Friday, May 25, 2007

What Happens In Vegas... read about on my blog.
So me and the girls broke my rule about never traveling without Ryan and took a trip to Vegas. I know I know we were JUST THERE!!! But heck Southwest had tickets for 25 bucks and I couldn't pass up that deal!

It was super great time! I had prepared to be swimming the whole time, but not only were the pools not open yet, but it was crazy nice there- high 80's! HUH?? That devil town is taunting me to move back!

So some recaps were- church with Michelle and Avry. The girls were loving being together and are just sooo adorable. I don't think I have ever seen two little girls be such best friends so early on. Avry gave a wonderful talk in Primary, we were very impressed!!!! In trying to keep Lauren quiet long enough for people to take their sacrament in peace I asked her a thought provoking question. "Lauren where's Jesus?" After much pondering over such a philosophical inquiry she held her hands up and said, " I ont oh". [Interpretation: "I don't know"] Being the first time she's ever said that then had me disrupting the sacrament with giggles. I love that baby so much! She's a crack up!

Monday we hung out some more with Michelle and Avry and Michelle's sister and her girls. We had fun watching the girls go on rides and play games. It was really cute to see the next generation coming up with all their little siblings. Poor babes mostly just had to watch the big girls having fun- they were sooo good though! Going down the big slide was fun for EVERYONE! Lauren loves slides, so she was happy. Julia was so big there, doing the roller coaster and driving her own mini go-kart! h my gosh it was hilarious! She's never driven anything before and can barely maneuver her tricycle, so this was going to be good. She would gun it and crash and the guy would come straighten her out, then repeat. Finally the guy just jogged next to her around the track. She was sooo funny and cute!

The rest of the time we spent with my family. The girls have so much fun with my mom and brothers. We got a family picture done for my mom for Mother's Day and they turned out really nice. YAY!

Mom watched the girls while I got a little time in the sun and then had dinner with Holly. WOOHOO!!! That was the BEST! I love eating and I feel like thats all I did! Fuji, GOLDEN SPOON ( I can not live with out! I went three times!), TI, In N Out, Lucille's. Oh mama it was heaven!

So the down side is we missed Ryan like crazy, but we're back and getting back to business. I was called to 1st Counselor in the YW while I was gone, so I feel like I need to catch up on that and take off, I am really really excited about it. We are actually doing our family summer vacation right away next week so Ryan can see his best friend in Missouri before he leaves for his second tour in Iraq. We get to stop in Nauvoo which we are soooo pumped about! I have always wanted to go there. We'll be there for our 7 year anniversary so that will be nice. SEVEN YEARS????? HOLY COW!
Then we're stopping in to see my Grandpa and Aunt and friends in northern Illinois! A lot of fun coming up- especially with Lauren in the car for all that time- FUN FUN FUN!!!!!


Nichole said...

It was good seeing you and your girls! I really am sorry if Sage was aggressive to Lauren. Jaylin calls her "Shark"!
Jaylin just saw your pictures and when I clicked to comment, she said, "I want to see Julia again."
Sounds like the devil city is using her evil powers! We would love to have you back!

Erin said...

It was so wonderful to see you again, thanks so much for driving over to meet me! And I'm really sorry [again] about Seth squishing Lauren's fingers. Your girls are so adorable! Good luck on your long road trip...DVD player in the car??? That might be your salvation!

Evan and Rebecca Jones said...

so glad you're back! i've missed you! we'll have to catch up when i get back ...

Michelle said...

I am sitting here with Avry on my lap... we some laughs reading your blog. The go-cart was too funny. It was killing me that I didn't have my camera that day. I just found it today.
It amazes me to how close Julia and Avry are too! When I was watching Julia it was cute how they would get in a little arguement one minute and then they would be making each other giggle and be hugging the next minute. Avry says Hi Julia. She's drawing her a picture as I write this.

Anonymous said...

Hello!!!!!!! You comment on my blog, but haven't sent me an invite for your "private" blog yet! Send me an invite, I love to keep up with this. Also, tell me your secrets to getting cheap tickets to Vegas, I HAVE to go back soon!

ashley said...

how fun! 25 dollars for tickets, that is awesome!

does lauren talk a lot? so jealous if she does.

oh, golden favorite...mmmm

Ipuna Black said...

Heh, When you guys party in Vegas....I want to come too! :)
I am glad you had fun. I can't believe you only paid $25 for a ticket!