Thursday, May 17, 2007

I have always loved reading the "funnies"

Dick Morris [a political commentator], looked at the four leading GOP presidential contenders in 2008 -- John McCain, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Rudy Giuliani -- and noted, "The only one of these guys who hasn't had multiple wives is the Mormon."

Now some gems from Jules on our walk yesterday:

"It smells like elephants mom".
"I know Jules, its the manure....they put cow poop, manure, on the grass to help it grow".
"COW POOP?????"
"Yeah, see here (pointing to clump)".
"How did they get all the cows here?"

ME: "Julia you have to walk faster, Lauren is going to loose it soon."
Julia: " You sound like dad."

Walking toward a teenage "couple", lip locked and the boy had no shirt on- (FABULOUS!)

Julia: "GROOOOOOSSSSS!" (within hearing range of the inconsiderate self absorbed horny little freaks that can't stop or move out of the way when me and my double stroller get close!)
"He's naughty mom, he doesn't have his clothes on."
ME: "I know Julia, thats why boys are NAUGHTY!"

Have a great day!


Amber said...

That is so funny! I love how kids think!
When my kids see a boy/man without his shirt on they always say "Look that man is naked!"

ashley said...

i always find myself commenting on other people blogs "i can't wait till my girls can..." and here is no exception, i can't wait to hear the funny things that come out of their mouths! this is classic! i love when kids say things so others can hear- super funny! how could you not laugh out loud when she said that it was gross, i would have been laughing so hard, partially just to make the horney little teenagers uncomfortable. there are these kids who walk home on the trail behind our house and stop every 100 yards to make out, so i always make a point to do something annoying to make them feel stupid...i am lame huh?

Nichole said...

This age is so fun! I always worry that they will say something offensive though..."that lady is BIG mommy!" Luckily the "big lady" didn't hear!
Have you ever check out the Daryl Cagle website (political cartoons)? It is the best! When I was teaching I used it everyday!

{Erica} said...

Thanks for sharing your walk conversation....soo hillarious!!

MillerFamily said...

Julia is so dang funny!!!! I love the way kids think and how it just comes right on our of their mouth!!!

barlows said...

Oh, Chanel! I totally laughed out loud for ya, cuz when your kids say funny stuff like that and you have to answer them in a this-will-color-your-universe kind of way, it's rare to get to just laugh out loud right in the minute. So, gotcha covered. Heard you're in town . . . did Erin invite you to our weekly Bachelor party?

Evan and Rebecca Jones said...

hey from castle rock. hope vegas is so fun and we're all ready for you to come home! :) i love these posts - your girls are the funniest.

Nichole said...

It was good seeing you today! Sorry if Sage got Lauren. I do not know what to do with that kid! Out of control!

Michelle said...

I'm glad you made it home safely. It was fun seeing you guys again! Now that you're home you should update your blog already. I know, I'm bad too.