Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A learning moment...

Me nursing Lauren in the car at the post office: "Julia don't stare"
(A mom was getting her OBNOXIOUS children out of the car and trying to keep them by her and help her carry in a package.)
Julia: "Im not, Im just looking at them." (nose pressed up against the car window)
ME: I know, that's starring"
Jules: "Ooohhh"
I left it at that, but a few minutes later...
Julia: "Im oh-nee watching them" (funny she said that cause they were gone. Must have been thinking about what I was trying to explain to her)
Its so funny how kids learn. I started thinking how we know the difference between looking, starring, and watching, but its hard to explain to a 3 year old.
We were "purple girls" yesterday. A fun way of getting Julia dressed, she wanted to stay in her jammies, so all three of us wore purple shirts- I LOVE having girls!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I knew I felt someone staring at me! And my kids are NOT brats...they're brauts. Tasty little devils.