Sunday, June 18, 2006

One Cool Daddy

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! Ryan got to open his presents a day early, we were all so excited to give them to him and he was excited to find out what I had been working on in the basement. He got a pair of Broncos pajama pants that I sewed and a funny Castle Rock shirt I found downtown. He was thrilled when he opened his gifts, I love how much enthusiasm Ryan has for life, and how easily pleased he is. He has always wanted me to sew him a pair of a sport's team pajama pants, I am so glad I finally did, it felt so great to use my sewing skills (husbands like wives with great skills) to make something for him. I was especially proud that I figured out how to do the pockets, because quite frankly, reading the pattern was getting me nowhere.

I think I'll take this opportunity to say what a GREAT DAD Ryan is. From the time the girls have been in my belly he started protecting them. He would jump out of bed in the middle of the night and "stop them from falling down the stairs or off the bed"- yes they were in my belly so there was no way they were going to take any spills, but he was always asleep when he'd do these crazy things, so who knows what was going through his subconscious. It does show from the very start he has been ready to protect his little girls and always be there for them.

I love to watch and listen to him and Julia play TACKLE! He loves toughening her up, it makes him so proud and amazed when she falls down and doesn't cry. The sweetest thing in the whole world though is when he gets Lauren to fall asleep on his chest as he dances to music with her or sings to her. She definitely has his love for music.

He is the most fun dad in the world! I am so thankful for him and the kind of dad he is. He is such a wonderful example to us, like yesterday when I let Julia eat a peanut from the produce section of the grocery store (which I do all the time), he was flabbergasted! He went and bought a bag of them just to put back so we wouldn't be stealing peanuts. He's crazy, but honest, and its such a good thing for our family!

I love him more than ever; he's one in a million and I'm glad he's ours!


Ipuna Black said...

YOU GO GIRL. They pants look great! My brother-in-law LOVES the Broncos! We saw them play around Christmas time. It was fun.
I love your bloggs!

Michelle said...

Funny, funny...
I agree, Ryan has to be one of the nicest people I know! That's why it's fun to cook for him or give him any thing except for a Oddball Colorado book that I don't think he liked.
Did you guys ever get that? I just remembered for some reason.

Candace said...

Your pants came out really good! Way to go.