Thursday, July 05, 2007

God Bless....

1. MY CUTE PATRIOTIC GIRLS! Can I just say I love dressing them up! Yeah you see right, Julia's sporting a side ponytail, she's AWESOME! And Lulu really liked that she had a "Fie cacka" on her shirt!

2. PF Changs for giving us one of the best lunches I have ever had in my life! We ate out on the patio (which I LOVE doing), the food was amazing, the girls were perfect, and the conversation with my BEST FRIEND was wonderful- lots of laughs!!

3. The freedom to change our minds one hundred million thousand billion times. Do we want to move from Castle Rock? (Currently voted one of the TOP 10 BEST places to live in America by Family Circle magazine!!)??? We talked a lot about our options, and we just know we'd be leaving A LOT if we left for Ryan to go to school. He's going to look into a few different jobs for a little more here. We're just praying to follow the Lord's direction on this one.

4. Harry Potter. I finished reading the 6th book for a second time, to brush up on the story line in anticipation for book 7! TWO WEEKS BABY! I am completely obsessed with this book. I love Harry Potter and seriously want to be a witch. The church would have no problem with that statement right?

5. Free 4th Festivals, but better yet, being local and knowing better. See we went to check out the festival our top 10 city put on, ummmmm, a couple jumpy houses and some FREAKY entertainment sums it up. (Pictured is the SCARY weirdo playing his bell contraption. It was a piano that sounds like doorbells. WHY oh WHY was he wearing a mask?? Ryan and I couldn't stop laughing. Even more disturbing than phantom bell guy was the complete interest of our fellow Castle Rockians. WHAT?)
The 45minute+ firework extravaganza was sweet, but our girls were fading so we headed to the car early- good thing! There were thousands of people OUTSIDE the fair grounds. SMART people, that's what we'll do next year. The girls loved the fireworks and we had a great evening.

6. Sparklers at home. There really isn't anything more 4th of Julyish than that. Although I did miss having a BBQ!


Michelle said...

I love Julia's side pony tail and Lauren looks so cute too.
I'm scared for you guys to leave the happy life you found in Castlerock. It is so peaceful there I can see why it was in the top 10. We're in the bottom of everything here. Last night a lady was saying living in Las Vegas is kind of like hell on earth. I can sometimes see the similarities. I know you'll end up where you're suppose to.

{Erica} said...

Loved this post!

Candace said... does your hair look that good after such a long day?

also, moving is a big decision. you'll figure it out.

also, your girls are CUTE!

Me said...

sounds like a great 4th. you look so cute & fresh in the last picture!
Im sure the Lord will guide you in your moving confusion.

Amber said...

Your girls looks so cute in their little 4th of July outfits! And the last picture of the three of you is really cute!

Jess said...

Cute, cute girls! I am jealous that you had to put sweatshirts on your girls at night. Oh how I love a place that has somewhat cool summer nights. We were sweating watching the fireworks. :)

ashley said...

chinese food on the forth????
sounds like such a fun day! that side pony is mu favorite! and lauren is such a good littlt talker!

i think you guys should move to hawaii- we could be neighboors. but if you don't we have an open door to visitors- that would be rad!

oh, and you need to post your recipe for hawaiian haystacks from your campout.

ashley said...

ha ha forgive the spelling errors- typing with one hand while nursing...

TheOneTrueSue said...

Your kids are adorable. I used to want SO BADLY to be Samantha on Bewitched when I was a kid. Harry Potter totally renewed all of my old fantasies