Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Weekend

Last year we froze our buns off camping, this year we were smart and stayed home and relaxed.
We actually had a lovely day Saturday at a park in the close by town of Parker. VERY white suburbia! Kind of freaky, kind of nice! I saw a person laying under a big tree covered by a blanket and told Ryan, "wow, I haven't seen a homeless person sleeping in a park in forever. You never see that here!" Yeah upon closer examination it was just a dad taking a nap with his kid. I am so jaded that I immediately assume someone laying down in the park is homeless.
We walked all around, feeling very "green" that we chose to walk instead of drive to the places we wanted to go. We were the only people walking! Come on America, how high does gas have to go before you change your habits? They said there were more cars on the highways this Memorial weekend than last year? HUH???? I really need to plant a money tree in my backyard b/c it feels like everyone else seems to have one!

We had hamburgers/ hotdogs three days in a row, wish I felt worse about that but I don't.

Monday we took a quick trip to the pool. I got an awesome burn that itched and didn't hurt, so I think it will turn tan rather nicely- YAHOO! I NEEDED to even out my farmer's tan look.

Today it is raining and I am really loving it. The storm came in around 12:30 just as Kristen and I were going to Costco- (Oh mama love that place- so glad I don't have a membership b/c I just put things in my cart like I'm at the dollar store!) I really like driving in the rain. Once we got home the thunder and lightening started and I really love that! Its dark like its dusk so I am ready to go to bed, it gives me such a cozy feeling. Really though I have to go make jam with all the strawberries I picked up!


Nichole said...

Good job, "Green family!". Let me know where you get the money tree seeds from, I could really use some too!
Maybe you should create a post giving us reader's some easy environment saving ideas! I am trying to be greener!

Amber said...

Cute pictures!!

ashley said...

make some jam for me- don't think i will be pickin this year!

echo the farmers tan, mine is sooooo bad!

Michelle said...

Funny comment about Costco. I'm going there tomorrow to stock up on soy milk- organic soy milk. They sell it by the case and you don't have to refridgerate it until you open it... England style. Where did you pick strawberries from?

I like your yellow bathing suit it looks cute.

I was so bad today... I drove from my house to the mailbox. I don't know why I'm admitting this. It was hot and I won't do it again. You inspire me.