I think I hear that 95 million times a day!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! "I don't know" doesn't cut it either. Sometimes I swear she knows she's being ridiculous and sometimes when I blow my top she is just heartbroken because she's only trying to figure out this crazy world, and who else is she suppose to ask, GEEZ CHANEL! I hate it when I have bad mom moments/days, which have been frequent since Ryan has worked 5-9 all week. Jules and I repented in our family prayer last night and promised to do better today, and it has been a much better day!
Here are some of
my WHYs for the universe....
Why did gas suddenly jump 10 cents today (election day????) when we are just finally beginning to afford it again?
Why can't I ever do it all (clean, play, pray, blog, scrap, eat right, and relax) in a day?
Why don't we ever have extra money?
Why does Julia like M&M chapstick the best when it is the one that smells the worst and leaves a brown ring around her lips?
Why am I so blessed and Why do I forget my blessings so quickly?
This was started Tuesday and revamped today, hence the gas price comment. But YAY!!! Democrats are back baby! Can't wait for '08!!!!
I've been reading a lot of other blogs lately and I am so impressed with the creative women out there! At first I was bummed that I don't have that kind of creativity , but I'm all good, I'm me. I really like what I do and how I do things, even when its nothing, but talk to my friends and connect. That's my skill I think, its not something I can take a picture of and post here, but its about having that human connection and just being. Being with my family. Being with my friends. Love that. But holla to all you creative genius out there, you do inspire me!