a pumpkin patch!!!
Ryan is going on a business trip to Montana this week he leaves Wednesday morning and comes home Thursday night- might not SOUND bad, but Im dreading it! I NEED him so much each night! He's such a relief when he walks in the door. I think I am going to try and make a couple dinners and freeze them so that will at least be easy. I love being married to my best friend, love that I can't wait for him to come home each day, not just to help with the girls, but because I love talking and laughing with him too. He makes me feel great about myself as a woman and mother, and that is so wonderful to me! I'm so blessed!


Michelle said...

Where do you live? Warm jammies in September, cool breeze in the air, Fall. Fun stuff.
Lauren looks so cute... I thought with all the tp around her neck that she was wearing a robe.

Ipuna Black said...

I loved that picture of Lauren!