Monday, April 30, 2007

Goggles and Tents

The nice weather is BACK baby and these Colorado Cool Cats are out and about once again! YAHOO!!!! What a weekend, it feels so great to do things again! We started with swim lessons for Julia- she did great, except she's in that "Im silly" stage which I wish the teacher would chill out on instead of go with. But anyway she is super excited again about the water and is putting her face in and floating, so woohoo! And can I just say I LOVE how she looks in goggles! It is the funniest thing ever! She was very excited about lessons and had to wear her goggles in the car on the way there. Lauren, the excellent Julia impressionist that she is, wants to wear the goggles too and she looks just as hilarious!

Ryan and I actually got a babysitter and went to the temple- our first time together here in CO. It was way cool, but he brings out the irreverence in me! Maybe its just that we're NEVER alone together and all I want to do is talk his ear off, but it was super cool to be together there.

That night we set up our small tent in the backyard to do a practice camp out! F-U-N! I especially enjoyed the camping since I was literally 10 feet away from my bed and could actually here it calling my name. Needless to say Lauren and I camped in the house like Lame-O's, but whatever we SLEPT. Ryan and Jules roughed it and had a great time- so sweet!Before Lauren and I wimped out we had pizza dinner in there together and just laughed and laughed watching the girls fall down and be crazy. I LOVE THEIR LITTLE BELLY LAUGHS!

Life is so good!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

When It Rains It Pours...

Or at our house....SNOWS!

Yesterday turned into a full fledged blizzard, but no big deal, we're vested CO cool cats now, right?

Lauren had mom & tot swim lessons that we were super excited about. It made it even more fun because Rebecca and baby Colton were doing them with us. Due to road conditions being what they are in an unannounced blizzard, Rebecca had a minor problem- car-stuck-in-snow. With a call to me, I went into rescue mode and hopped in the trusty Elantra and came to save her day. This poor woman was rescued in FLIP FLOPS! I see her hunkered down bracing herself against the storm trying to protect her baby from the enormous snowflakes and serious wind, in FLIP FLOP! I felt like the pioneer rescue party that went to save the saints stuck in the winter snows on the plains. It was exhilarating!!! Can I just take a moment to say I love Rebecca's Texas denial that she lives in a place that snows in April. Her sheer disbelief and disgust makes it so much easier for me to handle this weather. Her pain is great enough for both of us. I teased her that her flip flop rebellion against the snow was admirable, but the sad fact we learned yesterday is, you really can't will a blizzard away.

So anyway Lauren is a little fish! She loves the water and is a great bubble blower and back floater! Her walking obviously needs a little work since she slipped on our way out and split her lip and ripped the frenula off her gums. We went to a pediatric dentist today who said it should heal easily and all should be fine. Poor babe, it looks so painful, but it really doesn't bother her. I love kids' resiliency.
Today we made a couple snowmen and actually it was too warm outside to work very hard. This weather is officially NUTS! We're looking forward to a REAL spring weekend in the upper 70's!!!
Last night I had an awesome girls night out with my gal pals. OUTBACK baby! We stayed till we were the last ones in the place (although that wasn't hard since it was still snowing at 10:30pm!). GNOs rock! Love laughing so very hard!
Thats the latest around here!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

One Year Anniversary!

"They" say the first year is always the hardest. There is a lot of adjusting; getting use to how the other one does things, sharing enough time TOGETHER is important, working through your differences. Well I'm glad we have gotten through our first year with flying colors. Colorado and us are a much more perfect match then we even realized a year ago.
We did go through an adjustment period, but seeing as how the goof is SNOWING again today and I am just ready to roll with the punches, I'd say we have come a long way.
We have spent practically every minute of every day together and have learned so many new things about one another. For instance, Colorado isn't all Rocky Mountains. There is a lot of farm land, actually there are cows all over the place! I would have never guessed!!! Colorado is always so full of surprises. Colorado has given us so much, places to camp, friends to love, Maggianos, Coors Field, The Zoo, a BASEMENT, daffodils in our front yard, lots of trails to walk, great schools, sledding & snowmen, outdoor movies, so many new things to love. And this will probably embarrass us both, but I love how Colorado smells really fresh after a (rain) shower.
Every couple does have there differences though, and we are no different. Colorado is very law abiding, and though we're far from Bonnie and Clyde, I like to put the pedal to the metal. Colorado quickly put an end to that with a lovely speeding ticket, which I was not happy about. I admit I was ready to go back to my old Love, but no I stuck it out and Colorado has proven to be a very good balance for me. Colorado has the nicest citizens too. Although I have lost two debit cards, (three if you count the one I lost in my own house) both times random strangers contacted me and my bank to give them back. Then Ryan left his manbag at the park at scouts and we got a call three days later from a man who found it and looked us up and wanted to return it. I know what you're thinking, these people wanted rewards right? NOPE, they're just genuinely nice people here, but that's the affect Colorado has on people.
So yes it has been a good year, we're so happy we took the leap.
Now if Colorado would only stop playing these silly pranks with the snow life would be perfect!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Getting Ready For Earth Day

I remember Sunset Park use to do a great Earth Day Fest. Do they still?
I loved the hippies, the Birkenstocks, the pampered dogs that got to go with, the hippie babies in only their diapers and sunglasses in a stroller, the handmade stuff for sale, the hemp jewelry, need I go on?

