Monday, July 09, 2007


So I think the Colorado Cool Cats should be ending. I have thought this for a while. We started this to chronicle our Colorado Adventure and I think we have done a great job. I am now completely addicted to blogging and can't stop, no matter how many times Blogger tries to sabotage me. So I have a new blog here! It is going to be private, I have put the addresses in that I know, but it isn't a huge list. If you're not sent there, just email me and I will add your name right away, because as sad as it is, I live for comments.
And who knows maybe I'll post here every now and then. Everyone has a bunch of blogs right? Yeah that and really cool headers that I wish I had. One step at a time!


Erica said...

ok, add me to your new blog.

Wendy said...

Since you have invaded the blogs of everyone in my family (except me... do you punish me because of my undue influence on Holly which I use to remind her that she does not want to live in Colorado?), I am demanding to be added to your new blog list so I can invade yours.

Tiffany said...

Thanks Chanel for finding me! I am so glad that you are doing so well. I would like to still keep in touch. Hopefully you will add me to your blog!Are you guys moving?

Anonymous said...

Get a life!

Anonymous said...

Im sorry I said that, I am just a jerk.

Wendy said...

This is really late, but in case it didn't come across before, I was 100% kidding. Hope I didn't offend anyone.