Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Snow MUCH Fun

Making Snow Angels!!!!!
I was surprised when she said she wanted to do this, HOW DOES SHE KNOW THESE THINGS? She must have the best memory because it has been two years since we played in snow.


Poor little pumpkin is nothing but a big bundle of winter clothes. What a rolly-polly. Reminds me of the little brother on A Christmas Story.


Julia is not sure about icicles yet. It is always so much fun to teach her new things, then two years later find she has retained it!


Seriously I have been so happy today realizing we LIKE snow! I took Julia to a friend's house (Which by the way when we pulled up she said, "this aminds me of Jaron and Avry's house", I swear she said exactly that! She kills me.) but as I drove there and home I was over come by how really really beautiful snow makes everything. The only thing I can compare it to is the Christmas decorations you see in stores of snow covered villages. I mean even the trees were so perfectly frosted and dusted with snow, I was truly awed! I kept thinking this is a REAL Winter Wonderland. Christmas will knock my socks off this year if it looks like today did. How sublime.


Ipuna Black said...

How much fun. I am jealous. I love looking at your pictures. It is neat seeing what is going on in another part of the world.

Michelle said...

Your girls looks so adorable! I'm sure they will grow up loving the snow. Fun, fun!

Anonymous said...

Let there be snow
Let there be snow
Let there be snow