So I am working harder and being more aware of what I can do. Unplugging all things not in use (Candace's idea). Getting paper bags at the grocery store so I can recycle them. Can't wait to be able to walk to the store instead of drive (that's more b/c I can't afford gas then being ecominded). Reusing more (plastic containers), not doing so many baggies.

I love Chocolate Soy Milk and SILK is doing a promotion right now to encourage their sales, but there is a huge perk. Plus you can win a "green" house makeover- I WANT THAT! (I want solar panels!) They also have a lot of tips.

This Blog rules. Found it like I find all my goodies, click, click, click. The addiction is not near being kicked. She has some great ideas.

Happy Earth Day from your favorite environmentalist!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

What we're liking around here...

Beach Music, oh the vulgarity, the South, Italy, it's got it all!
My buff legs- working out has really done wonders, too bad the scale doesn't agree.
M&Ms- hence the scale's hangup.
Sleeping through the night.
The smells of CO's spring.
Summer vacation planning!
Scrapbooking- love Julia's 4yr pictures!!! What a doll!

RUNNING, he's like Forrest Gump!
Being able to do Scouts OUTSIDE
Thinking about Advertising
Dancing With The Stars (just kidding)

scissors! oh my heck this kid is cutting up any and every piece of paper she finds!
tape! she then likes to tape together her scraps of paper! ugh
pancakes, her choice of breakfast everyday. yeah I don't mind this one, I made chocolate chip coconut ones today, yummmmmm!!!!
Dr. Seuss Oh Say Can You Say, that's a favorite, especially when Ryan reads it to her. :)

Wheat Thins- especially tomato basil flavor!
Dipping any food product in any other liquid product (food or otherwise)
Belly Buttons
Dressing up (princess style of course)

slides- Dad let her go down by herself at the park yesterday!!! ( sad I missed it!)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Thinking About Converting

Just when I thought there was nothing good to blog.....
We've had a great morning, it feels like spring, we took a walk, thought about planning a cheap trip to Vegas (DING has amazing prices today!) so while in calling every classmate of Julia's to find out when the last day was and NOBODY was home, it hit me...JULIA IS SUPPOSE TO SING AT HER SCHOOL'S CHURCH SERVICE!!!! Ahhhhh! It started at 10:30 and I remembered at 11!!!! SO I ran upstairs, grabbed Julia and while in flight (as she is in complete confusion) explained I had to brush her hair so she could sing at her school. I then ordered Ryan to throw something on, "Catholic style, you don't have to be fancy", said Lauren could just go in her half pj, half dressed, popcorn stuck to her face self (thank goodness she doesn't have hair to worry about!) and I jump into teacher clothes (HAPPY DAY THEY FIT LIKE A GLOVE!) and within in minutes were flying down our street to her school!
We get there and thankfully they haven't had the kids sing yet, we rule!
The irony? Julia is the ONLY little girl NOT in a dress! Wearing a cute spring blouse and jeans and her crumby old Dora sneakers. How is the Mormon girl NOT wearing a dress? Oh well, she at least can say she got to wear jeans to church once.
All in all Ryan and I were marveling at how great it is to not have to dress up for church, seriously 5 minutes and you're good to go!
On the other hand, the passing of the money plate, I don't know about that. I told Ryan I would probably get an envelope and just put an empty envelope in the basket each week, what a poser!

Now I have 32 minutes to get ready and leave for our church, can I do it?

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Check out my Slide Show!

I just tried this and am in love!!!
Chose these because I am always ready to reminisce!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Looking For A Few Good Fasters

Most of you got this email, but I thought there are some people who read this that I don't have emails for, and thought you'd like to be a part.

