Sunday, June 25, 2006


My mom came in Saturday morning and we've been having such a fun time. We went straight to the zoo and LOVE it there! It is the nicest zoo. We saw a hilarious monkey that was rocking out and then did quite a trapeze show for us. That night mom watched the girls for us so we could go to the temple and out for dinner, that was our anniversary gift from her. It was a really nice dinner at Augustine's Grill, a cool little renovated house. We were finishing dinner when a summer storm blew in and Ryan about peed his pants. It was so funny! A huge bolt of lightning struck right outside the window accompanied by the loudest boom of thunder we've ever heard. We ran through the pouring rain to our car and belly laughed so hard the whole way home because the rain really couldn't come down any faster, it was great!

Lauren has come down with Julia's cold, so that's a bummer right now. Her poor little voice is gone and has the hardest cough. So sad. On top of that I think her second tooth is coming in, poor babe! What a toughy, she still has the happiest disposition.

Grandma Peanut is delighting us all, especially Julia. It really is so nice to have a family here, makes me a little sad that this will go by so fast. Now I really see the difference between everyday grandma and visiting grandma and I must say, everyday grandma would be my choice!


Ryan said...

Yea, like I would ever come even close to peeing my pants. It wasn't like I was playing Super Mario Bros. and had reached a really high level and didn't want to leave...or something.

Seriously, I had to protect my woman during that terrible storm, so I was very, very brave. Now I know what poor Ishmael went through.

Ipuna Black said...

You are sooooo funny posting that! Peeing in his pants. :) Sorry Ryan, just had to laugh.
I love the zoo.