Monday, July 10, 2006


NO CAVITIES! It was such a fun experience, Julia was AWESOME! She always makes me so proud! She wasn't at all scared, although she did ask me to hold her hand when she was laying down having her teeth cleaned (made me feel so good I could comfort her). Dentists sure have come a long way let me tell ya! There were flat screen t.v.s on the ceilings above each "bed" so kids can watch a movie while they're having their teeth cleaned and examined. Jules was totally in to Madagascar- she likes to "move it move it".
My only memory of the dentist as a kid is having the gas put up my nose and the doctor saying "doesn't it smell like hamburgers and pizza", umm NO! It smelled like YUCK and I was not at all trusting what was going to happen. To this day I can't stand the dentist, I seriously rather give birth! At least then you have this great pay off for all the pain.

Princess Julia getting x-rays of her teeth! So cool!


Candace said...

How cute! Looks like she actually had fun!

Michelle said...

Julia looks so focused! Call me crazy but I used to like the happy gas.