Hi Friends,
It is that time again, the Adams want to have a baby. Doctors are still being nay sayers, but we know better don't we? After the amazing experience in being blessed with Lauren Grace we know it is only through the Lord's mercy, grace, and love that we will have another child. We have had some very encouraging spiritual experiences in the last 6months that have my hopes very high that the Lord is aware of our desires and will bless us.
I have had a strong impression however that I need to include you all in this leg of the journey. We would like to have another fast and would appreciate so much your prayers and efforts in our behalf. Knowing that 90% of you are either pregnant or nursing I know the fasting part may not be possible, but of course your prayers will "open doors".
An amazing promise comes in Isaiah 58:8-9 when Isaiah tells us that when we fast: "Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the LORD shall be thy reward. Then shalt thou call and the LORD shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am."
Last time we went through this I really felt like a huge purpose in all of it was to glorify God, to testify that He is real, He hears and answers our prayers, and that He wants us to turn to Him. The last time we fasted, he surely was there and my health did speedily spring forth. I know it can happen again and I hope your help in this will strengthen your faith in Christ as well as bless you in your needs.
Miracles happen, they have happened to us. The power of prayer is stronger than any diagnosis and can overcome anything. We believe so much in these two things and are grateful to be able to turn to the Lord in times like these. We are also so grateful for the incredible friends we have that we can ask for your assistance, encouragement, and faith.
Our family creed has been: (Mark 10:27) And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.
We will be fasting Thursday April 12. We hope you can join us. If you have any questions please call or email me.
With so much gratitude and love,
Ryan, Chanel, Julia, and Lauren

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Giving A Shout Out

Ryan for giving the girls blessings when they couldn't stop expelling fluids from their bodies, for admiring my sweet pin collection, and especially for cleaning the chicken and freezing them.
The Office for making me laugh on a day when all I wanted to do was cry. I love that show sooooooooo much!
Hollywood for having the best dang blog EVER, for my bling and the great note attached, for referencing Top Gun.
Strawberries for being on sale!
My mom for sending me 10 bucks in my Easter card.
Candace for calling me back after getting a depressing answering machine message. What a friend!
Emetrol for making Julia feel so much better!
Rebecca for your wonderful blog that makes me laugh, for swapping to go to the temple, calming me down about Easter dinner, making the ham after teaching me about buying one, being so great about my apparently freakish eating habits, being excited about my test either way, and for not making fun of me for the rest of my life b/c I broke my ankle simply by standing on it, and for wanting to watch my ill children.
Easter for being so fun- love dying eggs and love eating obscene amounts of chocolate.
Everyone who wants me to blog more than once a week, you make me feel so special!
Lauren for this amazingly cute picture.

Colorado's weather! A snowy Easter Egg Hunt??? I have never heard of such a thing! RIDICULOUS!

Lauren's red bum, seriously just hang in there, the diarrhea will eventually stop! geez!
Silent supporters of my political blog, dudes I need ya! Pipe up!
My latest Negative pregnancy test- you just suck!
Me for not being able to go a whole week, and worse for still checking and commenting on everyone else's. DUH! Defeats the purpose!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Wait wait wait..It's still Monday!

Yeah this is going to be harder than I thought, especially with Candace's poor pleading.. I love you...I'll call you A LOT!
But hey I was productive...check out my weirdo Easter bunnies. Actually they may be much cuter in the picture, that's what suckered me into making them in the first place, they're so cute in pictures. In real life they are a wee bit freaky and minorly frustrating to put a face on. But now there is something from mom for each girl in their basket this Sunday. Lauren was watching me and had to have hers right away, she kept squeezing it and saying "hop hop hop". Soooooo CUTE! Since I had the machine out, thought I whip up a pillow case for the holiday too. I wasn't loving the material but somehow pillow cases make any material cute. HAPPY EASTER!!!!

Last and First

I am sick, ill, chained down, addicted. I can't stop blogging and it is a problem. I check this thing like seventy times a day. Healthy? NO! Right now my baby girl is calling "mommommommom", but I know she's safely locked in her chair and will be fine until I finish this sentence. This happens all the time and I am ashamed. Sooooo...since it has been a year of our Colorado Adventure I think it is time to slow my role and chill on the blog scene.

I think I will do it Mondays and that's it. SO either get ready for 7 days worth of blogs on Monday, or just less spouting off of the mouth and trying to impress you all with my wicked great skills.

So the first Monday blog and last addicted blog.....

Julia had a great Princess Birthday Party. Best of all was having her best friend Avry here! Michelle and Avry came in to help make Jules' birthday extra special. The girls had such a good time as always. Sleepovers for 3/4 year olds are not as much fun though. We tried to let them sleep in Julia's bed together, but after about 5 getting ups, and drinks of water, and rolling on each others hair it was time to separate them for the night. The party was fun, pretty low key, but that was my gift to me. :) We played musical thrones (musical chairs), poison apple (hot potato), and Mermaid races (sack races). Then we dug into Sleeping Beauty's dress. I love making special birthday cakes!
Loved General Conference! Had to watch it on our computer and it kept freezing but we got most of it. When you hear the Prophet and apostles talk there is such a spirit, a truth, a simplicity.
Until next week-
Oh and dont' think I won't give in and check YOUR blog. :)