Sunday, September 24, 2006

Uncle Luke in da house

My brother and his girlfriend came this weekend, it was good times. I love how I don't have to get all worked up when he comes, the plus to having brothers is they don't care if your house is messy. He is so easy going, its great.
Julia adores them. She loves playing hide-n-seek with them, having Luke hold her upside down by her ankles, and pretend to be monsters. Lauren is still getting use to the idea of being held by people she's not familiar with. She's such a mama's girls, and yes I am soooo fine with that!
After picking him up from the airport I took him to the, and I quote, "Most exciting restaurant in the world". I'm quoting the restaurant there. Actually folks, it was one crazy crackpipe place, but Luke loved it. CASA BONITA: a Disneyland style restaurant fully equipped with the chain separators for long lines (ironically there was NO line), cafeteria style way to get your food, and decorated like a Pirate's of the Caribbean South of the Border. There was a huge two story waterfall that set the stage for two "actors" (I use that term VERY lightly) to put on some kind of wild west show where for the finale one guy falls into the pool at the bottom. The subsequent shows are just that same guy doing flips, and then one with a giant gorilla that gets loose and runs around the restaurant, much to Julia's concern. So glad I took Luke and not YOU.
The rest of his stay was not quite as exciting since Colorado decided to show off it's ability to be butt freezing cold in September. Luke & Ryan went to a Rockies game (see his blog), and Saturday we checked out Boulder.
Today Colorado is redeeming itself with bright sunny skies and a forecast of upper 70's. YES!! There is a little worried voice inside my head warning me winter may be more off a shock than I anticipated. Hopefully it will be more fun than anything. We'll adjust. This is what we wanted, when it snowed in Vegas we thought it was great. When it didn't snow in Vegas we thought what the heck are we doing? We need seasons. Now that we got our seasons we just have to learn about them and how they make us feel, good and bad.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

So how did you like his girlfriend ? Are they serious? Luke's a good guy.