Saturday, May 12, 2007

plundering and planting

Im on the Mormon Meth- Diet Coke. Seriously it juices me up like CRAZY! I had a negative pg test and a 2 dollar coupon so I bought the new Diet Coke Plus (its healthy right???) and drank two while watching The Office. Oh man I was on fire. I obviously couldn't sleep so after cleaning the whole house, reading the Ensign, balancing my checkbook (does 'balanced' count if you're negative?), and blog reading til my eyes crossed I knew the one thing that was left to do.....

cut my neighbors lilac bush and get me some lilacs for my house! Oh yeah baby, under the cloak of darkness (it being 2:30am) I quietly opened my squeaky front doors and creeped across the street marveling at the dead silence of the night. With my trusty kitchen scissors in hand I snipped off a couple blossoms and hurried back home. The fruits of my plundering paid off as I woke 4 hours later to the most wonderful scent! Julia asked where they came from and I innocently told her I cut them from a bush. A few minutes later she said, "I wish I was a Mommy and could cut flowers". Another FINE example I have set for my impressionable daughter. Really though its not a big deal, technically those bushes might not even belong to my neighbor.

So today I thought I'd instill some better values and we Home Depoted it for some gardening supplies. We're soooooo excited. I got three tomato plants, a pea plant, a strawberry plant (if only one thing grows let it be the strawberries!!!!!!!), and some green pepper seeds and cucumber seeds. I previously planted some flowers and threw some more flower seeds in today. Yeah I have NO idea what I am doing! Dumb luck is always the best luck right? I thought we needed more space so we ripped out some land where rocks were and extended our little planting area. I think it looks BEAUTIFUL! What a happy mother's day project.

Plus Ryan is putting up a fence for Ms. Moby- yahooo! No more poopy grass!
PS I think it is HILARIOUS that we got Veggie Tale seeds!


Amber said...

I am laughing so hard right now! You are so funny & I am just picturing you out cutting your neighbors flowers. Very funny!

Ipuna Black said...

You are so funny.
Happy Mother's Day!

Evan and Rebecca Jones said...

i'm on mormon meth too. i'm loving that diet coke from yesterday. thanks a million! and you cutting those flowers at 2:30 am - tooooooo funny!

Nichole said...

Did you plant some lilacs?
Have fun, it is so hard getting the good stuff to grow in our lovely Vegas dirt.
I can't drink diet coke, but my new favorite is diet berries and creme dr. pepper, yum!

{Erica} said...

I make my husband sneak over and steal some lilacs...and I'm known to also carry a knife in the glove compartment of the car in case I spot an extra lovely bush on the side of the road calling my name (there are lilac bushes everywhere around here). Where'd you find the Veggie tale seeds? My little Ella would've loved that!

Michelle said...

Yay! I'm so glad you decided to plant a garden. It's so fun. All my strawberry plants died but then 2 came back.

That was a funny mental picture. Glad you got some nice flowers.