Tuesday, April 18, 2006

One last Disney Hoo-Rah

Mom and I took the girls to Disneyland yesterday! It was a lot of fun and such a special thing to do together before we leave!
Our trip started in Baker, CA at the Mad Greek. We needed a potty break and had some food. The "World Famous Strawberry Shakes" we're okay, but somehow the hamburger that as mom put it, "tastes like how a cow smells" put a damper on the shakes.

Anyway before long we were there!!!!
Lauren's FIRST Disneyland trip! She was soooo WONDERFUL! She loved being out in the fresh air and as always just contemplatively took everything in. Julia was adorable to watch! She LOVED seeing the princesses! Her favorite ride was the rockets, which she rode on with Grandma. We all had a great relaxing ride on Small World. A timeless favorite! Even Lauren was awed by the singing dolls. :)

Mickey Mouse sure tried our patience though. As Julia's expression shows, after waiting over an hour in line, she was less than impressed by the Big Cheese. But we all chilled out after with the BEST frozen yogurt we've ever had!!! We're still talking about it! YUMMY!!!

I love these pictures! It is so much fun being Julia and Lauren's MOM!!!
They are the CUTEST girls in the world!!!!!
Mom and I really had a great time! It suddenly hit me how hard it is going to be to be away from her. I know she loves these girls with all her heart and this move is going to be so hard. I am so grateful for this trip and the fun we had. She can make me laugh so hard! Julia adores her "grandma peanut" and had such a blast on the rides, getting spoiled with gifts, and even sharing a bed in the hotel with her. I finally am crying about leaving Las Vegas, not the city but the family and friends. I guess I am getting a little scared and giving into the sadness of being away from my mom. I am almost positive she will move to Colorado someday so I try not to get too sad. Being with mom has made this last hoorah extra special, thank goodness for memories!


Ipuna Black said...

Both of your daughters have gotten so big! They have changed a lot. I agree, they are beautiful! By the way, Michelle gave me your blog if that is ok. Mine is http://xaylakobi.blogspot.com/

if you are interested!

Candace said...

What cute pictures! How fun to go on a trip with all girls!